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Effect of Irrigation Systems, Bio-Fertilizers and Polymers on some Growth Characteristics and Potato Production in Desert Soils, Karbala Governorate
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Two field experiments were conducted during the spring season 2020 in Karbala governorate to study the effect of irrigation systems, irrigation intervals, biofertilizers and polymers on some characteristics of vegetative growth and potato production. The results showed that there were significant differences in the values of the average plant height due to the effect of the double interference between the irrigation system and the improvers, The height of potato plant under any irrigation system was superior when adding conditioners compared to the control treatment, as it reached 48.56, 58.00 and 64.33cm when adding polymer, biofertilizer, and polymers+ biofertilizers, respectively compared with the control treatment of 44.64cm in the surface drip irrigation system. While it was 51.74, 58.19 and 64.67cm in the treatments of adding polymer, biofertilizers and polymers+ biofertilizers, respectively, compared with the control treatment 41.51cm under the sprinkler irrigation system, Also, there were significant differences in the values of average root lengths as a result of the effect of the double interference between the irrigation system and the improvers, as the potato root lengths under any irrigation system excelled when adding the improvers compared to the control treatment, It reached 36.29, 41.94 and 49.37cm when adding polymer, biofertilizers and polymers+ biofertilizers, respectively, compared with the control treatment 31.28cm at surface drip irrigation system. While it was 35.94, 40.69 and 48.14cm when adding polymer, biofertilizer, and polymers + biofertilizer, respectively, compared with the control treatment of 30.33cm at the sprinkler irrigation system, There were significant differences in the values of the total yield as a result of the effect of the double interference between the irrigation system and the conditioners, as the total yield of potato tubers under the two irrigation systems exceeded when adding the improvers compared to the control treatment, It reached 25.31, 28.86 and 36.90 μg ha when adding polymer, biofertilizers and polymers + biofertilizers, respectively, compared with the control treatment 17.21 μg ha at the surface drip irrigation system.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 02 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Mixed Transforms Generated by Tensor Product and Applied in Data Processing
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Finding orthogonal matrices in different sizes is very complex and important because it can be used in different applications like image processing and communications (eg CDMA and OFDM). In this paper we introduce a new method to find orthogonal matrices by using tensor products between two or more orthogonal matrices of real and imaginary numbers with applying it in images and communication signals processing. The output matrices will be orthogonal matrices too and the processing by our new method is very easy compared to other classical methods those use basic proofs. The results are normal and acceptable in communication signals and images but it needs more research works.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Lipid Profile and Fasting Blood Sugar Analysis in Patients with Cholelithiasis
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Cholelithiasis is one of the commonest surgical problems and one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases throughout the world but its pathogenesis remains unclear. Many theories have been proposed forward to explain the mechanism of stone formation. It is not fully clear if symptomatic gallstone disease is associated with a specific pattern of some biochemical abnormalities, as lipid profile and fasting blood sugar in serum of patients.

This study was designed to estimate lipid profile and fasting blood sugar in the sera of patients with cholelithiasis in comparison with normal individuals (control).

In this study, 104(male=16, female=88) were symptomatic gallstone patients (aged 42.79± 12.18 years), and 38(male=6

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 08 2024
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Mitigating Reflection Cracking in Asphalt Concrete Overlays with ECC and Geotextile
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The rehabilitation of deteriorated pavements using Asphalt Concrete (AC) overlays consistently confronts the reflection cracking challenge, where inherent cracks and joints from an existing pavement layer are mirrored in the new overlay. To address this issue, the current study evaluates the effectiveness of Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC) and geotextile fabric as mitigation strategies. ECC, characterized by its tensile ductility, fracture resistance, and high deformation capacity, was examined in interlayer thicknesses of 7, 12, and 17 mm. Additionally, the impact of geotextile fabric positioning at the base and at 1/3 depth of the AC specimen was explored. Utilizing the Overlay Testing Machine (OTM) for evaluations, the research d

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
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Metrical Phonology in Classical English and Arabic Poetry: A Contrastive Study
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One of the prominent goals of Metrical Phonology Theory is providing stress of poetry on the syllable-, the foot-, and the phonological word- levels. Analysing poetry is one of the most prominent and controversial issues for the involved number and types of syllables, feet, and meters are stable in poetry compared to other literary texts. The prosodic seeds of the theory have been planted by Firth (1948) in English, while in Arabic يديهارفلا in the second half of the eighth century (A.D.) has done so. Investigating the metrical structure of poetry has been conducted in various languages, whereas scrutinising the metrical structure of English and Arabic poetry has received little attention. This study aims at capturing the

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi J Comm Med
Clinical Presentations and CT-Scan findings in children with Cerebral Palsy
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Background: Cerebral palsy is non-progressive disorder of posture or movement due to a lesion of the developing brain. It is the commonest physical disability in childhood. Objective: To study the clinical, neurological abnormalities, prevalence of convulsion (epilepsy) & to asses the value of CT scans of brain in patients with cerebral palsy.

Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Constructing and Standardizing Physical Tests for Speed Endurance In Youth Basketball
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
The Journal Of Academic Social Sciences
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 12 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Viewing television in media convergence era Rites change and practices transformation
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The present article concerns one of the objects of media sociology under construction. The transformation of the rites in the use of the television contents in the era of digital technologies and media convergence. By an analytic contextual approach, based on the study of the uses, we formulate the following hypothesis: so many changes in the rites of uses are real, in particular at the young people, so, many pieces integer of the everyday life remain impervious to these changes, and it is true under the influence of a slowness of the social and cultural orders, rooted for a long time in the traditional social fabric. We shall then try to bring a sociological look to this societal, cultural, and communicational object that is the pas

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Correlative Study Between Haematological and Biochemical Parameters in Hepatitis B
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    Hepatitis-B (HBV) is a viral disease cause liver damage, cirrhosis, fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Present study attempted to elucidate the biochemical and haematological markers other than Australia antigen, of hepatitis,B,vairusV (HBsAg) for better assessment of HBV infection.  The present study was conducted on 76 men, 50 of them were found to be HBeAg positive and 26 were negative, mean age was53±5.7years. Haematological parameters such as Absolute  Erythrocyte( Abs  Eryt), Absolute Leukocyte(Abs Leuk) , Haemoglobin(Hb), Packed Cell Volume(PCV),Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW), Mean  Corpuscular  Haemoglobin (MCH),MCH Concentration(MCHC) ,Neutrophi

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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Building aesthetic and expressive long shot in the film contemporary novelist
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The research deals with an important detail of the joints of the film industry and television drama, which is the expression and aesthetic of the long shot, after being popularized by some directors, and that the long shot has been employed since the beginning of the cinema. But the research addresses the contemporary film and how the long shot worked. The researcher identified her goal in identifying the aesthetic and expressive of the long shot in the contemporary film, and then defined the term of the shot and the long shot.
The theoretical framework was based on two topics: the first (aesthetic and artistic expression in cinema) and the second (the long shot and the state of its construction). The researcher then chose LA LA LAND

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