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The purpose of this paper is to identifying the values of some physical and Bio- Kinematic variables during the performance of the jump spike serve skill, and identifying the effect of the proposed training program using intermittent training to develop some physical and Bio- Kinematic variables and accuracy of the jump spike serve skill among the research sample. The experimental method was used and the research was conducted on a deliberately chosen sample of the players of the Army Club, who were primarily advanced in volleyball, and the number of the sample was (10) players. The conclusions were reached that the proposed training program using intermittent training has a positive effect on some of the physical and Bio- Kinematic variables of the advanced volleyball players and that this program has made an improvement in accuracy of the skill, Therefore some recommendations were given, including the use of the intermittent training program to develop some physical and Bio- Kinematic variables because of its positive impact on volleyball players, and the use of intermittent training activities mainly in the special preparation period and the transitional period because of its importance in improving the physical and skill condition of volleyball players Providing sports equipment and tools used in intermittent training in sports clubs to serve the training process for volleyball players.

Publication Date
Sun Jan 23 2022
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Structural Efficiency of Non-Prismatic Hollow Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted with CFRP Sheets
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Non-prismatic reinforced concrete (RC) beams are widely used for various practical purposes, including enhancing architectural aesthetics and increasing the overall thickness in the support area above the column, which gives high assurance to services that this will not result in the distortion of construction features and can reduce heights. The hollow sections (recess) can also be used for the maintenance of large structural sections and the safe passage of utility lines of water, gas, telecommunications, electricity, etc. They are generally used in large and complex civil engineering works like bridges. This study conducted a numerical study using the commercial finite element software ANSYS version 15 for analysing RC beams, hol

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 06 2018
Journal Name
Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures
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In this work, Co-Y-oxide Nano Structure is successfully synthesized via hydrothermal method. The XRD analysis, SEM analysis, optical, electrical and photo sensing properties have been investigated for Co3O4 and Co-Y-oxide thin films. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis reveals that all films are polycrystalline in nature, having cubic structure. The SEM images of thin films clearly indicates that Co3O4 possesses nanosphere like structure and flower like for Co-Y-oxide. The optical properties show that the optical energy gap follows allowed direct electronic transition calculated using Tauc equation and it increases for Co-Y-oxide. The photo sensing properties of thin films are investigated as a function of time at different wavelengths to

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Publication Date
Wed May 11 2022
Journal Name
مجلة معارف للعلوم القانونية والاقتصادية
التصرفات القانونية الواردة على الجزء المفرز( الشقة ) في نظام الاسكان العمودي
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الملخص ان حق الملكية هو الحق الاوسع نطاقا يمنح صاحبه صلاحية ممارسة السلطات كافة ويكون محل هذه السلطات كل ما يملك الشخص سواء كان شقه او طبقة اسوة بالعقارات الاخرى كدار للسكن او ارض ، ومن اهم هذه السلطات واوسعها نطاقا ( هو سلطة التصرف ). تعد هذه السلطة جوهر حق الملكية وأخطر السلطات الممنوحة للمالك كونه بواسطتها يمكنه الاستغناء عن ملكه بأي تصرف ناقل له كالبيع أو الهبة او الوصية مثلا ، ولأهمية هذه السلط

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris Harvesting Via Co-Pelletization with Filamentous Fungus
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The objective of this study was to progress another method for coagulation/flocculation of the microalga Chlorella vulgaris via pellet-forming of the fungal species Aspergillus niger which was isolated from municipal wastewater mud and the facultative heterotrophic microalga "C.vulgaris was used. The main factors studies were spore inoculums, organic carbon concentration in medium as well as pH variation which had considerably positive effects on microalgae/fungi co-pelletization formation. The process parameters are an inoculum1×104 spores/ML, 15 g/l sucrose as carbon source and pH ranged from 5 - 7.0 were found optimal for efficient microalgae/fungi co-pelletization formation. For autotrophic growth, when pH of culture broth was adjusted

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Greenhouse Gas Control
Wettability of nano-treated calcite/CO2 /brine systems: Implication for enhanced CO2 storage potential
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Nanofluids are proven to be efficient agents for wettability alteration in subsurface applications including enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Nanofluids can also be used for CO2-storage applications where the CO2-wet rocks can be rendered strongly water-wet, however no attention has been given to this aspect in the past. Thus in this work we presents contact angle (θ) measurements for CO2/brine/calcite system as function of pressure (0.1 MPa, 5 MPa, 10 MPa, 15 MPa, and 20 MPa), temperature (23 °C, 50 °C and 70 °C), and salinity (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% NaCl) before and after nano-treatment to address the wettability alteration efficiency. Moreover, the effect of treatment pressure and temperature, treatment fluid concentration (SiO2 wt%) and

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Evaluation of Electromagnetic Near-Field Measurement Technique as Non-Destructive Testing for Composite Structures
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Theoretical Estimation of Electronic Flow Rate at Al-TiO<sub>2</sub> Interfaces System
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Abstract<p>The mechanism of the electronic flow rate at Al-TiO<sub>2</sub> interfaces system has been studied using the postulate of electronic quantum theory. The different structural of two materials lead to suggestion the continuum energy level for Al metal and TiO<sub>2</sub> semiconductor. The electronic flow rate at the Al-TiO2 complex has affected by transition energy, coupling strength and contact at the interface of two materials. The flow charge rate at Al-TiO2 is increased by increasing coupling strength and decreasing transition energy.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Sylwan Journal
Immunohistochemical evaluation for osteonectin on healing process of intrabony defect treated by Panax ginseng
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Background: The repair of bone defects remains a major clinical orthopaedic challenge. Bone is a highly vascularised tissue reliant on the close spatial and temporal connection between blood vessels and bone cells to maintain skeletal integrity. This study aimed to study the efficacy of Panax ginseng as a osteoinducer in tibia of rat and as a stimulator for bone healing and to study the immunohistochemical expression of osteonectin as bone formation markers in experimental and control groups during bone healing. Material and method: : In this study thirty albino male rats , weighting (200-300) gram ,aged (2-3) months ,will be used under control conditions of temperature ,drinking and food consumption. The animals will subject for an

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 23 2011
Journal Name
International Journal Of The Physical Sciences
Fast prediction of power transfer stability index based on radial basis function neural network
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Density functional theory study of molecular structure, Electronic properties, UV–Vis spectra on coumarin102.
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The various properties of the ground and excited electronic states of coumarins 102 using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) was calculated by the B3LYP density functional model with 6-31G(d,p) basis set by Gaussian 09 W program. Spectral characteristics of coumarin102 have been probed into by methods of experimental UV-visible, and quantum chemistry. The UV spectrum was measured in methanol. The optimized structures, total energies, electronic states (HOMO- LUMO), energy gap, ionization potentials, electron affinities, chemical potential, global hardness, softness, global electrophilictity, and dipole moment were measured. We find good agreement between experimental data of UV spectrum and

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