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Effect of Irrigation Systems, Bio-Fertilizers and Polymers on some Growth Characteristics and Potato Production in Desert Soils, Karbala Governorate
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Two field experiments were conducted during the spring season 2020 in Karbala governorate to study the effect of irrigation systems, irrigation intervals, biofertilizers and polymers on some characteristics of vegetative growth and potato production. The results showed that there were significant differences in the values of the average plant height due to the effect of the double interference between the irrigation system and the improvers, The height of potato plant under any irrigation system was superior when adding conditioners compared to the control treatment, as it reached 48.56, 58.00 and 64.33cm when adding polymer, biofertilizer, and polymers+ biofertilizers, respectively compared with the control treatment of 44.64cm in the surface drip irrigation system. While it was 51.74, 58.19 and 64.67cm in the treatments of adding polymer, biofertilizers and polymers+ biofertilizers, respectively, compared with the control treatment 41.51cm under the sprinkler irrigation system, Also, there were significant differences in the values of average root lengths as a result of the effect of the double interference between the irrigation system and the improvers, as the potato root lengths under any irrigation system excelled when adding the improvers compared to the control treatment, It reached 36.29, 41.94 and 49.37cm when adding polymer, biofertilizers and polymers+ biofertilizers, respectively, compared with the control treatment 31.28cm at surface drip irrigation system. While it was 35.94, 40.69 and 48.14cm when adding polymer, biofertilizer, and polymers + biofertilizer, respectively, compared with the control treatment of 30.33cm at the sprinkler irrigation system, There were significant differences in the values of the total yield as a result of the effect of the double interference between the irrigation system and the conditioners, as the total yield of potato tubers under the two irrigation systems exceeded when adding the improvers compared to the control treatment, It reached 25.31, 28.86 and 36.90 μg ha when adding polymer, biofertilizers and polymers + biofertilizers, respectively, compared with the control treatment 17.21 μg ha at the surface drip irrigation system.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 23 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison Between Deterministic and Stochastic Model for Interaction (COVID-19) With Host Cells in Humans
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In this paper, the deterministic and the stochastic models are proposed to study the interaction of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) with host cells inside the human body. In the deterministic model, the value of the basic reproduction number   determines the persistence or extinction of the COVID-19. If   , one infected cell will transmit the virus to less than one cell, as a result,  the person carrying the Coronavirus will get rid of the disease .If   the infected cell  will be able to infect  all  cells that contain ACE receptors. The stochastic model proves that if  are sufficiently large then maybe  give  us ultimate disease extinction although ,  and this  facts also proved by computer simulation.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Community Medicine
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice toward Epilepsy among Primary School Teachers in Al-Rusafa/Baghdad 2022
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Background Epilepsy is one of the most widespread neurological illnesses in the world with a prevalence rate of 2.8–19.5 per 1000 of the general population, and it is more prevalent in childhood. The understanding of the teachers about epilepsy has a significant impact on the academic performance and social skills of schoolchildren with epilepsy. Aim of Study This study aimed to assess teachers’ knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding epilepsy in schoolchildren and the association of certain studied variables with the level of schoolteachers’ knowledge, attitude, and practice. Subjects and Methods This was a cross-sectional study that included 402 participants and was conducted in Al-Rusafa/Baghdad during the period from November

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 23 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Correlation between paraoxonase-1 arylesterase activities and clopidogrel drug in patients with coronary artery disease
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Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Clopidogrel, antiplatelet drug, has been widely used for management of CAD. Arylesterase, the activity of Paraoxonase-1 (PON-1), is mainly contributed in the biotransformation of clopidogrel to its active thiol form. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of receiving clopidogrel drug on the arylesterase activities in CAD patients. The effect of receiving clopidogrel drug on the antioxidant activity of arylesterase was also monitored by determination of malondialdehyde (MDA) level. Methods: One hundred CAD patients, who were followed-up for 5 days after reciving clopidogrel, and 50 healthy volunteers were included in our study

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
لمؤتمر العلمي الرابع لكلية التربية/ جامعة سامراء
A comparison between alanine aminopeptidase (AAP) activity in type 2 diabetes and diabetic cardiac patients.
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design and Evaluation for C02 Laser Focus System for use in Treating the Skin Diseases.
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Due  to  the  importance  of  Laser  usage  in  the  field  of  skin diseases  Like  removing.  the cicatrix  (acne  causes).  skin  lines,  cone spots,  two laser systems  have underwent a study and  evaluation for their use in treatingthe skin diseases.

The   research  deals  with  desigrrating  an  optical  system  .The system is for concentrating  the laser beam C02 with a wave length of

10.6   micrometer   Descriptions   of  1he  system  and   value   of   the


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Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rhythm As Creative System In Houses Architecture Comparative Application Study Between Heritage And Contemporary Houses
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Rhythm is considered one of the creative concepts in the recent architectural thought; it has emerged clearly as a mean of creating the highest levels of creativity in architecture, especially in contemporary architectural movements. The importance of rhythm has  emerged, especially, when the architecture , its beginnings concentrated on the principle of the links with poetic structures. Many architectural studies deal with concept of rhythm in architecture with different ways various according to the trend of each study, this show the importance of studying the concept of rhythm in the architectural field in general. This study try to focus on the utilization of rhythm as creative system in architecture of heritage and contemporary

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Counting Functions to Generate The Primes in the RSA Algorithm and Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
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        The Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) and the Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange are famous methods for encryption. These methods  depended on selecting the primes p and q in order  to be secure enough . This paper shows that the named methods used the primes which are found by some arithmetical function .In the other sense, no need to think about getting primes p and q and how they are secure enough, since the arithmetical function enable to build the primes in such complicated way to be secure. Moreover, this article   gives  new construction  of the  RSA  algorithm and DH key  exchange using the

primes p,qfrom areal number x.

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Publication Date
Mon May 02 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities An International Open-access Peer Reviewed Referred Journal
Identity Construction and Social Structures in Sia Figiel’s Novel Where We Once Belonged
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This article focuses on identity construction and social structures within the Sāmoan community as represented in Sia Figiel’s novel Where We Once Belonged. I argue that however the post/colonial Sāmoan identity is hybridized, the essence of the individual is still connected to Fa’a Sāmoa-the Sāmoan traditions and ways. However rapid are the colonial vicissitudes, the Sāmoan literature and lifestyle are developed to be a resistance platform. This resistance platform is dedicated not only to expose the colonial impact but also to assist the social and political reconstruction of post/colonial Samoa. To this end, this article studies identity construction, and the challenges that women face within Sāmoan social structures.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Psychological Disobedience and its Representations in the Graffiti Art: نجلاء خضير حسان -زهراء صائب أحمد
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The current research addresses the psychological disobedience in general and disobedience in post-modernism arts in specific. The research problem is summarized by the following question: does disobedience have representations in the graffiti art? The research objective is to identify disobedience and its representations in the graffiti. The research limits are set and the terms used are identified. As for the theoretical framework, it consists of three sections: the first: the psychological disobedience, whereas the second: disobedience in post-modernism arts. The third section addresses graffiti art. Then come the research procedures followed by the results, conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions. The two researchers arrived at

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluating the Knowledge for Integrating RM and VM Using BIM in the Iraqi Construction Sector
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The construction industry plays a crucial role in the countries' economy, especially in the developed country. This point encourages the concerned institution to use new techniques and integrate many techniques and methods to maximize the benefits. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the use of risk management, value management, and building information modeling in the Iraqi construction industry. The evaluation process aims at two objectives. The direct objective was to evaluate the knowledge in risk management (RM), value management (VM), and building information modeling (BIM). The indirect objective was to support the participants with information related to the main items mentioned. The questionnaire

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