خلفية البحث: المتلازمة الأيضية عند المرضى العراقيين المصابين بالمتلازمة التاجية الحادة قليلا ما تمت دراستها. الأهداف: دراسة الخصائص المجتمعية-السكانية للمرضى العراقيين المصابين بالمتلازمة الايضية مع المتلازمة التاجية الحادة. المرضى وطرق العمل: شملت الدراسة المقطعية 150 مصابا بالمتلازمة التاجية الحادة الذين يعالجون في وحده العناية القلبية في مستشفى اليرموك التعليمي في بغداد للفترة من منتصف كانون الثاني إلى شهر تموز، عام 2011) تم جمع المعلومات باستخدام إستمارة صممت لهذا الغرض تملأ من خلال مقابلة المرضى بأنفسهم أو أقاربهم. واعتمد تشخيص الطبيب الاستشاري المعالج في تصنيف الحالات. النتائج: بلغت نسبة المتلازمة الأيضية بين مرضى المتلازمة التاجية الحادة 69.3%، 63.8% بين الذكور و 78.6% بين الإناث إلا أن الفرق بدون دلالة إحصائية. وكانت أعلى نسبة بين الفئة العمرية (50-59 سنة). كانت الفروقات مابين الجنسين عند المصابين بالمتلازمة الايضية ذات دلالة إحصائية بخصوص مكان السكن (حضري: 63.3% ذكور، 84.1% أناث)، المستوى التعليمي (الأمية: 15% ذكور، 52.3% أناث، التعليم العالي: 25% ذكور، 4.5% أناث)، وطبيعة العمل (موظف: 50% ذكور، 22.7% أناث). كانت إصابة الذكور المصابين بالمتلازمة الأيضية مع المتلازمة التاجية الحادة بالجلطة القلبية (80%) أكثر من الذبحة الصدرية غير المستقرة، وكان العكس عند الاناث (41% جلطة قلبية) وكان الفرق ذا دلالة إحصائية. الإستنتاجات: هناك مستوى إنتشار مرتفع للمتلازمة الأيضية عند العراقيين المصابين بالمتلازمة التاجية الحادة ومن بين هؤلاء كانت الإصابة بالجلطة القلبية أكثر عند الذكور بفرق ذو دلالة احصائية.
AbstractBackground:Reduced glomeular filtration rate isassociated with increasedmorbidity in patientswith coronary arterydisease.Objectives :To analyze the declining eGFR andmortality risks in a patients with Chronic KidneyDisease and have had Coronary Artery Diseaseincluding risk factors .Patientsand Methods:The study included (160)patientsbetween the ages of 16 and 87years.Glomerular filtration rate was estimated (eGFR)using the Modification of Diet in Renal Diseaseequationand was categorized in the ranges<60 mL· min−1 per 1.73 m2and≥ 60 ml/min/1.73 m2.Baseline risk factors were analyzed by category ofeGFR,.The studied patients in emergencydepartment, were investigatedusing Coxproportional hazard models adjusting for traditiona
... Show MoreBackground: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is caused of 85% of all lung cancers. Among the most important factors for lung tumor growth and proliferation are the tyrosine kinase receptors that coded by the epidermal growth factor recep-tor (EGFR) gene. Activation of EGFR ultimately leads to developing of lung cancer. The present study was undertaken with an objective to detect EGFR mutations in bronchial wash from Iraqi patients with NSCLC before treatment. Methods: DNA was extracted from bronchial wash samples collected from 50 patients with NSCLC by using a Qiamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Then, EGFR mutations were determined by using real-time RCR combined with two technologies, Amplification Refractory Mutation System (
... Show MoreBackground: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is caused of 85% of all lung cancers. Among the most important factors for lung tumor growth and proliferation are the tyrosine kinase receptors that coded by the epidermal growth factor recep-tor (EGFR) gene. Activation of EGFR ultimately leads to developing of lung cancer. The present study was undertaken with an objective to detect EGFR mutations in bronchial wash from Iraqi patients with NSCLC before treatment. Methods: DNA was extracted from bronchial wash samples collected from 50 patients with NSCLC by using a Qiamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Then, EGFR mutations were determined by using real-time RCR combined with two technologies, Amplification Refractory Mutation System (
... Show MoreZinc, Copper, Selenium, Magnesium, Manganese, Chromium, Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, Vanadium and Germanium were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) in blood serum of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, (30) patients (14male and 16female) with age range (37-60) years compared with normal tensive control. The analysis of results showed that the mean value of concentration (Magnesium, Manganese and Nickel) were significantly higher in patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared to that of healthy, while the mean levels of serum (Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Chromium, Iron, Cobalt and Germanium) were significantly lower than controls. There were no significant changes in overall mean concentration of serum Vanadium in patients
... Show MoreAxial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) is a chronic rheumatic inflammatory disease affecting mainly the spine and sacroiliac joints. Since the copper-to-zinc ratio (Cu/Zn) indicates an inflammatory response, the change in ratio is expected to correlate with axSpA. This study compared levels of Cu/Zn in the serum of axSpA patients. Serum samples were obtained from 53 patients with axSpA divided according to biological treatment into cohorts A and B, and 28 healthy control as cohort C. Serum levels of Cu and Zn were determined first by a fully automated chemistry analyzer TC-Matrix Plus, then the ratio was obtained. The elevated serum Cu concentration means of cohort B (189.32 ± 13.808 µg/dL) compared to cohort A (168.85 ± 7.244 µg/dL) a
... Show MoreThe platelet activity and some immunological aspects of
coronary heart disease CIID were investigated by employing platelet count and serum levels of IgG,IgM and lgA,C3 and C4.Three groups of patients were investigated : patients with ischemic heart disease IHD, patients with lliD+hypcrtension and patients with IHD+unstable angina.The results revealed that the mean of platelets (mm') was significantly reduced in IHD+unstable angina group
2.72.L I.l2 compared with conrol b'TOUp 8.13±2.72.
With respect to the immunological study, the re;;ults revea
... Show MoreThe present study was performed on 80 female subjects between (30-60) years, who attended the Specialized Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes during the period from April to July; 2011. The subjects were divided into 3 groups : controls , non diabetic autoimmune thyroid patients , and non diabetic autoimmune thyroid patient with renal diseases as complication The results showed a significant increase in serum T 3 T4 levels in hyperthyroidism patients, and significant decrease in serum T3,T4 levels in hypothyroidism patients ,while a significant difference in serum TSH levels in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism patients when compared to control group The results show also a significant increase in serum antibodies to thyroid peroxidas
... Show MoreThis study was designed to compare the effect of two types of viral hepatitis A and E (HAV
and HEV) on liver functions in Iraqi individuals by the measurement of biochemical changes
associated with hepatitis.
The study performed on 58 HEV and 66 HAV infected patients compared with 28 healthy
subjects. The measured biochemical tests include total serum bilirubin, serum transminases (ALT
and AST) alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT).
The study showed that adolescent and young adults (17-29) years, were mostly affected by
HEV while children (5-12) years were frequently affected by HAV. The severity of liver damage in
HEV patients was higher than HAV patients as a result of high serum transa
Background: the activity of acute lymphoblastic leukemia had been observed to correlate with levels of serum lipoproteins
Objective: to evaluate the correlation of serum levels of different types of lipoproteins with activity of the disease in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Type of the study: A prospective study.
Methods: A study included patients diagnosed as acute lymphoblastic leukemia, their serum levels of lipoproteins at time of diagnosis, and on relapse were obtained for comparison.
Results: there is significant inverse correlation of activity of acute lymphoblastic leukemia with serum total cholesterol
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