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A randomized double‐blind clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of chlorhexidine, antioxidant, and hyaluronic acid mouthwashes in the management of biofilm‐induced gingivitis
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To investigate the antiplaque and antigingivitis efficacy in addition to evaluating side effects and subjects’ perceptions of three commercially available mouthwashes.


This study was a double‐blind, parallel, and short‐term trial. A total of 75 dental students with biofilm‐induced gingivitis were included in the final analysis of the current study. Clinical parameters (plaque index and bleeding on probing) and the staining effect were measured at baseline and after 7 days. In addition, a VAS‐based assessment questionnaire was completed by the participants.


All interventions significantly reduced plaque scores, but chlorhexidine (CHX) had a significantly higher effect than the hyaluronic acid (HA) and antioxidant mouthwashes. However, all mouthwashes significantly reduced the total bleeding scores to <10% in 53% of the patients, compared to the baseline record. Additionally, teeth underwent shade changes in association with all interventions by the end of the study. Analysis of feedback about the mouthwashes showed that the participants seemed to prefer the HA mouthwash over the other mouthwashes.


CHX remains the most effective antiplaque mouthwash although HA and antioxidants are as effective as CHX in reducing bleeding. In addition, based on its better acceptance by the participants, HA is potentially a good alternative to CHX.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 17 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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A field experiment was conducted at experimental field of Mechanization Agriculture , the College of Agriculture , Abu – Ghraib , University of Baghdad .To measure transmitted vibration to seat tractor during operation tillage , mold board plow with New Holland 66-S- 80 tractor as one machinery unit , Soil was treated at soil constant moisture ( 18 – 20 % ) with two depths of plowing (15 and 20 cm ) and three speed of tractor 2.0 , 3.5, 6.8 km / h . Three main dimensions in seat tractor measurement vertical, longitudinal and lateral acceleration. Split plot design under completes block design with three replicates .

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
North and north-eastern wind and its impact on the racial temperature and humidity in Iraq
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The study area is witnessing divergence where I am North wind North East wind as we find that the north wind is getting replicated as we move from the south, The reason can be attributed to the nature of the surface of the region, with at least repeat this wind the northern region to the presence of mountain ranges, while we find that energizes the surface in the center and south helped to increase repeat this wind gusts, It also finds that the North wind East prevail in the northern region and least replicated as we move from the north to the south and to the fact that North stations are within blowing this wind sites for the circles near the display of high pressure located centers to the north-east, north and distancing itself from pa

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact of applying the third of basel committee11 conventions(market disciplin) in the efficient of significance components for factors of banking capital risks
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We have focused the research problem through an assessment of the applicability of the third pillar of the decisions of the Basel Committee 11 (market discipline) or not and its impact on both the adequacy of bank capital, supervisory oversight and banking risks and the statement weaknesses commitment banking institutions and which in turn lead to the stability of the financial system as a whole.                         .
The research is important statement on the importance of big capital in the banking business and the attributes of a role in the absorption of losses suffered by the bank, which reflects the willin

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of spastic cerebral palsy upon the quality of life of children under the age of 12 years in Erbil City: parents’ reports
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Objectives: This study aims to assess the quality of life of cerebral palsy children less than 12 years old reported by
parents in Erbil city/Iraq.
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted during 2014, to describe the quality of life of cerebral palsy
children. One hundred mothers have cerebral palsy children were participated in this study. The study took place at
Helena Center for handicapped children in Erbil City. Questionnaire was used to collect data, which consists of two
main parts. The first part is divided into two sections; section one was described the mothers’ demographic
characteristics, while the second section was for identifying the demographical characteristics of cerebral palsy
children. Th

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the structure of salaries of public sector workers for strategic planning purposes An analytical study in the general body of groundwater
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The research discusses the problem of salaries in the public sector in terms of the process of analyzing its structure and the possibility of benefiting from the information provided by the analysis process for the strategic planning process, and the General Authority for Groundwater has been adopted and one of the formations of the Ministry of Water Resources, which is centrally funded, to represent the salary structure of its employees (1117) employees be a field of research, as the salary structure in it was analyzed for the period between (2014-2019) using the quantitative approach to analysis and by relying on a number of statistical tools in the analysis process, including mathematical circles, upper limits, lower limits, p

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
J Bagh College Dentistry
Comparison of Immunoglobulin IgA level in the stimulated saliva of caries-free and caries-active children aged 7-10 year
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Background: Salivary immunoglobulin IgA plays an essential role in the immune response against dental caries. This studywas conducted to compare the salivary IgA levels and flow rate of stimulated saliva in caries active and caries free children. Materials and methods: The present study included sixty healthy children age 7-10 yearswho were divided into two groups. They were caries free and caries active children (30 children in each group). Assessment and recording of caries – experience were through the application of Decayed, Missing and Filled Tooth Index (DMFT) and (dmft) index, for permanent and deciduous teeth respectively. After dental examination, stimulated saliva samples were collected from the subjects and performed und

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Statistical Fluctuations of Energy Spectrum, Electromagnetic Transitions and Electromagnetic Moments in 136Xe Nucleus Using the Framework of Nuclear Shell Model
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The fluctuation properties of energy spectrum, electromagnetic transition intensities and electromagnetic moments in nucleus are investigated with realistic shell model calculations. We find that the spectral fluctuations of are consistent with the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices. Besides, we observe a transition from an order to chaos when the excitation energy is increased and a clear quantum signature of the breaking of chaoticity when the single-particle energies are increased. The distributions of the transition intensities and of the electromagnetic moments are well described by a Porter-Thomas distribution. The statistics of electromagnetic transition intensities clearly deviate from a Porter-Thomas distribution (i

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Attitudes of School Teachers and Principals at Regular Government Basic Schools toward Inclusion of Disabled Students in Ajloun Governorate
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This study aimed to identify the attitudes of school teachers and principals at basic government schools in Ajloun governorate towards the inclusion of disabled students at basic schools, and investigate how they will accept the merger. To achieve the purpose of this study, a questionnaire containing 35 items was administered to school teachers and principals to measure their attitudes toward the inclusion of disabled students in regular schools. The sample of this study consisted of 43 male teachers and (74) female teachers and principals. The frequency, normal distribution, arithmetic means and t-test were used to analyze the data of present study.          The findings showed that there

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Assessment of Neck Circumference Measurement among Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Identifying: Obesity and the Likelihood of Developing Metabolic syndrome.
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Background: Obesity is an evolving major health problem in both developed and developing countries. Traditional obesity indices as body mass index, waist circumference, waist-hip-ratio are well known measures to identify obese subjects, however, neck circumference as an index of upper-body obesity was found to be a simple and time-saving screening measure that can be used to identify obesity and the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetic patients.
Aim: to investigate the relationship of neck circumference (NC) to obesity and metabolic syndrome in Iraqi subjects with type 2 diabetes.
Methods: The study group included 90 type 2 diabetic subjects (48 men and 42 women) aged 30-68 years. The subjects were those w

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The chemical composition of some kinds of local soybean Glycine max and its utilization in manufacturing supporting cereal baby foods
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This study was conducted on five kinds of local soybean seeds (Ibaa, Hawija, Taqa.2, Lee74 and Hassan). The chemical analysis results showed that Hawija soybean has the highest percent of protein which was 38-08%, The amino acid percent was also higher than the other kinds(lysine, Thereonine and Tryptopham), and being 389,250,81 mg/gm nitrogen respectively Both amino acids were important for child nutrition. Hawija was selected, being the best for proteins and basic amino acids, and was utilized in preparation of the adjunct baby food formula. Eighteen formulas had been prepared by using soybean flour kind(Hawija), wheat flour kind (Abu gharib) and full fat powder milk (NIDO). Each formula contained 20% protein as recommended by F.A.O, W.

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