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The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Loyalty among Baghdad University Employees in light of Covid- 19 A Descriptive Analytical Study (University of Baghdad as a model)
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The educational service industry is one of the most negatively affected industries by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Government agencies have taken many measures to slow its spread, and then restrict movement and gatherings and stop recreational activities. Furthermore, the repercussions of the curfew had a significant impact due to the interruption in actual attendance for students and employees, and the severity of the Covid-19 crisis and its (economic, social, security, humanitarian and behavioral) effects on all societies and work sectors is no secret to anyone. Iraq, like other countries, was also affected by the negative impact of Covid-19 pandemic in all fields of institutional work, especially public fields, and specifically the field of education, given that It is based on the necessity for the administration to maintain the continuity of workers’ commitment to perform their duties, which raised the possibility of them being exposed to greater levels of pressure and workload due to the requirements to adhere to the new work procedures as specified by the crisis cell, such as full curfew and social distancing measures to preserve health, and since workers represent the lifeline of any an organization, managing and dealing with them was considered to be highly important because despite the lack of material and financial resources in business, employees remain one of the key assets that administrations of organizations must take care of and ensure the quality of their practical life and careers, not only during crises but at all times, by striving to satisfy them in order to maintain their organizational loyalty. These changes in work methods and procedures have likely had an impact on the performance and commitment of employees. Therefore, employee satisfaction has become one of the important topics that need examination and testing in light of crises in general and the COVID-19 crisis in particular. The global health crisis forced institutions to expedite the formulation of plans and a response strategy with little guidance as a result of the unprecedented nature of the epidemic, and then there was an impact on the predetermined factors that might have affected the satisfaction of employees in various institutions, especially service institutions whose work required them to continue providing services and complete work. In addition, the previously less relevant factors have become prevalent due to the nature of the pandemic; for example, the topics of job insecurity, unemployment and health risks have been identified as the most serious consequences of the epidemic globally. This research came to examine the level of job satisfaction of employees working in the educational institution (the University of Baghdad as a model) and its relationship to the degree of their organizational loyalty in light of the COVID 19 pandemic based on the knowledge generated by reviewing the literature that was used to identify the key factors that affect employee’s satisfaction and hence the degree of loyalty to his\her organization, and the foundational idea that employee’s satisfaction affects the overall performance level of the organization is based on several factors, including the degree of employee loyalty and devotion to work, thus, maintaining an adequate level of job satisfaction for employees is one of the key factors in maintaining effective organizational performance for any organization. In light of the changes that took place in the methods and procedures of institutional work in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became important to unveil the positive and negative factors that affected the job satisfaction of employees and then their organizational loyalty to achieve further organizational progress and improvement and then improve the overall performance of the organization. thus came this research to focus on analyzing the relationship between employee satisfaction and organizational loyalty during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for that reason, we developed questionnaires to identify job satisfaction and organizational loyalty at the job level for employees of the educational institution, the University of Baghdad (Colleges of Education for Girls and Science for Girls) in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study included (279) employees from the Colleges of Education for Girls and the College of Science for Girls, with a rate of (135) (144) employees, respectively. Employee satisfaction was considered an independent variable, and organizational loyalty was considered a dependent variable. Reliability tests, correlation analysis and regression were conducted to prove the research hypotheses, and the results of the research showed that satisfied employees tend to be more loyal and devoted to the organization and contribute positively to improving organizational performance. Furthermore, at the time of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, employees in the field of educational services at the University of Baghdad.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Arab Scientific Heritage Journal
الجــانــب الإعــلامــي لخـطـبـة السيّدة زينب (عليها السلام) في الكوفة سنة 61هـ/684م
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
التوجه التصميمي وأثره في تعريف نقطة الحد الاقتصادي لكلفة بناء الوحدة السكنية
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية للبنات
تحديات نشر ثقافة السلام في العراق من وجهة نظر القيادات والنخب الفكرية
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يعد موضوع السلام ونبذ العنف وقبول الآخر من الموضوعات الحیویة التي اخذت تصعد على سلم الأولویات فى نهایات القرن الماضي وبداية الالفية الجديدة ، ولازال یلقى الاهتمام الكبیر من الدول نظراً للنجاحات التي حققها السلام من حیث الإعمار والمساعدة فى رسم الخطط التنمویة طویلة المدى، وتنبع ألاهمیة من صیاغة الوجدان للإنسان العراقي عبر نشر ثقافة السلام.

Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
مجلة الجامعة العراقية
تعرض كبار السن للمسلسلات الهندية المدبلجة في القنوات الفضائية والاشباعات المتحققة منها
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 12 2021
Journal Name
مجلة اداب الفراهيدي
دور القنوات الفضائية العراقية في تشكيل اتجاهات الشباب ازاء قضايا المجتمع ومشكلاته
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Karbala Journal Of Physical Education Sciences
تأثير تمرينات خاصة في تطوير بعض القدرات الحركية والانجاز لعداءات 100م حواجز
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هدف البحث الى التعرف على تأثير تمرينات خاصة في تطوير بعض القدرات البدنية وانجاز مسابقة عدو(100) متر حواجز تحت (20) سنة. استخدمت الباحثتان المنهج التجريبي بتصميم المجموعة التجريبية ذات الاختبار القبلي والبعدي لملائمته طبيعة البحث. تم تحديد مجتمع البحث بالطريقة العمدية وهم عداءات 100م حواجز من فئة الشباب، واختيار عداءات نادي السليمانية بألعاب القوى وتم اختيار العينة بصورة قصدية بأسلوب الاختبارين القبلي والبعدي و

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
الآخر في الشعر العربي الحديث (من نكسة حزيران إلى أخريات الألفية الثانية)
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الآخر في الشعر العربي الحديث (من نكسة حزيران إلى أخريات الألفية الثانية)

Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
القصدية في اللغة العربية بين الدراسات القديمة والحديثة: القصدية : قديما و حديثا
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معيار القصديَّة في النص هو من الدراسات الحديثة المتطورة من لسانيات الجملة الى لسانيات النص ، وتحليل الخطاب . والذي يعنى بالطرق والأدوات التي يستغلها المؤلف لتحقيق الغايات المقصديَّة 

وهذا البحث ناقش مفهوم(القصديَّة) لغةً ،واصطلاحاً . فاللغة والكلام شكل من أشكال الوجود الإنساني و( الكلام) هو وسيلة التواصل بين الملقي القارئ ، والمتلقي  السامع ؛ وللتوصل الى الدلالة القصديَّة الدقيقة للغة المنطوقة وا

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رعاية الايوبييـن للعلـم والعلمـاء في مصـر وبـــــلاد الشـــــــام (567-648هـ/1171-1250م)
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The Ayyub era witnessed a popular for science, knowledge and became the Ayyub state in its various regions a scientific beacon، despite their preoccupation with wars with the Crusaders now that did not discourage them from their care for science and scientists، and this scientific renaissance had many factors، foremost of which are the tendencies of the sultans and Ayyub kings to pay attention to science and its care، through their establishment of the role of science

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 03 2003
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التسليات في البلدان الاسلامية مشاهد حياة الطرب والالات الموسيقية كما يعكسها الفن
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التسليات في البلدان الاسلامية مشاهد حياة الطرب والالات الموسيقية كما يعكسها الفن

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