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The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Loyalty among Baghdad University Employees in light of Covid- 19 A Descriptive Analytical Study (University of Baghdad as a model)
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The educational service industry is one of the most negatively affected industries by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Government agencies have taken many measures to slow its spread, and then restrict movement and gatherings and stop recreational activities. Furthermore, the repercussions of the curfew had a significant impact due to the interruption in actual attendance for students and employees, and the severity of the Covid-19 crisis and its (economic, social, security, humanitarian and behavioral) effects on all societies and work sectors is no secret to anyone. Iraq, like other countries, was also affected by the negative impact of Covid-19 pandemic in all fields of institutional work, especially public fields, and specifically the field of education, given that It is based on the necessity for the administration to maintain the continuity of workers’ commitment to perform their duties, which raised the possibility of them being exposed to greater levels of pressure and workload due to the requirements to adhere to the new work procedures as specified by the crisis cell, such as full curfew and social distancing measures to preserve health, and since workers represent the lifeline of any an organization, managing and dealing with them was considered to be highly important because despite the lack of material and financial resources in business, employees remain one of the key assets that administrations of organizations must take care of and ensure the quality of their practical life and careers, not only during crises but at all times, by striving to satisfy them in order to maintain their organizational loyalty. These changes in work methods and procedures have likely had an impact on the performance and commitment of employees. Therefore, employee satisfaction has become one of the important topics that need examination and testing in light of crises in general and the COVID-19 crisis in particular. The global health crisis forced institutions to expedite the formulation of plans and a response strategy with little guidance as a result of the unprecedented nature of the epidemic, and then there was an impact on the predetermined factors that might have affected the satisfaction of employees in various institutions, especially service institutions whose work required them to continue providing services and complete work. In addition, the previously less relevant factors have become prevalent due to the nature of the pandemic; for example, the topics of job insecurity, unemployment and health risks have been identified as the most serious consequences of the epidemic globally. This research came to examine the level of job satisfaction of employees working in the educational institution (the University of Baghdad as a model) and its relationship to the degree of their organizational loyalty in light of the COVID 19 pandemic based on the knowledge generated by reviewing the literature that was used to identify the key factors that affect employee’s satisfaction and hence the degree of loyalty to his\her organization, and the foundational idea that employee’s satisfaction affects the overall performance level of the organization is based on several factors, including the degree of employee loyalty and devotion to work, thus, maintaining an adequate level of job satisfaction for employees is one of the key factors in maintaining effective organizational performance for any organization. In light of the changes that took place in the methods and procedures of institutional work in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became important to unveil the positive and negative factors that affected the job satisfaction of employees and then their organizational loyalty to achieve further organizational progress and improvement and then improve the overall performance of the organization. thus came this research to focus on analyzing the relationship between employee satisfaction and organizational loyalty during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for that reason, we developed questionnaires to identify job satisfaction and organizational loyalty at the job level for employees of the educational institution, the University of Baghdad (Colleges of Education for Girls and Science for Girls) in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study included (279) employees from the Colleges of Education for Girls and the College of Science for Girls, with a rate of (135) (144) employees, respectively. Employee satisfaction was considered an independent variable, and organizational loyalty was considered a dependent variable. Reliability tests, correlation analysis and regression were conducted to prove the research hypotheses, and the results of the research showed that satisfied employees tend to be more loyal and devoted to the organization and contribute positively to improving organizational performance. Furthermore, at the time of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, employees in the field of educational services at the University of Baghdad.

Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دور ومسؤولية مراقبي الحسابات في العراق تجاه الأفصاح الألكتروني للقوائم المالية
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This research aims at shedding light on the electronic disclosure of the financial information under the condition of the development of this kind of disclosure all over the world , and its effect  on the job of auditing and accounting . It also aims to show the extent to which the observers of accounts are aware of their duties towards this kind of disclosure and to test the effect of some environment factors on the level of this awareness.

To achieve the aims of the research has been divided in to four parts. The first one deals with mathadolge of the research. The second parts is devoted to the theoretical aspect of the research referring to the notion of electronical, disclosure its features and effect on the auditing jo

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
آليات حوكمة الشركات التي تؤثر في اتخاذ المدقق الداخلي للقرار الاخلاقي
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اصبح لمجالس الادارة في الشركات دوراً حاسماً في تعزيز الحوكمة الفاعلة، كونها تتحمل المسؤولية النهائية عن نظم الرقابة الداخلية في شركاتها، ويلعب التدقيق الداخلي دوراً اساسياً في مساعدة تلك المجالس على القيام بمهمات الحوكمة. ولهذا يبذل مجمع المدققين الداخليين الامريكي جهداً كبيراً في توجيه اعضاءه ليكونوا متخصصين في اصول حوكمة الشركات وتحسين وتقوية اخلاقيات العمل وسلامة المنظمة.

لذا فإن ا

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
العالم العالم ابن خلدون ( ت 808 هـ ) (نظريته في السياسة والعصبية)
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Ibn Khaldun is one of the best Arab Muslims scientists who participated in establishing Arabic Muslims heritage in all different disciplines & directions specially in sociology, neurological & his political theories which showed the development of Arabic philosophy in all scientific disciplines specially his introduction

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التربية النفسية والاخلاقية عند مسكويه في كتابه ( تهذيب الاخلاق وتطهير الاعراق)
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أن الامم والشعوب لاتستطيع المحافظة على استمرار وجودها وتقدمها ورقيها، إلابفضل إعداد اجيالها المتعاقبة الاعداد السليم المتكامل ، وبقدر ما تحافظ الامم والشعوب على تربية هذه الاجيال للتمسك بدينها ، ومعتقداتها ، واخلاقها ، بقدر ما تحافظ على بقائها وعلو شأنها ، وكما فطنت الامم والشعوب إلى اهمية تربية اجيالها ، فطن اعداؤها الى ضرورة التخريب في جذور البناء الصحيح لتربية الاجيال ( فاطمة ، 1998، ص2).

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 05 2010
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
دور المراكز البحثية في الحياة السياسية وصنع القرار السياسي الخارجي الامريكي
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دور المراكز البحثية في الحياة السياسية وصنع القرار السياسي الخارجي الامريكي

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
المتغیرات الجدیدة في سیاسة روسیا الاتحادیة تجاه منطقتي آسیا الوسطى والقوقاز
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Federal Russia remains the central player in the space of post-Soviet Union,
particularly in the regions of Middle Asia and the Caucasus , which set standard for
the local transformations of the two regions.
The Russian concern continued about the shift of power in the
world, as long as Russia is concerned with limiting the action of the United States
in the area in which Russia sees as vital area to its national interests. Russia's
nationalists play a main role in reviving Russia's influence in Middle Asia as a vital
area and the natural ally of Russia, but without resorting to the old ways of using
the threat of military force.
The idea of the return of Russia as a superpower in the global arena in

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
الحیوانات والطیور والحشرات والزواحف في كتاب الفندیداد (احد كتب الافستا الزردشتیة)
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The book of Alphendidad is considered as an important part of the holy book of
Avesta in the Zoroastrian religion. It is a religious and urbanization book that consists of a
number of chapters dealing with the creation. The book includes 22 chapters, mostly edited
as a dialogue between Ahuaramzda the god of goodness and his prophet Zoroaster. The
biggest chapter deals with the rules of purification of vices of the devil and dismissing it of
the places around, hence it is the book of law of Zoroastrian about the important animals,
birds , insects, and reptiles and their categorization according to their creation; creatures of
the spirit of goodness and creatures of the spirit of evilness.
Some of these creatures ar

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
ملامح دلالية في موشحات صدر الدين ابن الوكيل 665-716 هـ
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 05 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مصنفات المؤرخ الاستاذ الدكتور عبد الله الفياض في تاريخ الحضارة الإسلامية
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The historian, Professor Dr. Abdullah Al-Fayyad, left a huge legacy of knowledge product that scholars and stakeholders benefited from in the field of Islamic historical and modern studies,

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الهــــــــــدم الخــــــــــــلاق Creative Destruction وإمكانية اعتماد كنموذج ابداعي في المنظمات العربية
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أن هذه الدراسة هي دراسة نظرية اهتمت بتقديم مدخل معاصر لمنظمات الأعمال، يمكن أن يعتمد علية من أجل تحقيق الريادة و البقاء. وذلك من خلال اعتماد مدخل الهدم الخلاق و تقديم أنموذج قادر على التفاعل مع البيئة بكل ما تقدمه من فرص وتحديات.

وتم تقسيم هذه الدراسة إلى ثلاثة مباحث،تناول المبحث الأول منهجية الدراسة. وبينما تناول المبحث الثاني توضيح مفهوم الهدم الخلاق والعناصر المكونة لهذا المدخل وأخيراً

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