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Folklore as Resistance in Postcolonial Narratives and Cultural Practices: Hawaiian, African American, and Iraqi
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Colonialism radically transformed the cultures of colonized peoples, often rupturing Indigenous traditions and folklore. Whether creating colonial discourse, promoting orientalist literature, advocating western educational institutions, or through biased media representations, imperial powers systematically oppressed Indigenous and Native peoples. Subjugated communities, however, created, and still form postcolonial discourse from their knowledge systems. This discourse insists on Indigenous and Native culture as central to Indigenous and Native peoples identity. This study examines the postcolonial literature of three groups: Kānaka Maoli, African Americans, and Iraqis. The scope of this dissertation scrutinizes how folklore is employed as resistance in the postcolonial literature of Kānaka Maoli, African Americans, and Iraqis. Folklore as Resistance in Postcolonial Narratives and Cultural Practices: Hawaiian, African American, and Iraqi focuses on the centrality of folklore and cultural histories in the literature of these three groups. Kānaka Maoli emphasize the mo’olelo (hi/story) in their literature. Moʻolelo acts not only as a means to pass down hi/story and culturally significant stories from generation to generation (a genealogy) but also as a mode of resistance to hegemonic and imperial powers. Moʻolelo are not merely legends or myths; instead, they represent ancestral knowledge and connection to Kānaka history. Kānaka Maoli claim and revive ancestral moʻolelo in their literature and cultural performance to illuminate their relationship to place, ʻāina, and their country, the Hawaiian Kingdom. In this work, Dhiffaf al-Shwillay suggests that there are similar tendencies in the literature of Kānaka Maoli, African American, and Iraqis. The folklore and literature of these groups signify the histories of oppression and/or colonization and its aftermath. Al-Shwillay finds that Kānaka Maoli, African American, and Iraqi folklore in literature can be read as resistance to orientalism, oppression, and stereotyping. Following the trajectory of the historical and cultural context for the literary productions of these three communities, she offers analysis and reading of Sage Takehiro, Dana Naone Hall, Haunani-Kay Trask, Brandy Nālani McDougall, Zora Neale Hurston, Badr Shakir al-Sayyab, and Selim Matar. This dissertation concludes by emphasizing the dynamic political and cultural value of moʻolelo and folklore in postcolonial narratives. Al-Shwillay asserts that literature that draws upon folklore and cultural histories transmits evidence of oppressive powers and, crucially, resistance. In this mode of examination of postcolonial literature, al-Shwillay asserts that folklore records the resistance of peoples through their literary production. Folklore carries the knowledge of ancestors, cultural, and history.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On the Representations of M-Groups
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The main object of this paper is to study the representations of monomial groups and characters technique for representations of monomial groups. We refer to monomial groups by M-groups. Moreover we investigate the relation of monomial groups and solvable groups. Many applications have been given the symbol G e.g. group of order 297 is an M-group and solvable. For any group G, the factor group G/G? (G? is the derived subgroup of G) is an M-group in particular if G = Sn, SL(4,R).

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving Fuzzy Attribute Quality Control Charts with proposed Ranking Function
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    The attribute quality control charts are one of the main useful tools to use in control of quality product in companies. In this paper utilizing the statistical procedures to find the attribute quality control charts for through fuzzified the real data which we got it from Baghdad Soft Drink Company in Iraq, by using triangular membership function to obtain the fuzzy numbers then employing the proposed ranking function to transform to traditional sample. Then, compare between crisp and fuzzy attribute quality control.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Proposed Modification to Increase Main Swept Back Wing Efficiency for Aircraft Aermacchi Siai S211
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A winglet is devices attached at the wing tips, used to improve aircraft wing efficiency by reduction influence wing tips vortices and induct drag, increasing lift force at the wing tips and effective aspect ratio without adding greatly to the structural stress and weight in the wing structure. This paper is presented three-dimensional numerical analysis to proposed modification swept back wing by adding Raked winglets devices at the main wing tips belong the two seat trainer aircraft type Aermacchi Siai S211 by using Fluent ANSYS 13 software. CFD numerical analysis process was performed at the same flight boundary conditions indifferent wing angle of attacks with constant air flow velocity V∞ =50 (m/sec), ambient pressure Po=101325 (P

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Thermal Buckling of Angle-Ply Laminated Plates Using New Displacement Function
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Critical buckling temperature of angle-ply laminated plate is developed using a higher-order displacement field. This displacement field used by Mantari et al based on a constant ‘‘m’’, which is determined to give results closest to the three dimensions elasticity (3-D) theory. Equations of motion based on higher-order theory angle ply plates are derived through Hamilton, s principle, and solved using Navier-type solution to obtain critical buckling temperature for simply supported laminated plates. Changing (α2/ α1) ratios, number of layers, aspect ratios, E1/E2 ratios for thick and thin plates and their effect on thermal

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Improvement of Dental Composite Resin Using Supra -Nano Chicken thigh Bone Fibers
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Supra nanoparticles (submicron) of Chicken bones fibers were used (before and after treated with citric acid solution) as additives  to dental composite with the weight ratios (1%, 2% and 4%). The main mechanical tests represented by hardness, wear resistance and compression strength was carried out on the improvement dental composites.

The addition of treated supra nanoparticles Chicken thigh bones with particles size (300 nm) by weight ratio (1%) to ordinary dental composite resin , significantly improves all of its mechanical properties, in addition to the increase the value of the its  glass transition temperature from  43oC  to 45.4 oC. The techniques X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive Spectr

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fuzzy Wavenet (FWN) classifier for medical images
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    The combination of wavelet theory and neural networks has lead to the development of wavelet networks. Wavelet networks are feed-forward neural networks using wavelets as activation function. Wavelets networks have been used in classification and identification problems with some success.

  In this work we proposed a fuzzy wavenet network (FWN), which learns by common back-propagation algorithm to classify medical images. The library of medical image has been analyzed, first. Second, Two experimental tables’ rules provide an excellent opportunity to test the ability of fuzzy wavenet network due to the high level of information variability often experienced with this type of images.


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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Particle Swarm Algorithm to Solve Queuing Models with Practical Application
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This paper includes the application of Queuing theory with of Particle swarm algorithm or is called (Intelligence swarm) to solve the problem of The queues and developed for General commission for taxes /branch Karkh center in the service stage of the Department of calculators composed of six  employees , and it was chosen queuing model is a single-service channel  M / M / 1 according to the nature of the circuit work mentioned above and it will be divided according to the letters system for each employee, and  it was composed of data collection times (arrival time , service time, departure time)

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Vibration Analysis of Cross-Ply Plates Under Initial Stress Using Refined Theory
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Natural frequency under initial stresses for simply supported cross-ply composite laminated plates (E glass- fiber) are obtained using Refind theory (RPT). This theory accounts for parabolic distribution of the transverse shear strain through the plate thickness and satisfies the zero traction boundary conditions on the surfaces of the plate without using shear correction factors. The governing equations for Eigen value problem under initial stress are derived using Hamilton’s principle and solved using Navier solution for simply supported cross-ply symmetric and antisymmetric laminated plates. The effect of many design factors such as modulus ratio, thickness ratio and number of laminates on the Natural frequency and buckling stresses

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Static Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate using New Higher Order Shear Deformation Plate Theory
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 In the present work a theoretical analysis depending on the new higher order . element in shear deformation theory for simply supported cross-ply laminated plate is developed. The new displacement field of the middle surface expanded as a combination of exponential and trigonometric function of thickness coordinate with the transverse displacement taken to be constant through the thickness. The governing equations are derived using Hamilton’s principle and solved using Navier solution method to obtain the deflection and stresses under uniform sinusoidal load. The effect of many design parameters such as number of laminates, aspect ratio and thickness ratio on static behavior of the laminated composite plate has been studied. The

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A traditional model of translation: Critical analysis: Традиционные модели перевода: критический анализ
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 The article critically analyzes traditional translation models. The most influential models of translation in the second half of the 20th century have been mentioned, among which the theory of formal and dynamic equivalence, the theory of regular correspondences, informative, situational-denotative, functional-pragmatic theory of communication levels have been considered. The selected models have been analyzed from the point of view of the universality of their use for different types and types of translation, as well as the ability to comprehend the deep links established between the original and the translation.


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