يهدف البحث الحالي إلى الاستفادة من القهوة المستهلكة , كمادة وسيطة حيث تعد القهوة المستهلكة من المخلفات المضرة للبيئة الاستخراج الكافيين الطبيعي والذي يعد مادة ذات نشاط حيوي واهمية, وتحديد العوامل الفعالة في كفاءة عملية الاستخلاص من حيث تركيز الكافيين. تضمنت المتغيرات الرئيسية المدروسة وقت الاستخلاص 0-150 دقيقة ، ودرجة الحرارة 25-55 درجة مئوية ، وسرعة الخلط 180-450 دورة في الدقيقة ، ودرجة الحموضة العالق (4-9) ونوع المذيب. أظهرت نتائج العمل التجريبي أن تغيير درجة حموضة المعلق له تأثير كبير على معدل استرجاع الكافيين. عند استخدام الماء فقط كمذيب ، زاد تركيز الكافيين من 135.061 مجم / لتر إلى 2478.179 مجم / لتر عندما تم زيادة الاس الهيدروجيني للعالقِ إلى9. وهناك نتيجة واعدة أخرى وهي أنه من خلال تغيير نوع المذيب. إلى مذيب عضوي مائي ، زاد استرداد الكافيين بشكل ملحوظ. عندما تم استخدام 20 ٪ من الإيثانول ماء كمذيب وعند درجة الحموضة الأصلية للمعلق ، زاد تركيز الكافيين الناتج الى 213 مجم / لتر . علاوة على ذلك ، زيادة نسبة الإيثانول إلى 80٪ ، رفعت تركيز الكافيين إلى 464 (ملجم / لتر). أدت زيادة الاس الهيدروجيني للعالق إلى7 لزيادة تركيز الكافيين الناتج إلى 2386.13 ملجم / لتر بتركيز مذيب بنسبة 80٪ إيثانول.
The distribution of the intensity of the comet Ison C/2013 is studied by taking its histogram. This distribution reveals four distinct regions that related to the background, tail, coma and nucleus. One dimensional temperature distribution fitting is achieved by using two mathematical equations that related to the coordinate of the center of the comet. The quiver plot of the gradient of the comet shows very clearly that arrows headed towards the maximum intensity of the comet.
The process of accurate localization of the basic components of human faces (i.e., eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) from images is an important step in face processing techniques like face tracking, facial expression recognition or face recognition. However, it is a challenging task due to the variations in scale, orientation, pose, facial expressions, partial occlusions and lighting conditions. In the current paper, a scheme includes the method of three-hierarchal stages for facial components extraction is presented; it works regardless of illumination variance. Adaptive linear contrast enhancement methods like gamma correction and contrast stretching are used to simulate the variance in light condition among images. As testing material
... Show More<span>One of the main difficulties facing the certified documents documentary archiving system is checking the stamps system, but, that stamps may be contains complex background and surrounded by unwanted data. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to isolate background and to remove noise that may be surrounded stamp. Our proposed method comprises of four phases, firstly, we apply k-means algorithm for clustering stamp image into a number of clusters and merged them using ISODATA algorithm. Secondly, we compute mean and standard deviation for each remaining cluster to isolate background cluster from stamp cluster. Thirdly, a region growing algorithm is applied to segment the image and then choosing the connected regi
... Show MoreSpent catalysts for sulfuric acid production have large amount of vanadium and due to environmental authority it is required to reduce the vanadium contain of the spent catalyst. Experimental investigation was conducted to study the vanadium recovery from spent catalyst via leaching process using sodium hydroxide to study the effect of process variables (temperatures, sodium hydroxide molarities, leaching time and particle size) on vanadium recovery. The effect of process variables (temperature, particle size,molarities of sodium hydroxide and leaching time) on the percentages of vanadium recovery were investigated and discussed .It was found that the percentage of vanadium recovery increased with increasing temperature up to 100 , incre
... Show MoreThe acidity of spent lubricant was treated using sodium hydroxide solution. The effect of three variables on the treatment have been studied . These are mixing time rangingfrom 5-35 minutes, NaOH to lubricant weight ratio ranging from 0.25-1.25 and weight percentage of NaOH ranging from 2-6 % .
The experimental design of Box-Wilson method is adopted to find a useful relationship between the three controllable variables and the lowering in the acidity of the spent lubricant. Then the effective variables and interactions are identified using the statistical analysis(F-test) of three variable fractional design. The mathematical model is well represented by a second order polynomial.
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