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Determining the Prevalence of Upper and Lower Urinary Tract Infections’ Pathogens and Their Antibiotic Susceptibility Profile for Adult Patients in Al-Diwaniya, Iraq (Conference Paper) #
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Until today, one of the leading predominant infections is Urinary tract infection (UTI). It exerts a huge burden on health systems worldwide each year. Treating UTIs empirically with antimicrobials improves morbidity rates. This study aims to assess the prevalence of UTI-associated bacteria in adult patients and to determine their antibiotic susceptibility profile. A retrospective study was conducted for adult outpatients who visited Al-Diwaniya tertiary hospitals from January 2020 till February 2022 to review their medical and lab records in addition to sociodemographic data. A total of 256 patients’ records were included of which 204 (79.7%) belong to females and 52 (20.3%) were males with an average age of 39.22±17.10 years. The predominant organisms’ isolates were Staphylococcus spp. found in 100 records (39.1%), Escherichia coli (E. coli) demonstrated in 90 records (35.2%), and Klebsiella spp. (K. spp.) revealed in 23 records (9%). Staphylococcus spp. (Staph. spp.) showed high resistance to ampicillin (92.9%) followed by ceftazidime (87.5%), and were highly sensitive to vancomycin. The higher resistance profile of E. coli was to ampicillin (97.9%) and ceftriaxone (81.3%) while was highly susceptible to meropenem (97.9%) and amikacin (97.6%). Additionally, Klebsiella spp. was highly susceptible to nitrofurantoin (78.6%), while was completely resistant to ampicillin. This study presents Staphylococcus spp. as the most prevalent gram-positive uropathogen and E. coli as the most prevalent gram-negative bacteria with a multidrug resistance profile to commonly used antimicrobials which is an alarming situation to implement an immediate effective stewardship program.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Total luminescence (Chemiluminescence & Fluorescence)- FIA Method For The Determination of DL-Histidine
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Histidine was determined via measurement of total luminescence (i:e creation of chemiluminescence and insitu irradiation of released light to an acceptor fluorophore molecule to  initiate fluorescence from fluorescien molecule in flat – spiral micro cell designed for this measurement . A detailed description of robust linear equation for the range of 0.002 – 0.05 mol.L-1 for a sample size of 70 µL with a correlation coefficient of 0.9879 and a coefficient of determination of 97.59% while for a quadratic model of the same concentration range was 0.9881 correlation coefficient and 97.63% coefficient of determination. Analysis of variance was conducted for both kinds of models . It indicated that their was no significa

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 12 2024
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
Standardization test for the measurement of offensive basketball composite skills(16) years
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Summary of the researchThe style of playing in basketball, represented by the performance of complex movements as a result of the rapid movement and changing positions is one of the advantages of this game, which adds beauty and excitement to this game, so it was necessary for players to use forms of mobility and complex skills mixed with precision and speed, In the attack to overcome the difficult positions defenders are trying to impose on the attacking team.Complex offensive skills in basketball are difficult skills that a player can not easily perform so they need to be specially trained to handle those situations so that the player can use them in difficult situations.The research community represented a sample of Baghdad players for t

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Evaluation of The Nuclear Data on(α,n)Reaction for Natural Molybdenum
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The cross section evaluation for (α,n) reaction was calculated according to the available International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other experimental published data . These cross section are the most recent data , while the well known international libraries like ENDF , JENDL , JEFF , etc. We considered an energy range from threshold to 25 M eV in interval (1 MeV). The average weighted cross sections for all available experimental and theoretical(JENDL) data and for all the considered isotopes was calculated . The cross section of the element is then calculated according to the cross sections of the isotopes of that element taking into account their abundance . A mathematical representative equation for each of the element

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Early marriage for the minors: a phenomenon of family violence against children
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It is certain that marriage has the favor of the continuity of human kind since the Prophet Adam till now. But this important event is threatened by some justifications which lead to its delay or abandonment. In the West, sexual relations, illegal friendships, and disrespect of marriage sacredness lead to this delay. While the reasons behind the delay of marriage in the Arab world refer to high dowries, women go out to work, and the religious and scientific ignorance of the need and importance of marriage. The problem also differs according to the difference between the rural and urban regions. On one hand, we find that early marriage is a necessity in the rural regions; on the other hand, the delay of marriage is a clear and nat

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Calculation the number buildup factor of cylindrical samples for Brass, Copper & lead
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The buildup factor of cylindrical samples (shields) for Brass, Copper & lead (Brass, Cu, Pb (was studied, where buildup factor were calculated with thickness between (0-12) m.f.p. for Co60 and Cs137sources with activities (30) & (41) MBq respectively , using scintillation detector NaI(T?) with (3"×3")volume .The results shows increases of buildup factor for low atomic number(Z) samples where the energy of radiation source was constant, also shows increases of buildup factor with decreases the energy of radiation source. An empirical equation was obtained using Matlab7 program this equation have agreements with most obtained data for 96%.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2024
Journal Name
Research Square
Exploring the Potential of Terrestrial Isopoda, Porcellionides cingendus, for Assessing Environmental Sustainability
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Abstract<p><bold>Introduction:</bold> Environmental sustainability is crucial for maintaining diverse and productive biological systems. Terrestrial isopods, such as Porcellionides cingendus, are known for their environmentally friendly characteristics and adaptability. This study explores the potential of <italic>P. cingendus</italic> in improving environmental sustainability. <bold>Methods:</bold> Samples of P. cingendus were collected from various locations and reared in controlled environments. Waste consumption efficiency was evaluated by measuring the consumption of various cellulosic wastes over 15 days. Statistical analysis was performed using One-Way ANOVA. <jat></jat></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 04 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Comparison the solutions for some kinds of differential equations using iterative methods
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This manuscript presents several applications for solving special kinds of ordinary and partial differential equations using iteration methods such as Adomian decomposition method (ADM), Variation iterative method (VIM) and Taylor series method. These methods can be applied as well as to solve nonperturbed problems and 3rd order parabolic PDEs with variable coefficient. Moreover, we compare the results using ADM, VIM and Taylor series method. These methods are a commination of the two initial conditions.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Information Technology Management
The impact of social commerce determinants on social capital for energy sectors
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This study investigates the constructs and related theories that drive social capital in energy sector from the intention perspectives. This research uses theories of 'social support' and 'planned behaviour' alongside satisfaction and perceived value to propose a research model that drives social capital for energy sectors in Malaysia. The model reveals that the Theories of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and Social Support Theory (SST) alongside satisfaction and perceived value factors promote social capital development in energy sectors. Using PLS-SEM to analyse data gathered from energy sector employees in Malaysia, this research demonstrates that social capital is present when there is trust and loyalty among the users and positively effects en

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying the Behavior of Asphalt Stabilized Gepseous Soil for Earth Embankment Model
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The study presents the test results of stabilizing gypseous soil embankment obtained from
Al- Faluja university Campus at Al-Ramady province. The laboratory investigation was divided
into three phases, The physical and chemical properties, the optimum liquid asphalt (emulsion)
requirements (which are manufactured in Iraq) were determined by using one dimensional
unconfined compression strength the first phase , The optimum fluid content was 11%
(6% of emulsion with 5% water content).. At phase two, the effect of Aeration technique was
investigated using both direct shear and permeability test. At phase three for the case of static
load , the pure soil embankment model under dry test condition was investigated

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Radiological Modalities for the Assessment of Fetal Growth Restriction: A Comprehensive Review
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Fetal growth restriction is a significant contributor to fetal morbidity and mortality. In addition, there are heightened maternal risks associated with surgical operations and their accompanying dangers. Monitoring fetal development is a crucial objective of prenatal care and effective methods for early diagnosis of Fetal growth restriction, allowing prompt management and timely intervention to improve the outcomes. Screening for Fetal growth restriction can be achieved via many modalities; it can be medical, biochemical, or radiological. Some recommended combining more than one for better outcomes. Currently, there is inconsistency about the best method of Fetal growth restriction screening.   In this review, a comprehensive

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