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A UWB Monopole Antenna Design based RF Energy Harvesting Technology

Recently, wireless charging based RF harvesting has interfered our lives [1] significantly through the different applications including biomedical, military, IoT, RF energy harvesting, IT-care, and RFID technologies. Wirelessly powered low energy devices become significantly essential for a wide spectrum of sensing applications [1]. Such devices require for low energy resources from sunlight, mechanical vibration, thermal gradients, convection flows or other forms of harvestable energy [2]. One of the emerging power extraction resources based on passive devices is harvesting radio frequency (RF) signals powers [3]–[5]. Such applications need devices that can be organized in very large numbers, so, making separate node battery impractical. RF powered devices including sensor nods can be used potentially in ultra-low-power areas to extend the life battery span [4]. Moreover, modern biomedical implantable devices require power source channels for charging to prolong the lifetime of the implanted device and reduce the chances of battery replacements [5]. Furthermore, the ambient electromagnetic energy recycling possibility in dense urban zones population was significantly explored in [6]. Therefore, power conversion circuits to extract enough DC power from the incident electromagnetic waves for passive devices become urgent demand [7]. RF energy harvesters, generally, are consistent with an antenna, a power management circuit, and a rectifier [3]. The antenna part is the responsible element for collecting the RF energy from radiating sources. The appropriate antenna design is the one with a wide bandwidth of omnidirectional radiation patterns to collect the energy from a different direction at any frequency [8].

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 27 2019
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Molecular Crystals And Liquid Cryst
A New Series of Triazine-core Based Mesogenic Derivatives: Synthesis, Characterization and Mesomorphic Study

The synthesis, characterization and mesomorphic properties of two new series of triazine-core based liquid crystals have been investigated. The amino triazine derivatives were characterized by elemental analysis, Fourier transforms infrared (FTIR), 1HNMR and mass spectroscopy. The liquid crystalline properties of these compounds were examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and polarizing optical microscopy (POM). DSC and POM confirmed nematic (N) and columnar mesophase textures of the materials. The formation of mesomorphic properties was found to be dependent on the number of methylene unit in alkoxy side chains.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Attention Mechanism Based on a Pre-trained Model for Improving Arabic Fake News Predictions

     Social media and news agencies are major sources for tracking news and events. With these sources' massive amounts of data, it is easy to spread false or misleading information. Given the great dangers of fake news to societies, previous studies have given great attention to detecting it and limiting its impact. As such, this work aims to use modern deep learning techniques to detect Arabic fake news. In the proposed system, the attention model is adapted with bidirectional long-short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) to identify the most informative words in the sentence. Then, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is applied to classify news articles as fake or real. The experiments are conducted on a newly launched Arabic dataset called the Ara

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Hybrid Algorithm to Protect Computer Networks Based on Human Biometrics and Computer Attributes

Objective of this work is the mixing between human biometric characteristics and unique attributes of the computer in order to protect computer networks and resources environments through the development of authentication and authorization techniques. In human biometric side has been studying the best methods and algorithms used, and the conclusion is that the fingerprint is the best, but it has some flaws. Fingerprint algorithm has been improved so that their performance can be adapted to enhance the clarity of the edge of the gully structures of pictures fingerprint, taking into account the evaluation of the direction of the nearby edges and repeat. In the side of the computer features, computer and its components like human have uniqu

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Applied Thermal Engineering
Consecutive charging and discharging of a PCM-based plate heat exchanger with zigzag configuration

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
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Iaes International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence (ij-ai)
Innovations in t-way test creation based on a hybrid hill climbing-greedy algorithm

<p>In combinatorial testing development, the fabrication of covering arrays is the key challenge by the multiple aspects that influence it. A wide range of combinatorial problems can be solved using metaheuristic and greedy techniques. Combining the greedy technique utilizing a metaheuristic search technique like hill climbing (HC), can produce feasible results for combinatorial tests. Methods based on metaheuristics are used to deal with tuples that may be left after redundancy using greedy strategies; then the result utilization is assured to be near-optimal using a metaheuristic algorithm. As a result, the use of both greedy and HC algorithms in a single test generation system is a good candidate if constructed correctly. T

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
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Baghdad Science Journal
A Word Cloud Model based on Hate Speech in an Online Social Media Environment

Social media is known as detectors platform that are used to measure the activities of the users in the real world. However, the huge and unfiltered feed of messages posted on social media trigger social warnings, particularly when these messages contain hate speech towards specific individual or community. The negative effect of these messages on individuals or the society at large is of great concern to governments and non-governmental organizations. Word clouds provide a simple and efficient means of visually transferring the most common words from text documents. This research aims to develop a word cloud model based on hateful words on online social media environment such as Google News. Several steps are involved including data acq

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Development of a Job Applicants E-government System Based on Web Mining Classification Methods

     Governmental establishments are maintaining historical data for job applicants for future analysis of predication, improvement of benefits, profits, and development of organizations and institutions. In e-government, a decision can be made about job seekers after mining in their information that will lead to a beneficial insight. This paper proposes the development and implementation of an applicant's appropriate job prediction system to suit his or her skills using web content classification algorithms (Logit Boost, j48, PART, Hoeffding Tree, Naive Bayes). Furthermore, the results of the classification algorithms are compared based on data sets called "job classification data" sets. Experimental results indicate

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Digital Data Encryption Using a Proposed W-Method Based on AES and DES Algorithms

This paper proposes a new encryption method. It combines two cipher algorithms, i.e., DES and AES, to generate hybrid keys. This combination strengthens the proposed W-method by generating high randomized keys. Two points can represent the reliability of any encryption technique. Firstly, is the key generation; therefore, our approach merges 64 bits of DES with 64 bits of AES to produce 128 bits as a root key for all remaining keys that are 15. This complexity increases the level of the ciphering process. Moreover, it shifts the operation one bit only to the right. Secondly is the nature of the encryption process. It includes two keys and mixes one round of DES with one round of AES to reduce the performance time. The W-method deals with

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Methodology to Find Private Key of RSA Based on Euler Totient Function

          The aim of this paper is to present a new methodology to find the private key of RSA. A new initial value which is generated from a new equation is selected to speed up the process. In fact, after this value is found, brute force attack is chosen to discover the private key. In addition, for a proposed equation, the multiplier of Euler totient function to find both of the public key and the private key is assigned as 1. Then, it implies that an equation that estimates a new initial value is suitable for the small multiplier. The experimental results show that if all prime factors of the modulus are assigned larger than 3 and the multiplier is 1, the distance between an initial value and the private key

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A New Method in Feature Selection based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in Domain Adaptation

    In data mining and machine learning methods, it is traditionally assumed that training data, test data, and the data that will be processed in the future, should have the same feature space distribution. This is a condition that will not happen in the real world. In order to overcome this challenge, domain adaptation-based methods are used. One of the existing challenges in domain adaptation-based methods is to select the most efficient features so that they can also show the most efficiency in the destination database. In this paper, a new feature selection method based on deep reinforcement learning is proposed. In the proposed method, in order to select the best and most appropriate features, the essential policies

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