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Determining the Prevalence of Upper and Lower Urinary Tract Infections’ Pathogens and Their Antibiotic Susceptibility Profile for Adult Patients in Al-Diwaniya, Iraq (Conference Paper) #
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Until today, one of the leading predominant infections is Urinary tract infection (UTI). It exerts a huge burden on health systems worldwide each year. Treating UTIs empirically with antimicrobials improves morbidity rates. This study aims to assess the prevalence of UTI-associated bacteria in adult patients and to determine their antibiotic susceptibility profile. A retrospective study was conducted for adult outpatients who visited Al-Diwaniya tertiary hospitals from January 2020 till February 2022 to review their medical and lab records in addition to sociodemographic data. A total of 256 patients’ records were included of which 204 (79.7%) belong to females and 52 (20.3%) were males with an average age of 39.22±17.10 years. The predominant organisms’ isolates were Staphylococcus spp. found in 100 records (39.1%), Escherichia coli (E. coli) demonstrated in 90 records (35.2%), and Klebsiella spp. (K. spp.) revealed in 23 records (9%). Staphylococcus spp. (Staph. spp.) showed high resistance to ampicillin (92.9%) followed by ceftazidime (87.5%), and were highly sensitive to vancomycin. The higher resistance profile of E. coli was to ampicillin (97.9%) and ceftriaxone (81.3%) while was highly susceptible to meropenem (97.9%) and amikacin (97.6%). Additionally, Klebsiella spp. was highly susceptible to nitrofurantoin (78.6%), while was completely resistant to ampicillin. This study presents Staphylococcus spp. as the most prevalent gram-positive uropathogen and E. coli as the most prevalent gram-negative bacteria with a multidrug resistance profile to commonly used antimicrobials which is an alarming situation to implement an immediate effective stewardship program.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Model Design for Combating COVID -19 Pandemic Based on SVM and CNN Approaches
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       In the current worldwide health crisis produced by coronavirus disease (COVID-19), researchers and medical specialists began looking for new ways to tackle the epidemic. According to recent studies, Machine Learning (ML) has been effectively deployed in the health sector. Medical imaging sources (radiography and computed tomography) have aided in the development of artificial intelligence(AI) strategies to tackle the coronavirus outbreak. As a result, a classical machine learning approach for coronavirus detection from      Computerized Tomography (CT) images was developed. In this study, the convolutional neural network (CNN) model for feature extraction and support vector machine (SVM) for the classification of axial

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
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Biomass Conversion And Biorefinery
Lactic acid-based deep eutectic solvents and activated carbon for soap removal from crude biodiesel
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Finite Element Neural Network And Its Applications To Forward And Inverse Problems
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In this paper, first we   refom1Ulated   the finite   element  model

(FEM)   into   a   neural   network   structure   using   a   simple   two   - dimensional problem. The structure of this neural network is described

, followed  by its   application   to   solving  the forward    and  inverse problems. This model is then extended to the general case and the advantages and  di sadvantages  of  this  approach  are  descri bed  along with an analysis  of  the sensi tivity   of

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 09 2024
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The reality of the moral climate and its relationship to the decision-making of boxing referees from the standpoint of coaches
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The purpose of this paper is to identifying the relationship between the moral climate and the decision-making of boxing referees from the standpoint of the coaches, and the research problem lies through the work of the researchers in training and managing the teams. It was noted that the role of the referees is one of the most important roles played by the workers to achieve the objectives of the federation, and that the moral climate that prevails among the administrative body the union and the referees on the one hand and between the referees and coaches on the other hand are among the factors of the success of everyone’s work and the survival and strengthening of confidence in their work and thus the continuity of success and

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2019
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The Effect Of Employing The Strategy Of The TalkativeGroups On The Achievement And Attitudes Of ChemistryFor Fifth Grade Students Applied Scienc
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The study aimed to reveal the impact of employing the strategy of the talk-ative groups on the achievement and academic tendencies of chemistry forstudents of the fifth grade of applied science for the academic year (2018 -2019), and to achieve this goal the researcher used the experimental methodon the sample of the study consisting of (50) students, prepared achievementtest falls Under (60) paragraphs, and the scale of tendencies for chemistryfalls under (30) paragraphs, and after the researcher completed the researchexperiment according to what was planned:The superiority of the experimental group studied according to the strate-gy of the talkative groups was found in the post-application of the test ofachievement and attitudes of chemis

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Effect of using flat hierarchical method on some aspects of muscular strength and straight serve skill for nascent tennis players
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The researcher focused on the importance of the physical abilities of the tennis game, as this game is one of the games that are characterized by its specificity in performance as this game is characterized by continuous movement and dealing with different elements, so this game requires the development of muscle strength, which plays an important role in Performance skills in the game of tennis. There are several methods to develop strength, including flat hierarchical technique, which is one of the most common forms of training in the development of muscle strength.     As for the research problem, the researcher found a method that has an effect on the development of force. Therefore, the researcher tried to diversify a

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B: Biology
High efficiency of Ag0 decorated Cu2MoO4 nanoparticles for heterogeneous photocatalytic activation, bactericidal system, and detection of glucose from blood sample
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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
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Journal Of Nuclear Medicine
Capability of a novel small field of view hybrid gamma camera (HGC) for sentinel lymph node and small organ imaging
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Objectives: Small field of view gamma detection and imaging technologies for monitoring in vivo tracer uptake are rapidly expanding and being introduced for bed-side imaging and image guided surgical procedures. The Hybrid Gamma Camera (HGC) has been developed to enhance the localization of targeted radiopharmaceuticals during surgical procedures; for example in sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsies and for bed-side imaging in procedures such as lacrimal drainage imaging and thyroid scanning. In this study, a prototype anthropomorphic head and neck phantom has been designed, constructed, and evaluated using representative modelled medical scenarios to study the capability of the HGC to detect SLNs and image small organs. Methods: An anthropom

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Effect of using flat hierarchical method on some aspects of muscular strength and straight serve skill for nascent tennis players
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The researcher focused on the importance of the physical abilities of the tennis game, as this game is one of the games that are characterized by its specificity in performance as this game is characterized by continuous movement and dealing with different elements, so this game requires the development of muscle strength, which plays an important role in Performance skills in the game of tennis. There are several methods to develop strength, including flat hierarchical technique, which is one of the most common forms of training in the development of muscle strength.     As for the research problem, the researcher found a method that has an effect on the development of force. Therefore, the researcher tried to diversify a

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology
Use of Nano Co-Ni-Mn Composite and Aluminum for Removal of Artificial Anionic Dye Congo Red by Combined System
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The removal of congo red (CR) is a critical issue in contemporary textile industry wastewater treatment. The current study introduces a combined electrochemical process of electrocoagulation (EC) and electro-oxidation (EO) to address the elimination of this dye. Moreover, it discusses the formation of a triple composite of Co, Mn, and Ni oxides by depositing fixed salt ratios (1:1:1) of these oxides in an electrolysis cell at a constant current density of 25 mA/cm2. The deposition ended within 3 hours at room temperature. X-ray diffractometer (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) characterized the structural and surface morphology of the multi-oxide sedim

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