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Copy Move Image Forgery Detection using Multi-Level Local Binary Pattern Algorithm
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Digital image manipulation has become increasingly prevalent due to the widespread availability of sophisticated image editing tools. In copy-move forgery, a portion of an image is copied and pasted into another area within the same image. The proposed methodology begins with extracting the image's Local Binary Pattern (LBP) algorithm features. Two main statistical functions, Stander Deviation (STD) and Angler Second Moment (ASM), are computed for each LBP feature, capturing additional statistical information about the local textures. Next, a multi-level LBP feature selection is applied to select the most relevant features. This process involves performing LBP computation at multiple scales or levels, capturing textures at different resolutions. By considering features from multiple levels, the detection algorithm can better capture both global and local characteristics of the manipulated regions, enhancing the accuracy of forgery detection. To achieve a high accuracy rate, this paper presents a variety of scenarios based on a machine-learning approach. In Copy-Move detection, artifacts and their properties are used as image features and support Vector Machine (SVM) to determine whether an image is tampered with. The dataset is manipulated to train and test each classifier; the target is to learn the discriminative patterns that detect instances of copy-move forgery. Media Integration and Call Center Forgery (MICC-F2000) were utilized in this paper. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in detecting copy-move. The implementation phases in the proposed work have produced encouraging outcomes. In the case of the best-implemented scenario involving multiple trials, the detection stage achieved a copy-move accuracy of 97.8 %. 

Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
DEO: A Dynamic Event Order Strategy for t-way Sequence Covering Array Test Data Generation
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Sequence covering array (SCA) generation is an active research area in recent years. Unlike the sequence-less covering arrays (CA), the order of sequence varies in the test case generation process. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the SCA strategies, earlier works reported that finding a minimal size of a test suite is considered as an NP-Hard problem. In addition, most of the existing strategies for SCA generation have a high order of complexity due to the generation of all combinatorial interactions by adopting one-test-at-a-time fashion. Reducing the complexity by adopting one-parameter- at-a-time for SCA generation is a challenging process. In addition, this reduction facilitates the supporting for a higher strength of cove

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Reliability Analysis of Multibit Error Correcting Coding and Comparison to Hamming Product Code for On-Chip Interconnect
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Error control schemes became a necessity in network-on-chip (NoC) to improve reliability as the on-chip interconnect errors increase with the continuous shrinking of geometry. Accordingly, many researchers are trying to present multi-bit error correction coding schemes that perform a high error correction capability with the simplest design possible to minimize area and power consumption. A recent work, Multi-bit Error Correcting Coding with Reduced Link Bandwidth (MECCRLB), showed a huge reduction in area and power consumption compared to a well-known scheme, namely, Hamming product code (HPC) with Type-II HARQ. Moreover, the authors showed that the proposed scheme can correct 11 random errors which is considered a high

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Agriculture - Food Science And Technology
Determination of Operating Characteristics of 540 and 540E PTO Applications in Disc Type Silage Machines
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In this study, performance characteristics such as power take off (PTO) power consumption, fuel consumption, fuel consumption for the unit field-unit product were determined at different working speeds with two different PTO applications (540 and 540E) in a single row disc type silage machine. In particular, the 540E PTO application greatly reduces fuel consumption for unit work. The best results in terms of hourly fuel consumption were achieved in 540E PTO application and V1 working speed. When the field - product fuel consumption is evaluated, the best results were obtained with the 540E PTO application at the V3 working speed. When an evaluation is made considering all the parameters, it is concluded that the 540E PTO application will p

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Anatolian Congresses 8th International Applied Sciences Congress
The Effect of Twin-Row Silage Maize Harvesting on Single Row Silage Machine Performance
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In this study, the harvest of maize silage with the cross double row sowing method were tested with a single row disc silage machine in two different PTO applications (540 and 540E min-1) and at two different working speeds v1, v2 (1.8 and 2.5 km h-1). The possibilities of harvesting with a single row machine were revealed, and performance characteristics such as hourly fuel consumption, field-product fuel consumption and PTO power consumption were determined in the trials. The best results in terms of hourly fuel consumption and PTO power consumption were determined in the 540E PTO application and V1 working speed. When the fuel consumption of the field-product is evaluated, it is obtained with V2 working speed and 540E PTO application. As

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 06 2024
Journal Name
Multimedia Tools And Applications
Text classification based on optimization feature selection methods: a review and future directions
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A substantial portion of today’s multimedia data exists in the form of unstructured text. However, the unstructured nature of text poses a significant task in meeting users’ information requirements. Text classification (TC) has been extensively employed in text mining to facilitate multimedia data processing. However, accurately categorizing texts becomes challenging due to the increasing presence of non-informative features within the corpus. Several reviews on TC, encompassing various feature selection (FS) approaches to eliminate non-informative features, have been previously published. However, these reviews do not adequately cover the recently explored approaches to TC problem-solving utilizing FS, such as optimization techniques.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Observation and Analysis the role of Convolutional Neural Network towards Lung Cancer Prediction
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Lung cancer is one of the most serious and prevalent diseases, causing many deaths each year. Though CT scan images are mostly used in the diagnosis of cancer, the assessment of scans is an error-prone and time-consuming task. Machine learning and AI-based models can identify and classify types of lung cancer quite accurately, which helps in the early-stage detection of lung cancer that can increase the survival rate. In this paper, Convolutional Neural Network is used to classify Adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and normal case CT scan images from the Chest CT Scan Images Dataset using different combinations of hidden layers and parameters in CNN models. The proposed model was trained on 1000 CT Scan Images of cancerous and non-c

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of the cold atmospheric plasma on the number of platelets
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This study includes the direct influence of (single & multi) dose of Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) on the no. of platelets for mice for different exposure time (15, 30, 60, and 120) sec. the influence of CAP on mice was measured after 1, 2, 3, 7, and 14 day from exposure.
The results obtained in this study indicate that the effect of low doses of CAP on platelets was stimulatory effect in the first few hours from exposure (1day) but the high dose was inhibitory, It was found that after two weeks of exposure that the number of platelets became normal comparable to the control one, and this indicates that plasma effect was removed after this period.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation of SiO2:TiO2 for High-Performance Double Layer Anti-Reflection Coating
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        In this work, an anti-reflection coating was prepared in the region (400-1000) nm of wavelength, with a double layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2) as an inner layer and the second layer of the mixture (SiO2) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) with certain ratios, as an outer layer using the chemical spraying method with a number of 6 sprays of layer SiO2 and 12 sprays of layer SiO2 - TiO2. Using the method of chemical spraying deposited on the glass as a substrate with a different number of sprays of SiO2, and a fixed number of TiO2-SiO2. The optical and structural properties were determined using UV-Vis spectroscopy and atomic force mi

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimization of Inventory Inflation Budget Based on Spare-parts and Miscellaneous Costs of a Typical Automobile Industry
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Brainstorming has been a common approach in many industries where the result is not always accurate, especially when procuring automobile spare parts. This approach was replaced with a scientific and optimized method that is highly reliable, hence the decision to optimize the inventory inflation budget based on spare parts and miscellaneous costs of the typical automobile industry. Some factors required to achieve this goal were investigated. Through this investigation, spare parts (consumables and non-consumables) were found to be mostly used in Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing (IVM), Nigeria but incorporated miscellaneous costs to augment the cost of spare parts. The inflation rate was considered first due to the market's

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 15 2024
Journal Name
Al-manhaj Library
Multivariate Analysis - Second Edition
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This Book is intended to be textbook studied for undergraduate course in multivariate analysis. This book is designed to be used in semester system. In order to achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters (as done in the first edition 2019). Chapter One introduces matrix algebra. Chapter Two devotes to Linear Equation System Solution with quadratic forms, Characteristic roots & vectors. Chapter Three discusses Partitioned Matrices and how to get Inverse, Jacobi and Hessian matrices. Chapter Four deals with Multivariate Normal Distribution (MVN). Chapter Five concern with Joint, Marginal and Conditional Normal Distribution, independency and correlations. While the revised new chapters have been added (as the curr

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