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Klebsilla pneumoniae is one of must opportunistic pathogens that causes nosocomial infection, UTI, respiratory tract infections and blood infections. ZrO2 nanoparticles have antimicrobial activity against some pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Ceftazidime is one of third generation cephalosporins groups of antibiotecs, characterized by its broad spectrum on bacteria in general and particularly on Enterobacteriaceae family like Klebsiella spp. Method: Diverse clinical samples of Klebsilla pneumoniae were isolated from several hospitals in Baghdad – Iraq and ZrO2 nanoparticles was investigated against it. Ceftazidime was also investigated against K. pneumoniae. Both of ZrO2 nanoparticles and ceftazidime were mixed together and investigated against K. pneumoniae. Results: The result showed that ZrO2 nanoparticles were effectivity on inhibiting opportunistic pathogens. By using zirconium oxide nanoparticles on Klebsiella pneumonia isolates in 24h. of incubation time, inhibition zones were (38,34,10,10,8,0) mm respectively on agar plates. By using ceftazidime alone against the same bacteria inhibition zones were (40,32,10,9,8,0) mm. respectively. Conclusion:The present study results that the antibacterial activity of ceftazidime against bacteria was increased when combination between ZrO2 nanoparticles and the antibiotic had done, because, inhibition zones in case of mixing both of ZrO2 nanoparticles and ceftazidime were (43,40,12,12,10,0) mm respectively. So that we can conclude that the combination of zirconium oxide nanoparticles (ZrO2) and ceftazidime was a useful method for the treatment of Klebsilla pneumonia that cause nosocomial infection, UTI, respiratory tract infections and blood infections.

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design Comparison between the Gravity and Pressure Sand Filters for Water Treatment, Review
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Hygienic engineering has dedicated a lot of time and energy to studying water filtration because of how important it is to human health. Thorough familiarity with the filtration process is essential for the design engineer to keep up with and profit from advances in filtering technology and equipment as the properties of raw water continue to change. Because it removes sediment, chemicals, odors, and microbes, filtration is an integral part of the water purification process. The most popular technique for treating surface water for municipal water supply is considered fast sand filtration, which can be achieved using either gravity or pressure sand filters. Predicting the performance of units in water treatment plants is

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship between Psychological Stress and Social Isolation among Displaced Secondary School Students
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The problem of the current research addressed the close link between the psychological stress and social isolation as behavior and experience, as well as, the stress of the displaced pupils by the sense of alienation and isolation from the society to which they had moved. It reflects a sense of mystery to the displaced pupils about their lives in the present and future. Therefore, the current research aims to identify the psychological presence and the level of social isolation among secondary school displaced pupils and identify whether there were statistically significant differences in the variables between the displaced pupils (males-females). Moreover, it attempts to identify the relationship between psychological stress and social

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the relationship btwen serum sialic and humoral immune response in patients with sthma
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forty-six patients with asthma were tested for the scrum levels of total sialic and diffrental the results reveled a significant increased in the scra of asthmatic patients

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Environmental Accounting And Management
On the Food Chain Model with Sokol Howell Functional Response and Prey Refuge
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The cheif aim of the present investigation is to develop Leslie Gower type three species food chain model with prey refuge. The intra-specific competition among the predators is considered in the proposed model. Besides the logistic growth rate for the prey species, Sokol Howell functional response for predation is chosen for our model formulation. The behaviour of the model system thoroughly analyses near the biologically significant equilibria. The linear stability analysis of the equilibria is carried out in order to examine the response of the system. The present model system experiences Hopf bifurcation depending on the choice of suitable model parameters. Extensive numerical simulation reveals the validity of the proposed model.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Theatrical Play Strategy in Enabling and Constructing the Child's Character: سافرة ناجي جاسم
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  Since the human being knew simulation as an expressive style of expressing himself which developed into dramatic arts that have their aesthetic uniqueness involving their own constructive techniques, the art of the theatre had a pioneering role in the development of the human awareness of himself. That’s why it was and still is in all its aesthetic manifestations a free space for the self –disclosure thus man has been simulated as he is the main theme of the existence and its main wealth. Thus the interest in the child's theatre began, because this theatrical pattern has its effectiveness in the construction of the human self and enabling it to be a productive source for a life that accommodates and elevates the human action t

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The frontal sinus dimensions in mouth and nasal breathers in Iraqi adult subjects
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Background: The frontal sinus area can be used as a diagnostic aid to recognize mouth breather subjects. The aims of this study were to determine the gender difference in each group, to compare the frontal sinus area between mouth breather and nasal breather group, and to verify the presence of correlation between the frontal sinus area and the cephalometric skeletal measurements used in this study. Materials and Methods: Cephalometric radiographs were taken for 60 adults (30 mouth breathers and 30 nasal breathers) age range (18-25), for each group 15 males and 15 females, in the orthodontic clinic in the college of Dentistry at Baghdad University. The control group (nasal breather) with skeletal class I and ANB angle ranged between 2-4º,

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Trade relations between Iraq and selected Arab countries for the period 2003 -2013
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Ping message focused on highlighting the fact commodity trading in Iraq, and increased exposure to world merchandise trade imbalance, which dominate Iraq's foreign trade major commodity is oil, and therefore the inability of Iraq to control financial revenue as a result of the fluctuations in the international market, the shortage of commodity products will lead inevitably to the weakness in the ability of the local market to meet the internal demand and due to the lack of flexible production machine For agricultural, industrial and economic sectors are responding to changes in the domestic or external demand which will open the door to merchandise imports to invade these markets, since the adoption of the Iraq oil exports,

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Geminivirus : Detection, Diagnosis And Management
Geminiviruses occurrence in the middle east and their impact on agriculture in Iraq
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Corruption Risk Analysis at the Project Planning Stage in the Iraqi Construction Sector using the Bowtie Methodology
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In this paper, the bowtie method was utilized by a multidisciplinary team in the Federal Board of Supreme Audit (FBSA)for the purpose of managing corruption risks threatening the Iraqi construction sector. Corruption in Iraq is a widespread phenomenon that threatens to degrade society and halt the wheel of economic development, so it must be reduced through appropriate strategies. A total of eleven corruption risks have been identified by the involved parties in corruption and were analyzed by using probability and impact matrix and their priority has been ranked. Bowtie analysis was conducted on four factors with high score risk in causing corruption in the planning stage. The number and effectiveness of the existing proactive meas

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 25 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Study of Main Factors Affecting the Leakage of Aluminum into the Food Wrapped in Aluminum Foil During Cooking
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Different cooking conditions were examined for aluminum content in food cooked while wrapped with aluminum foil. The influence of each anticipated factor (the acidity of the cooking medium, type of acids normally used in cuisines namely acetic and tartaric acids, various cooking temperatures, influence of the presence of sodium chloride salt, the effect of cooking oil, and the length of time of cooking) was studied thoroughly as a function of aluminum degraded out of the aluminum foils to the medium. The experimental samples were digested with nitric acid upon fulfillment of examining each factor separately before quantifying aluminum with the sensitive technique of atomic absorption spectroscopy. The outcomes of the study have shown that t

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