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Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of Laser Versus Pneumatic Intracorporeal Lithotripsy for Treatment of Bladder Stones in Children
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This study aimed to compare the safety and efficacy of laser lithotripsy and pneumatic lithotripsy, the two most commonly used transurethral lithotripsy methods for treating bladder stones in children in Iraq. Between January 2013 and December 2016, 64 children with bladder stones were included in this prospective randomized study, after ethical committee approval and written consent from the children’s parents or caregivers were obtained. Patients were assigned randomly by computer software to two groups treated with either pneumatic cystolithotripsy or laser lithotripsy. A 9 Fr. semirigid ureteroscope was used to pass the lithotripter through and fragment the stone. A catheter of 8–12 Fr. was then introduced and kept in place for 24 h. All children were hospitalized for 24 h, and the catheter was removed the next morning. Outpatient follow-up was maintained for 6–12 months. In terms of operation outcomes and complications, the laser lithotripsy group had a significantly longer duration of operation (74.5 ± 26.6 min vs. 51.5 ± 17.2 min, p = 0.001), whereas the number of patients requiring an extended hospital stay was significantly higher in the pneumatic lithotripsy group (48.5% vs. 16.1%, p = 0.006). Moreover, pneumatic lithotripsy was associated with a significantly greater risk of having at least one adverse effect (64% greater than that in the laser group). Stone clearance rates did not significantly differ between treatment groups. In conclusion, both pneumatic and laser lithotripters can be used to treat children with bladder stones with high efficacy and safety.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study on Flow Characteristics and Heat Transfer Behavior Around Different Geometrical Corrugated Extended Surfaces
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The current study presents numerical investigation of the fluid (air) flow characteristics and convection heat transfer around different corrugated surfaces geometry in the low Reynolds number region (Re<1000). The geometries are included wavy, triangle, and rectangular. The effect of different geometry parameters such as aspect ratio and number of cycles per unit length on flow field characteristics and heat transfer was estimated and compared with each other. The computerized fluid dynamics package (ANSYS 14) is used to simulate the flow field and heat transfer, solve the governing equations, and extract the results. It is found that the turbulence intensity for rectangular extended surface was larg

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A review on Activated Carbon Prepared from Agricultural Waste using Conventional and Microwave Activation
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In the recent years the research on the activated carbon preparation from agro-waste and byproducts have been increased due to their potency for agro-waste elimination. This paper presents a literature review on the synthesis of activated carbon from agro-waste using microwave irradiation method for heating. The applicable approach is highlighted, as well as the effects of activation conditions including carbonization temperature, retention period, and impregnation ratio. The review reveals that the agricultural wastes heated using a chemical process and microwave energy can produce activated carbon with a surface area that is significantly higher than that using the conventional heating method.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Photodetector based on Rutile and Anatase TiO<sub>2</sub> nanostructures/n-Si Heterojunction
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Photodetector based on Rutile and Anatase TiO2 nanostructures/n-Si Heterojunction

Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving Press Bending Production Quality through Finite Element Simulation: Integration CAD and CAE Approach
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Efficient operations and output of outstanding quality distinguish superior manufacturing sectors. The manufacturing process production of bending sheet metal is a form of fabrication in the industry of manufacture in which the plate is bent using punches and dies to the angle of the work design. Product quality is influenced by plate material selection, which includes thickness, type, dimensions, and material. Because no prior research has concentrated on this methodology, this research aims to determine V-bending capacity limits utilizing the press bending method. The inquiry employed finite element analysis (FEA), along with Solidworks was the tool of choice to develop drawings of design and simulations. The ASTM E290

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Nanocomposite Derivatives From Thiadiazole Polymers /Silica Synthesis and Characterization using Free Radical Polymerization
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A new class of thiadiazole /silica nanocomposites with chemical bonds between thiadiazole monomers and modified nanosilica surface were synthesized by free radical polymerization. Presence silica nanoparticles in the structure of  nanocomposite showed effectively improve the physical and chemical properties of Producing polymers. A nanocomposite material with feature properties comparison with their polymers, The structure and morphology of the synthesis materials were investigated by FT-IR spectrum which display preparation new thiadiazole compounds and polymerization monomers. FT-IR showed disappeared double bond (C=C) of monomers, due to produce long chains of thiadiazole polymers and nanocomposite. X-ray diffraction gave idea ab

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 07 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Automatic brain tumor segmentation from MRI Images using superpixels based split and Merge algorithm
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RA Ali, LK Abood, Int J Sci Res, 2017 - Cited by 2

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2024
Journal Name
The Saudi Dental Journal
Different pulp capping agents and their effect on pulp inflammatory response: A narrative review
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Digital Data Encryption Using a Proposed W-Method Based on AES and DES Algorithms
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This paper proposes a new encryption method. It combines two cipher algorithms, i.e., DES and AES, to generate hybrid keys. This combination strengthens the proposed W-method by generating high randomized keys. Two points can represent the reliability of any encryption technique. Firstly, is the key generation; therefore, our approach merges 64 bits of DES with 64 bits of AES to produce 128 bits as a root key for all remaining keys that are 15. This complexity increases the level of the ciphering process. Moreover, it shifts the operation one bit only to the right. Secondly is the nature of the encryption process. It includes two keys and mixes one round of DES with one round of AES to reduce the performance time. The W-method deals with

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Breast Cancer MRI Classification Based on Fractional Entropy Image Enhancement and Deep Feature Extraction
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Disease diagnosis with computer-aided methods has been extensively studied and applied in diagnosing and monitoring of several chronic diseases. Early detection and risk assessment of breast diseases based on clinical data is helpful for doctors to make early diagnosis and monitor the disease progression. The purpose of this study is to exploit the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in discriminating breast MRI scans into pathological and healthy. In this study, a fully automated and efficient deep features extraction algorithm that exploits the spatial information obtained from both T2W-TSE and STIR MRI sequences to discriminate between pathological and healthy breast MRI scans. The breast MRI scans are preprocessed prior to the feature

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Image encryption based on combined between linear feedback shift registers and 3D chaotic maps
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Protecting information sent through insecure internet channels is a significant challenge facing researchers. In this paper, we present a novel method for image data encryption that combines chaotic maps with linear feedback shift registers in two stages. In the first stage, the image is divided into two parts. Then, the locations of the pixels of each part are redistributed through the random numbers key, which is generated using linear feedback shift registers. The second stage includes segmenting the image into the three primary colors red, green, and blue (RGB); then, the data for each color is encrypted through one of three keys that are generated using three-dimensional chaotic maps. Many statistical tests (entropy, peak signa

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