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المظاهر القانونية للفساد واستراتيجية مكافحته في تعزيز قيم النزاهة
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بات الفساد ظاهرة عالمية تهدد المجتمعات وبقائها ، وبدت الانقسامات المجتمعية تتضاعف في البلدان التي ينتشر فيها الفساد بمختلف أنواعه وتسمياته ، حيث استكشفت الدراسة بأن التشريعات الجنائية حرصت على تقرير نظام عقابي خاص لمواجهة جرائم الفساد مما استوجب بنا بيان المظاهر القانونية للفساد السياسي المتمثل بالرشوة الدولية والرشوة الانتخابية لان الفساد لم يعد متعلقا بالجانب الاقتصادي فحسب بل امتد إلى الجوانب الأخرى السياسية والاجتماعية ومع ان الاطار التشريعي لجرائم الفساد ومعاقبة مرتكبيه يستلزم وجود نظام إجرائي فعال ومتكامل لملاحقة المتهمين ومحاكمتهم واسترداد عوائد نشاطهم الإجرامي مما تطلب بالدراسة بيان أهمية الملاحقة الإجرائية من خلال بيان دور هيئة النزاهة في التحقيق في تلك الجرائم وكل ما يتعلق بالفساد الإداري والمالي وهذه الجرائم المرتكبة قد تكون أحيانا ذات طابع دولي ولها صلة بجرائم الجريمة المنظمة غير الوطنية وقد تناولنا بيان معالجة أسباب الفساد والذي لا يكون فقط عن طريق النصوص القانونية لمعاقبة مرتكبي الفساد وإنما في الإجراء الوقائي من خلال تعزيز قيم النزاهة وتحمل المسؤولية بأمانة وإخلاص واحترام القانون وهذا هو الأساس ،وان لتعزيز تلك المفاهيم دور كبير في مواجهة الفساد في قمة الهرم السياسي وفي قاعدته.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The non right behavior appearance for the kindergarten children and its relation with the kindergarten teaching style
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The kindergarten teacher play a role in fixing the children behavior so she must plant the value and the habits that make a positive behavior and accepted by the society so the teacher must know all the right educational psychological styles to fix the children behavior and make them accepted psychologically and socially so the problem of the research start from knowing the relation between the methods of dealing with the kindergarten’s teachers and the non right behavior appearance for the kindergarten children. The current research aims to measure the negative behavior appearance of the children of kindergarten and distinguish it according to (sex and levels) and to distinguish the most using styles by the teachers of kinderg

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Legal Nature of Independent Guarantees
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The guarantee has been known since ancient times as the most widely used personal guarantee, whether at the commercial or civil business level, internally and externally. However, it suffered from weaknesses from the point of view of creditors. In search of a safer personal guarantee, and based on contractual freedom, independent guarantees arose, starting with practice, followed by the stage of legislative regulation.

This type of new guarantees is based on the principle of independence. The independent guarantor, who is the debtor of the guarantee, is bound by a personal guarantee originating in the contract with the inability to adhere to defenses, which constitutes an advantage that tempts creditors, and the well-known legal

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Legal Protection of Computer Programs
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Computer programs are one of the most prominent features of technical progress in the field of information technology, which has raised many new issues that have not existed since the mid-twentieth century. and controls on the use of these programs by third parties, Controversy still exists about the legal nature of computer programs between those who believe that they are subject to the laws of patents and industrial property, and those who believe that they are subject to the laws of copyright protection and literary and artistic property, and the resulting difference in the scope of protection and rights established according to the legal system adopted in the application. This study comes to shed light on the legal nature of computer

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Legal Protection of Computer Programs
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Computer programs are one of the most prominent features of technical progress in the field of information technology, which has raised many new issues that have not existed since the mid-twentieth century. and controls on the use of these programs by third parties,

Controversy still exists about the legal nature of computer programs between those who believe that they are subject to the laws of patents and industrial property, and those who believe that they are subject to the laws of copyright protection and literary and artistic property, and the resulting difference in the scope of protection and rights established according to the legal system adopted in the application.

This study comes to shed light on the legal na

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Legal Nature of Investment Contracts
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The investment contract that has a foreign element is considered amongst the contracts that have their legal and international economical weight, for what it represents in all countries’ economies, and achieving progress in many fields that investment has its effects on their growth and establishment as its at the centre of everyone’s attention. As well as that the variety in opinions and the presence of differences in the contents of these contracts, and the confusion between them and other international contracts, and the considerable interest jurists have in them have all led to not having a legal definition for them, as most definitions the describe them are more economical than they are legal, and the reason for that is that law

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Violations of the financial employee in his legal work
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The financial violation must be defined as a concept for the purpose of distinguishing this concept from other terms that may be suspected in the context of the job and the violations of the financial employee that may be disciplinary or even punitive. From Egypt and Iraq, in addition to addressing the doctrinal aspect in the two countries above and the extent to which the specialized jurists dealt with the statement of financial violations, or even highlighting images that could be considered that the violation committed by the financial employee falls under the framework of the financial violation. Which may result in a financial violation by the financial employee, and we touched upon the request of him to indicate the financial viola

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The legal nature of nullity in a period of suspicion
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Represents the period of suspicion period between start date stop payment and date of issuance of the rule of bankruptcy, and that behavior performed by the merchant debtor in this period is the behaviors suspicious. Once to stop the merchant debtor to pay its debts makes his action marred by disorder. as it may harm creditors or a preference for each of other because it feels along of bankruptcy or it may oversaw  so distrust legislator of his action in this period which is the most dangerous periods and most dangerous on creditors , the legislator stipulated that action issued by the debtor during this period should be null void the aim of the legislator is to protect the creditor community and that the non-exhaustion of the dispo

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The legal obstacles for the choices of the real estate owner and the extent to which the options of the holder are affected as a result of the pledgee’s breach of his legal duties
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منح القانون حائز العقار المرهون خيارات معينة ، ان يستعمل منها ما يناسبه للحفاظ على ملكية العقار ، ويتجنب ملاحقة الدائن المرتهن الذي قد يفلح في نزع هذه الملكية من يده لتقع في نصيب شخص آخر ، او قد تكون من نصيبه بعد ان يسدد الثمن الذي رسا عليه مزاد البيع طبقا للاجراءات المتبعة .

قد يتعذر على الحائز في حالات معينة استعمال البعض من هذه الخيارات او كلها(Contraindications to using options) ، الامر الذي يضعه تحت رحمة الدائن المرته

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational Structure Analysis Via the dimension of the Organic synthesis
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The study focused on the identification of the natural relation between the organizational components, and the most important is the organizational structure, which not hid its effect on each function and operation of the organizational structure through commanding the individual craters and its forms according to the requirement of these function, also it has relation with an organic synthesis that between the dimensions of the organic synthesis and the practice side in the commission of Integrity.

The problem of the research pensioned in some questions about hypothesis and theoretical parts, in which they go a mention about the hypothesis questions is to use all the knowledge's in this atmosphere and th

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Legal ways to reform the tax system in Iraq
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The purpose of the state of tax is not only to achieve financial goals but also economic, social and other goals. And if the Iraqi state's orientation today in all its legislative, executive and independent institutions towards maximizing its tax resources, this goal can only be achieved through several legal means in reforming the tax system. This is what we discussed in the research of the six discussions. The first represents the unification of the various tax legislations in one law or two laws. Achieves clarity, certainty, justice and convenience. The second is the unification of the tax appeal bodies in a stable judicial system, the provisions and procedures that work on the consideration of tax deductions of any kind in a way that

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