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Modeling and Analysis of the Influence of Fear on a Harvested Food Web System

The food web is a crucial conceptual tool for understanding the dynamics of energy transfer in an ecosystem, as well as the feeding relationships among species within a community. It also reveals species interactions and community structure. As a result, an ecological food web system with two predators competing for prey while experiencing fear was developed and studied. The properties of the solution of the system were determined, and all potential equilibrium points were identified. The dynamic behavior in their immediate surroundings was examined both locally and globally. The system’s persistence demands were calculated, and all conceivable forms of local bifurcations were investigated. With the aid of MATLAB, a numerical simulation was used to clarify the control set of parameters and comprehend the overall dynamics. For the system to continue, it was determined that extremely high levels of either fear or harvesting lead to the extinction of one of the predator species. Moreover, in contrast to the ecological assumption that if two species are vying for the same resources, population values cannot be constant, this study showed that it is possible for two competing species to subsist on the same resources.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Antibiotic Resistance of Staphylococcus Sp. Isolated from Air, Surface, Food and Clinical samples Collected from Baghdad Hospital

Staphylococcus the most common type of bacteria found in contamination place, we design this
study to compare the contamination accident between two hospitals in Baghdad.One of them isthe Burns
Specialist Hospital in the Medical CityinRusafa and another one is Al-Karama Hospital in Karkh. The
samples were collected fromOperativeWard No1 (OW1), Operative Ward No2 (OW2), Consulting Pharmacy
(CP), Emergency Room (ER), Reception Room (RR), Women's Ward (WW) and Men's Ward (MW).The
samples were taken from inside each clinical unit, surfaces, food, and air. The results showed that the
number of samples containing Staphylococcus sp. bacteria is 81, including 45 belonging to Al-Karama Burns
Ward Ho

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Studying and analysis effect level of the Government expenditure and Gross Domestic product in size of the expenditure on the higher education in Iraq (1995 – 2009)

The education, especially higher education, is an essentially factor in the progress of any society, if we consider the higher education, represents the top  of  the education`s  pyramid which take part in developing the human  resources and provide the human staff to raise the productive efficiency, and improve the social , economic level                                  

In order to face the increasing importance of higher education, great capabilities and expenditures must be available in a continous way, such expe

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Critical Stylistic Analysis of the Ideological Positioning in Some Selected Poems by John Donne

This paper deals with the ideological positioning of the English poet John Donne in a selected poems of his i.e Holy Sonnet X, as regards the theme of death found therein. The researchers adopt an emerging branch of stylistics, called Critical Stylistics, as proposed by Jeffries (2010) in order to uncover the ideologies of the author regarding the topic concerned and how linguistic choices are used to slant ideas. The model is comprised of ten tools of analysis which, upon being applied to the selected data, have shown how the poet exploits language resources in order to pass his ideology and influence his readers. In this paper, the workings of only one tool are presented as applied to a certain portion of the data.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Contrast in Matthew Arnold’s The Scholar Gipsy and Kahlil Gibran’s Al-Mawakib: A Contrastive Stylistic Analysis

     Poetry is regarded an interesting area of inquiry in linguistic studies due to its eccentric and aesthetic use of language. A lot of studies have been carried out so far for the analysis of poetry, yet few have dealt with pastoral poetry. The present research attempts to investigate the language of pastoral poetry in two different languages i.e. English and Arabic with the aim of finding similarities and differences. The data of the study consists of one English and one Arabic pastoral poems. Leech and Short's (2007) checklist is used as a model for analysis. The findings of the study reveal that there are more similarities than differences between English and Arabic pastoral poems as the poems rely on contrast

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
Contrast in Matthew Arnold’s The Scholar Gipsy and Kahlil Gibran’s Al-Mawakib: A Contrastive Stylistic Analysis

Poetry is regarded an interesting area of inquiry in linguistic studies due to its eccentric and aesthetic use of language. A lot of studies have been carried out so far for the analysis of poetry, yet few have dealt with pastoral poetry. The present research attempts to investigate the language of pastoral poetry in two different languages i.e. English and Arabic with the aim of finding similarities and differences. The data of the study consists of one English and one Arabic pastoral poems. Leech and Short's (2007) checklist is used as a model for analysis. The findings of the study reveal that there are more similarities than differences between English and Arabic pastoral poems as the poems rely on contrast in the use of the lex

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 08 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

This paper presents the results of experimental investigation carried out on concrete model piles to study the behaviour of defective piles. This was achieved by employing non-destructive tests using ultrasonic waves. It was found that the reduction in pile stiffness factor is found to be about (26%) when the defect ratio increased from (5%) to (15%). The modulus of elasticity reduction factor as well as the dynamic modulus of elasticity reduction factor increase with the defect ratio

Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Case Studies In Construction Materials
Experimental study of temperature effect on the mechanical tensile fatigue of hydrated lime modified asphalt concrete and case application for the analysis of climatic effect on constructed pavement

Previous experimental studies have suggested that hot mixed asphalt (HMA) concrete using hydrated lime (HL) to partially replace the conventional limestone dust filler at 2.5% by the total weight of all aggregates showed an optimum improvement on several key mechanical properties, fatigue life span and moisture susceptibility. However, so far, the knowledge of the thermal response of the modified asphalt concrete and thermal influence on the durability of the pavement constructed are still relatively limited but important to inform pavement design. This paper, at first, reports an experimental study of the tensile fatigue life of HMA concrete mixes designed for wearing layer application. Tests were conducted under three different temperatur

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling Of Digital Media In The Management Of Educational Performance In Morocco School’s

Faced with the increasing opening of the education and training sector on the digital world, the actors of this sector are called to develop alongside the disciplinary and pedagogical skills other strategic and technological skills that allow to offer the adequate conditions to manage their establishments.
Today, the pedagogical director is called to master an important set of technical and technological tools and this for two complementary reasons, the first is the knowledge of educational and pedagogical and the second is innovation in managerial practices
Our intervention is part of a comparative approach in which we will verify the degree of use of technological tools by our population of directors (123) private and public

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The security environment in Northeast Asia between American authority and Chinese influence

The security environment for Northeast Asia is extremely important, as it includes most of the international actors (United States of America, China, Russian Federation and Japan), which gives the nature of the interactions of these forces a special importance for the region.

Because of the multiplicity of policies and interests of the active forces in the region, the result has been an unstable regional environment where the interests of the major powers often clash repeatedly on many related issues, which is coupled with the growing efforts of many powers to adopt policies that differ from what they did in the past This resulted in different patterns of relations, which were mainly characterized by competition over regional lea

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Carbimazol-induced Hypothyroidism on Male Rat Reproductive System

The present study is undertaken to evaluate the effects of hypothyroidism induced by carbimazol in male rat reproductive system. Rats were treated with carbimazol (80 and 160 mg/kg body weight) daily for two, four, six, and eight weeks, while control rats were given distilled water orally. The results of these experiments are: 1-Treatment with carbimazol produced increase in body weight of treated animals. This increase was not statistically significant even at high concentrations. 2-Decrease in testicular weight  was observed during all administration points. This decrease was aggravated proportional to duration and dose (p≤0.001). 3-Results of most intervals showed significant decrease in epididymal-head weight, while no sig

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