خلفية البحث: المتلازمة الأيضية عند المرضى العراقيين المصابين بالمتلازمة التاجية الحادة قليلا ما تمت دراستها. الأهداف: دراسة الخصائص المجتمعية-السكانية للمرضى العراقيين المصابين بالمتلازمة الايضية مع المتلازمة التاجية الحادة. المرضى وطرق العمل: شملت الدراسة المقطعية 150 مصابا بالمتلازمة التاجية الحادة الذين يعالجون في وحده العناية القلبية في مستشفى اليرموك التعليمي في بغداد للفترة من منتصف كانون الثاني إلى شهر تموز، عام 2011) تم جمع المعلومات باستخدام إستمارة صممت لهذا الغرض تملأ من خلال مقابلة المرضى بأنفسهم أو أقاربهم. واعتمد تشخيص الطبيب الاستشاري المعالج في تصنيف الحالات. النتائج: بلغت نسبة المتلازمة الأيضية بين مرضى المتلازمة التاجية الحادة 69.3%، 63.8% بين الذكور و 78.6% بين الإناث إلا أن الفرق بدون دلالة إحصائية. وكانت أعلى نسبة بين الفئة العمرية (50-59 سنة). كانت الفروقات مابين الجنسين عند المصابين بالمتلازمة الايضية ذات دلالة إحصائية بخصوص مكان السكن (حضري: 63.3% ذكور، 84.1% أناث)، المستوى التعليمي (الأمية: 15% ذكور، 52.3% أناث، التعليم العالي: 25% ذكور، 4.5% أناث)، وطبيعة العمل (موظف: 50% ذكور، 22.7% أناث). كانت إصابة الذكور المصابين بالمتلازمة الأيضية مع المتلازمة التاجية الحادة بالجلطة القلبية (80%) أكثر من الذبحة الصدرية غير المستقرة، وكان العكس عند الاناث (41% جلطة قلبية) وكان الفرق ذا دلالة إحصائية. الإستنتاجات: هناك مستوى إنتشار مرتفع للمتلازمة الأيضية عند العراقيين المصابين بالمتلازمة التاجية الحادة ومن بين هؤلاء كانت الإصابة بالجلطة القلبية أكثر عند الذكور بفرق ذو دلالة احصائية.
There is a suggestion that an antidiuretic hormone-induced decrease in diuresis might contribute to the rapid relief of the acute pain in renal colic. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of desmopressin nasal spray compared with diclofenac given intramuscularly in patients with acute renal colic. The study included 75 patients randomized into three different groups; group A received desmopressin (40 μg, nasal spray), group B diclofenac (75 mg) intramuscularly and group C, both desmopressin and diclofenac. Pain was assessed using a visual analogue scale (a 10-cm horizontal scale ranging from `no pain' to `unbearable pain') at baseline, 10, 20 and 30 min after administering t
... Show MoreAcute myeloid leukemia is a malignant disease results from mutation in a multipotent haemopoietic stemcell. The study aimed to investigate NPM1 and FLT3-ITD mutations in Iraqi patients with AML and correlateresults with other clinical and laboratory findings. Fifty-eight AML patients, admitted to Baghdad TeachingHospital from October 2019 till March 2020 in addition to 25 normal controls, were included in the study.A detailed history, laboratory investigations including FLT3-ITD and NPM1 mutations were collected fromand analyzed. FLT3-ITD was detected in 17.24% of patients, NPM1 mutation in 10.34%. Most of thepatients are presented with pallor. FLT3-ITD mutation had a higher blast cell count (74%) while NPM1mutation had higher WBCs
... Show MoreBackground: The skin functions as a barrier to the external environment, damage to this barrier following a burn disrupts the innate immune system and increases susceptibility to bacterial infection. Objective: This study was carried out to determine the bacterial isolates and study their antimicrobial susceptibility in burned wound infections at one burn's hospital in Baghdad.Type of study:Cross-sectional study.Methods: The bacteria were identified at species level by using Analytic Profile Index (API) system and The antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed according to Kirby-Bauer (disk diffusion) technique.Results: Over a period of one year (from October 2014 to October 2015). Out of 848 patients with different degrees of burns
... Show MoreAims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the value and accuracy of longitudinal strain in detection of coronary artery disease compared to coronary angiography. Results: The left ventricular longitudinal strain-speckle tracking showed evidence of stenosis of left anterior descending artery, circumflex artery and right coronary artery in (86.1%), (76.4%), and (84.7%) respectively. For the stenosis in left anterior descending artery, the current study showed that the longitudinal strain was a good predictor for presence of significant stenosis with a sensitivity of (93.8%), specificity (75%) and accuracy (91.7%) compared with coronary angiography. For the stenosis in right coronary artery, the left ventricular longitudinal strain had
... Show MoreAdenosine deaminase (ADA; Ec:, 5´- Nucleotidase (5´– NT; Ec:, and AMP – amino hydrolase (AMP – deaminase AMPDA; Ec: activities were measured in sera of ovarian cancer patients before surgery, and after chemotherapy. The results indicated that ADA specific activity increased significantly (P<0.05), while 5´-NT and AMPDA specific activity decreased significantly (P<0.05) in ovarian cancer patients before surgery in comparison with those of their corresponding control women and benign tumors groups. When the activities of these enzymes were measured after chemotherapy, a significant decrease (P<0.05) in ADA activity, and a significant increase (P<0.05) in 5´- NT and AMPDA activities w
... Show MoreBackground: Dental anomalies are abnormal tooth condition occurs due to certain genes or environmental factor disturb tooth development during morphodifferentiation stages, affecting group of teeth or entire dentition. The aim of the study is to evaluate the frequency of occurrence of dental anomalies among dental student. Materials and Methods: Three hundred dental students with age ranged (18-23 years) were examined clinically and radiographically searching for dental anomalies in shape, number and position. Results: Only 25 students (8.3 %) from the total sample (300) had dental anomalies, female form the higher percentage of anomalies (about 68%) compared to male (32%). The age group (22 years) which was the larger group had a higher
... Show MoreHepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses are the major health problem in the worldwide. In the Middle East, the prevalence of HBV in general population with the chronic infectionsis 2-5%,whereas the prevalence of HCV is about 1% in Arabian Gulf countries. World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that the risks of HBV and HCV transmissionas well as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through the transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products is high, because of the fragility of health services in these countries. Several viral diseases are transportby different modes like bloodtransfusion, sexual contact, and unsafe injections. The mostcommon blood-transmitted viruses are hepatitis B virus(HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and humanimmunodeficie
... Show MoreInfection of the gastric mucosa with Helicobacter pylori is strongly associated with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. Helicobacter pylori virulence factors include a variety of proteins that are involved in its pathogenesis, such as VacA and CagA. Another group of virulence factors is clearly important for colonization of H.pylori in the gastric mucosa. These include urease, motility factors (flagellin), and Superoxide dismutase (SOD). Because of this organism's microaerophilic nature and the increased levels of reactive oxygen in the infected host, we expect that other factors involved in the response to oxidative stress are likely to be required for virulence. Superoxide dismutase is a near
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