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This study was aimed to determine a phytotoxicity experiment with kerosene as a model of a total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPHs) as Kerosene pollutant at different concentrations (1% and 6%) with aeration rate (0 and 1 L/min) and retention time (7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days), was carried out in a subsurface flow system (SSF) on the Barley wetland. It was noted that greatest elimination 95.7% recorded at 1% kerosene levels and aeration rate 1L / min after a period of 42 days of exposure; whereas it was 47% in the control test without plants. Furthermore, the percent of elimination efficiencies of hydrocarbons from the soil was ranged between 34.155%-95.7% for all TPHs (Kerosene) concentrations at aeration rate (0 and 1 L/min). The Barley could efficiently encourage the degradation of complete total petroleum hydrocarbons depending to plant growth parameters when the kerosene level in water was up to 1%. A rhizobacetria attached with Barley roots played a major role in biodegradation of Kerosene in contaminated soil when the initial kerosene concentration was 1%. This study also revealed that Barley and rhizobacteria can reclaim hydrocarbon-polluted water in a subsurface flow system.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Quantitative Analysis of the Mixing of Three Solids Different in Density by an Air Fluidized Bed
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Three cohesionless free flowing materials of different density were mixed in an air fluidized bed to study the mixing process by calculating performance of mixing index according to Rose equation (1959) and to study the effect of four variables (air velocity, mixing time, particle size of trace component and concentration of trace component) on the mixing index and as well as on mixing performance. It was found that mixing index increases with increasing the air velocity, mixing time and concentration of trace component until the optimum value. Mixing index depends on the magnitude of difference in particle size The first set of experiments (salt then sand then cast iron) give higher mixing index and better performance of mixing than the

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Sustainable Development
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High performance self-consolidating concrete HP-SCC is one of the most complex types of concrete which have the capacity to consolidated under its own weight, have excellent homogeneity and high durability. This study aims to focus on the possibility of using industrial by-products like Silica fumes SF in the preparation of HP-SCC enhanced with discrete steel fibers (DSF) and monofilament polypropylene fibers (PPF). From experimental results, it was found that using DSF with volume fraction of 0.50 %; a highly improvements were gained in the mechanical properties of HP-SCC. The compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and elastic modulus improved about 65.7 %, 70.5 %, 41.7 % and 80.3 % at 28 days age, respectively

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 12 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Localization of employee salaries and its impact on the deposits banks: (a sample of Iraqi private banks)
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The research problem consisted in answering the question that revolves around what is the impact of localizing employees’ salaries on bank deposits, and did it lead to an increase in their size? The research also aimed to nominate some initial solutions to improve the role of salary localization, in terms of reviewing the concept of electronic payment systems, its tools and channels, and then identifying the concept of salary localization, its importance, objectives and obstacles to its application, and then analyzing the reality of the state of localization of salaries and bank deposits to banks, the research sample for the period (2017- 2021), and the use of the statistical program (SPSS V25) to test the research hypotheses. The stud

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Oxygen and NaCl Concentration Cells: the Influence of Solution Temperature and Aeration
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Corrosion rate tests were carried out on carbon steel under concentration cells conditions of oxygen and sodium chloride. The effect of aeration in one compartment on the corrosion rate of both coupled metals was determined. In addition, the effects of time and temperatures on the corrosion rate of both coupled metals and galvanic currents between them were investigated. Corrosion potentials for the whole range of operating conditions under concentration cell conditions were also studied.   The results showed that under aeration condition, the formation of concentration cell caused a considerable corrosion rate of the Carbon steel specimens coupled in different concentrations of O2 and NaCl due to the galvanic effect

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Influence of water-absorbent polymer balls on the structural performance of reinforced concrete beam: An experimental investigation
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Abstract<p>This research investigated the influence of water-absorbent polymer balls (WAPB) on reinforced concrete beams’ structural behavior experimentally. Four self-compacted reinforced concrete beams of identical geometric layouts 150 mm × 200 mm × 1,500 mm, reinforcement details, and compressive strength <inline-formula> <alternatives> <inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="graphic/j_jmbm-2022-0024_eq_001.png"></inline-graphic> <math xmlns:m=""> <msubsup> <mrow> </mrow></msubsup></math></alternatives></inline-formula></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Effect of Adding Phosphorus and Zinc Spraying on the Nutrient Content and Root Growth of Cabbage
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Abstract<p>This study was conducted at the Research Experimental Station of the College of Agricultural Engineering/University of Baghdad in the Al-Jadiriyah area during the autumn season of 2022. The study aimed to investigate the effect of phosphorus addition and zinc spraying on the nutrient content and root growth of the cabbage. The experiment included two factors: the first factor was phosphorus with four concentrations (P25%, P50%, P75%, and P100%) of the recommended complete fertilizer dose (135 kg P2O5 per hectare), and the second factor was zinc spraying with three concentrations (0, 30, and 60 mg.L<sup>-1</sup>) of zinc sulfate (ZnSO<sub>4</sub>). The results showe</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Volatile oil extracted from Citrus grandis yellow peel on growth of some food borne microorganisms
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     The study is conducted to investigate the effect of volatile oil extracted from the yellow peel of C. grandis fruits (Sindi) on growth of three bacterial species isolated from food samples , as well as A. flavus , and to check the possibility of using the volatile oils of this plant as a food preservative .     Results showed a variation in the sensitivity of the bacterial isolates against the volatile oil which showed inhibitory effect on the growth of S. enteritidis and    S. aureus with the increasing concentration of the volatile oils used in this studys , MIC for both bacteria was (0.12 , 1)% (v:v) respectively. Whereas , P. aeruginosa showed complete resistance to all trea

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Transition Metal Dopant on the Electrical Properties of ZnO-TiO2 Films Prepared by PLD Technique
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In this article, the influence of group nano transition metal oxides such as {(MnO2), (Fe2O3) and (CuO)} thin films on the (ZnO-TiO2) electric characteristics have been analyzed. The prepared films deposited on glass substrate laser Nd-YAG with wavelength (ℷ =1064 nm) ,energy of (800mJ) and number of shots (400). The density of the film was found to be (200 nm) at room temperature (RT) and annealing temperature (573K).Using DC Conductivity and Hall Effect, we obtained the electrical properties of the films. The DC Conductivity shows that that the activation energies decrease while the σRT at annealing temperature with different elements increases the formation of mixed oxides. The Hall effect, the elec

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine on Hearing Status of Young Ages (Medical College Students as a Sample)
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Many studies dealt with the consequences of  SARS CoV-2  (which cause COVID-19 infection) on the nervous system especially sensory nerves where the virus causes loss of taste and smell as it’s known, and may affect auditory nerves and be the expected cause of some hearing problems. A case-control analytic study was performed on a connivance sample of society of university students from a medical faculty. Each participant filled out a questionnaire contains demographic data and general, auditory and respiratory health condition, in addition to vaccination status. In the other side, the audio- examinations were performed on the study sample including Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) and tympanometry. Two statistical methods; chi-square and t

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Aneurysmal bone cyst of the lateral end of clavicle in a twelfth year old girl Case study
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Introduction: An aneurysmal bone cyst are enigmatic lesionof unknown cause and presentation and are difficult todistinguish from other lesions, it is a benign, but expansibletumor like lesion that generally occurs in the long bones. Ananeurysmal bone cyst arising from the flat bone like clavicleis rare .Case presentation: We report a 12-year-old girl child with ananeurysmal bone cyst of the lateral third of left clavicletreated with enblock resection. The pathologic findingsconfirmed the diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst. Thepatient has been followed up for one year with no evidenceof recurrence .Conclusion: En bloc resection can be curative and provide good results for this rare type of clavicle tumour.

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