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The role of psychological ownerships' dimensions in deterring the effects of toxic leadership: Analytical research in some companies at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
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Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Gift Acceptance and Its Effect on Prescribing Behavior among Iraqi Specialist Physicians
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Plos One
Hepatic Carboxylesterase 1 Is Induced by Glucose and Regulates Postprandial Glucose Levels
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Time and finance optimization model for multiple construction projects using genetic algorithm
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Abstract<p>Construction contractors usually undertake multiple construction projects simultaneously. Such a situation involves sharing different types of resources, including monetary, equipment, and manpower, which may become a major challenge in many cases. In this study, the financial aspects of working on multiple projects at a time are addressed and investigated. The study considers dealing with financial shortages by proposing a multi-project scheduling optimization model for profit maximization, while minimizing the total project duration. Optimization genetic algorithm and finance-based scheduling are used to produce feasible schedules that balance the finance of activities at any time w</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Information And Communication Technology
EEG Signal Classification Based on Orthogonal Polynomials, Sparse Filter and SVM Classifier
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This work implements an Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal classifier. The implemented method uses Orthogonal Polynomials (OP) to convert the EEG signal samples to moments. A Sparse Filter (SF) reduces the number of converted moments to increase the classification accuracy. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to classify the reduced moments between two classes. The proposed method’s performance is tested and compared with two methods by using two datasets. The datasets are divided into 80% for training and 20% for testing, with 5 -fold used for cross-validation. The results show that this method overcomes the accuracy of other methods. The proposed method’s best accuracy is 95.6% and 99.5%, respectively. Finally, from the results, it

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
E-Learning and Its Relationship with Academic Passion among Middle School Students
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The current research aims to identify the level of E-learning among middle school students, the level of academic passion among middle school students, and the correlation between e-learning and academic passion among middle school students. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher developed two questionnaires to measure the variables of the study (e-learning and study passion) among students, these two tools were applied to the research sample, which was (380) male and female students in the first and second intermediate classes. The research concluded that there is a relationship between e-learning and academic passion among students.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 08 2021
Journal Name
Scientific Reports
Weakly Supervised Sensitive Heatmap framework to classify and localize diabetic retinopathy lesions
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Abstract<p>Vision loss happens due to diabetic retinopathy (DR) in severe stages. Thus, an automatic detection method applied to diagnose DR in an earlier phase may help medical doctors to make better decisions. DR is considered one of the main risks, leading to blindness. Computer-Aided Diagnosis systems play an essential role in detecting features in fundus images. Fundus images may include blood vessels, exudates, micro-aneurysm, hemorrhages, and neovascularization. In this paper, our model combines automatic detection for the diabetic retinopathy classification with localization methods depending on weakly-supervised learning. The model has four stages; in stage one, various preprocessing techniques are app</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 26 2018
Journal Name
International Research Journal Of Pharmacy
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Small Horizontal Wind Turbine Design and Aerodynamic Analysis Using Q-Blade Software
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Wind energy is one of the most common and natural resources that play a huge role in energy sector, and due to the increasing demand to improve the efficiency of wind turbines and the development of the energy field, improvements have been made to design a suitable wind turbine and obtain the most energy efficiency possible from wind. In this paper, a horizontal wind turbine blade operating under low wind speed was designed using the (BEM) theory, where the design of the turbine rotor blade is a difficult task due to the calculations involved in the design process. To understand the behavior of the turbine blade, the QBlade program was used to design and simulate the turbine rotor blade during working conditions. The design variables suc

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Survey on Arabic Text Classification Using Deep and Machine Learning Algorithms
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    Text categorization refers to the process of grouping text or documents into classes or categories according to their content. Text categorization process consists of three phases which are: preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. In comparison to the English language, just few studies have been done to categorize and classify the Arabic language. For a variety of applications, such as text classification and clustering, Arabic text representation is a difficult task because Arabic language is noted for its richness, diversity, and complicated morphology. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis and a comparison for researchers in the last five years based on the dataset, year, algorithms and the accuracy th

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Composite Structures
Bond behaviour between CFRP laminates and steel members under different loading rates
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Carbon fibre reinforced polymers are widely used to strengthen steel structural elements. These structural elements are normally subjected to static, dynamic and fatigue loadings during their life-time. A number of studies have focused on the characteristics of CFRP sheets bonded to steel members under static, dynamic and fatigue loadings. However, there is a gap in understanding the bonding behaviour between CFRP laminates and steel members under impact loading. This paper shows the effect of different load rates from quasi-static to 300 × 103 mm/min on this bond. Two types of CFRP laminate, CFK 150/2000 and CFK 200/2000, were used to strengthen steel joints using Araldite 420 epoxy. The results show a significant bond strength enhancemen

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