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Emissions Investigating of Carbon Dioxide Generated by the Iraqi Cement Industry
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Abstract<p>The most used material in the world after water is concrete, which depends mainly on its manufacture of cement leading to the emission of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>), flying dust, and other greenhouse gasses (GHGs) resulting in pollution of the atmosphere. The emission of CO<sub>2</sub> from cement production is approximately 5% of the global anthropogenic CO<sub>2</sub>. This research focuses on investigating the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> emission from the Iraqi General Cement Company plants includes the cement factories of Kirkuk, Al-Qa’em, Fallujah, and Kubaisa, using the GHGs Protocol Measures Program (specifically cement based-method). The data required for cement production was provided by the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals throughout 25 years. The results showed that the largest amount of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions cumulatively over 25 years was from the Kubaisa plant with an average emission amount of approximately 7,613,605 tons/25 years. While the lowest cumulative amount of emission was by Fallujah cement plant represented by about 868,341 tons/25 years. On the other hand, the highest and lowest production amount was from Kubaisa and Fallujah plants at 105% and 0.6% in 1989 and 2008 respectively relative to the design capacity. Shifting to renewable and clean energies that limit the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> emitted to the atmosphere is highly recommended, although this requires facing problematic challenges.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Treatment of Petroleum Refinery Wastewater by Sono Fenton Process Utilizing the in-Situ Generated Hydrogen Peroxide
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Combining ultrasonic irradiation and the Fenton process as a sono-Fenton process, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in refinery wastewater was successfully eliminated using response surface methodology (RSM) with central composite design (CCD). The impact of two main influential operational parameters (iron dosage and reaction time) on the COD removal from wastewater generated by an Iraqi petroleum refinery facility was explored. Removal of 85.81% was attained under the optimal conditions of 21 minutes and 0.289 mM of  concentration. Additionally, the results revealed that the concentration of has the highest effect on the COD elimination, followed by reaction time. The high R2 value (96.40%) validated the strong fit of the mo

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Different Wavelength Femtosecond Laser Pulses Generated by Diode Pumped Ti: Sapphire Crystal
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The relation between the output power and wavelengths for a 532nm 3W frequency doubled diode pumped solid state laser pumped Ti:Sapphire crystal is investigated. A 20 femtosecond pulse at 800 nm is obtained. A 320 mW is found to be the highest power at 800nm. Below this wavelength value and above the power was found to deviate from highest output value.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2021
Journal Name
Atmospheric Emissions Effects and Mechanism
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Humanity's relationship with the environment is a delicate balance. Since the industrial revolution, the world's population has grown at an exponential rate, and this has a major environmental effect. Deforestation, pollution, and global climate change are just a few of the negative consequences of population and technological growth. Particulates, Sulphur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the primary pollutants that harm our health. These contaminants may be directly emitted into the atmosphere (primary pollutants) or formed in the atmosphere from primary pollutants reacting (secondary pollutants. Tropospheric ozone is created When water reacts with volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the presen

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 17 2014
Journal Name
Microbial Ecology
Investigating the Link Between Imipenem Resistance and Biofilm Formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a ubiquitous environmental organism, is a difficult-to-treat opportunistic pathogen due to its broad-spectrum antibiotic resistance and its ability to form biofilms. In this study, we investigate the link between resistance to a clinically important antibiotic, imipenem, and biofilm formation. First, we observed that the laboratory strain P. aeruginosa PAO1 carrying a mutation in the oprD gene, which confers resistance to imipenem, showed a modest reduction in biofilm formation.We also observed an inverse relationship between imipenem resistance and biofilm formation for imipenem-resistant strains selected in vitro, as well as for clinical isolates.We identified two clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa from the sputum

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy
Assessment of wettability and rock-fluid interfacial tension of caprock: Implications for hydrogen and carbon dioxide geo-storage
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 18 2022
Journal Name
College Of Education For Women
Investigating Iraqi EFL Teachers Problems with English for Iraq Series
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Iraqi EFL teachers face problems in teaching “English for Iraq Series” for primary public school pupils. In this paper, the researchers are going to identify the main problems faced by our teachers and try to find solutions to these problems. To achieve the aim of the study, list of questions asked and from teachers’ responses, the researchers have got an idea about the main problems which are related to textbook material, parents, learners, environment and technology. Therefore, the researchers adapted a questionnaire to achieve the purpose of the study with some changes and modifications. This questionnaire with five point scale (strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, strongly disagree). To achieve face validity, the

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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The cement slurry is a mixture of cement, water and additives which is established at the surface for injecting inside hole. The compressive strength is considered the most important properties of slurry for testing the slurry reliability and is the ability of slurry to resist deformation and formation fluids. Compressive strength is governed by the sort of raw materials that include additives, cement structure, and exposure circumstances. In this work, we use micro silica like pozzolanic materials. Silica fume is very fine noncrystalline substantial. Silica fume can be utilized like material for supplemental cementations for increasing the compressive strength and durability of cement. Silica fume has very fine particles size less

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Investigating the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles Prepared by Precipitation Method
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This work used the deposition method to synthesize nickel oxide nanoparticles. The materials mainly used in this study were nickel sulfate hexahydrate (as a precursor) and NaOH (as a precipitant). The properties of the nanopowder were characterized by XRD, FE-SEM, EDX, and VSM. The obtained results confirmed the presence of nickel oxide nanoparticles with a face-centered cubic (FCC) structure with a lattice constant (a=4.17834 Å). Scherer and Williamson-Hall equations were used to calculate the crystallite size of about (30.5-35.5) nm. The FE-SEM images showed that the particle shape had a ball-like appearance with a uniform and homogeneous distribution and confirmed that the particles were within the nanoscale. The presence of oxygen a

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Conference On Scientific Research &amp; Innovation (icsri 2022)
Investigating the capability of MCM-41 nanoparticle for COD removal from Iraqi petroleum refinery wastewater
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation of Media for Growth and Isolation of Lactic Acid Bacteria by Using the Starch-Industry by- Products
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By- products of corn starch industry were used to prepare media for propagation the lactic acid bacteria as a natural auxotroph. The by- products used were the corn steep water (S) and gluten extract (G) after a proper treatment to get them ready for media preparation. The results showed that it was possible to replace the peptone and meat extract by gluten extract in MRS medium. The growth was approximately similar to that obtained in standard MRS media. Corn steep water (S) was used as well and the growth enhanced by including Tween – 80 at 1% level. The later media named MZ, which was superior for growing standard and local strains and starters. The MZ medium modified by adding acetate and glacial acetic acid similarly to

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