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The role of psychological ownerships' dimensions in deterring the effects of toxic leadership: Analytical research in some companies at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 06 2024
Journal Name
Al- Anbar Medical Journal
Metastatic Ovarian Tumor from Incidental Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and Literature Review
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering
Depositional environment, seismic stratigraphy, and Sr-isotope geochronology, Bangestan reservoir, Ahwaz oilfield, SW Iran
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The Bangestan reservoir, which occurs in the Ahwaz oilfield, consists of the middle Cretaceous limestone Ilam and Sarvak Formations that were deposited in the Zagros Basin. The reservoir is divided into ten Zones (A to J) formed in the upper Albian-Santonian and contains considerable hydrocarbon accumulations. The limestones were deposited on an extensive shallow carbonate platform on a passive margin and are dominated by rudist biostrome and grainstone facies. Paleogeographical changes mean that identification of the facies is complex. Seismic stratigraphy and isotopic data are used to better understand the structural and geological setting and develop an understanding of the sedimentary environment. The results show that the rudist biostr

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Land Magnetic survey along a profile from Akaz to Rutba town and its applications
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A land magnetic survey was carried out along regional profile, which is located at the north part of the Iraqi western desert. It starts from al –Qaam City (at north) toward Rutba City (at south) with a total length of 238km. The survey was carried out along the paved road between the two cities, About 113 measuring points were done with inter-station distance of 2 km (for 198 km) and 2 to 5km (for 40km). Two proton magnetometers were used in this survey. One of them is used for base station monitoring, which was fixed as of Salah Aldin field (Akkas). Its readings were used for diurnal corrections. All magnetic measurements were corrected for normal and topographic corrections. The readings were reduced to a certain base level. The resu

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Babylonian theater (Its history, models and properties) a historical comparative study: محمد صبري صالح
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The building of the Babylonian theater is considered as one of the distinctive buildings where its foundations have remained steadfast in the face of geographical changes, social's erosion and groundwater that threatened almost all traces of Babylon despite the destruction of the outer structure of the building. The general directorate of antiques performed prospection for those foundations (the ground map), and then the building was completed by new bricks over the original scheme. It became clear when examining the building; its components and foundations, that the building is unique in comparison with the old buildings of the world throughout Iraq. There are similar buildings in other places like Jordan and North Africa such as

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Minerva Dental And Oral Science
Salivary interleukin-1β as a biomarker to differentiate between periodontal health, gingivitis, and periodontitis
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Between Partial Least Square Regression(PLSR) and Tree Regression by Using Simulation(RT).
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This research discussed, the process of comparison between the regression model of partial least squares and tree regression, where these models included two types of statistical methods represented by the first type "parameter statistics" of the partial least squares, which is adopted when the number of variables is greater than the number of observations and also when the number of observations larger than the number of variables, the second type is the "nonparametric statistic" represented by tree regression, which is the division of data in a hierarchical way. The regression models for the two models were estimated, and then the comparison between them, where the comparison between these methods was according to a Mean Square

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Nano Hybrids And Composites
OLED Hybrid Light Emitting Devices with ZnS QDs, TPBi and Alq3 Electron Transport Layers
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Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have attracted tremendous attentions for their unique characteristics for solid-state lighting and thin-film display applications. A simple chemical method was used to synthesis quantum dots (QDs) of zinc sulfide (ZnS) with low cost. The XRD) shows cubic phase of the prepared ZnS with an average particles size of (3-29) nm. In UV-Vis. spectra observed a large blue shift over 38 nm. The band gaps energy (Eg) was 3.8 eV and 3.37eV from the absorption and photoluminescence (PL) respectively which larger than the Eg for bulk. QDs-LED hybrid devices were fabricated using ITO/ PEDOT: PSS/ Poly-TPD/ ZnS-QDs/ with different electron transport layers and cathode of LiF/Al layers. The EL spectrum reveals a bro

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Hybrid Algorithm to Protect Computer Networks Based on Human Biometrics and Computer Attributes
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Objective of this work is the mixing between human biometric characteristics and unique attributes of the computer in order to protect computer networks and resources environments through the development of authentication and authorization techniques. In human biometric side has been studying the best methods and algorithms used, and the conclusion is that the fingerprint is the best, but it has some flaws. Fingerprint algorithm has been improved so that their performance can be adapted to enhance the clarity of the edge of the gully structures of pictures fingerprint, taking into account the evaluation of the direction of the nearby edges and repeat. In the side of the computer features, computer and its components like human have uniqu

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Citric Acid Production: Raw Material, Microbial Production, Fermentation Strategy and Global Market: Critical Review
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Citric acid is an essential ingredient for the manufacture of (12) key industrial chemicals. Citric acid use is increasing steadily with a high annual growth rate as a result of the development of ever more sophisticated applications. Citric acid is widely utilized in the food and pharmaceutical industries due to its low toxicity when compared to other acidulous. Other uses for citric acid can be found in cleaning supplies and detergents. Based on information from a review of the literature, Citric acid production substrates and methods for surface fermentation, submerged fermentation, solid-state fermentation, and international market expansion are all covered in the current review study. Finally, there is still much to learn about the

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 21 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
A Comparison between Static and Repeated Load Test to Predict Asphalt Concrete Rut Depth
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Rutting has a significant impact on the pavements' performance. Rutting depth is often used as a parameter to assess the quality of pavements. The Asphalt Institute (AI) design method prescribes a maximum allowable rutting depth of 13mm, whereas the AASHTO design method stipulates a critical serviceability index of 2.5 which is equivalent to an average rutting depth of 15mm. In this research, static and repeated compression tests were performed to evaluate the permanent strain based on (1) the relationship between mix properties (asphalt content and type), and (2) testing temperature. The results indicated that the accumulated plastic strain was higher during the repeated load test than that during the static load tests. Notably, temperatur

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