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The value of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and diffusion-weighted sequence in the evaluation of endometrial lesions
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Background/Aim: Endometrial abnormalities represent a diagnostic challenge due to overlapping imaging features with normal endometrium. Aim of this study was to assess accuracy of dynamic contrast-enhanced and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluation of endometrial lesions in comparison with T2 and to assess local staging validity and degree of myometrial invasion in malignancy. Methods: Forty patients with abnormal vaginal bleeding or sonographic thickened endometrial were recruited. MRI examination of pelvis was per-formed using 1.5 T scanner with a pelvic array coil. Conventional T1-and T2, dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) sequences and diffusion-weighted image (DWI) were performed. Results: Mean age of patients was 53.2 years and 60 % of patients COM-plained of post-menopausal bleeding. Irregular margin, type III enhancement curve, a high signal in T2WI and DWI and low signal of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were significantly associated with malignancy. The optimum ADC threshold value for distinguishing benign from malignant endometrial lesions was 0.905 × 10 -3 mm 2 /S, with 95.5 % sensitivity and 92.9 % specificity. DWI was most sensitive to malignant endometrial lesions, followed by DCE (89.6 %, 98.4 %) and T2 (86.7 %, 91.4 %). DWI and DCE staging correlated with FIGO staging (p = 0.0001 and p = 0.019, respectively). DWI had the best sensitivity for myometrial invasion (95.6 %), followed by DCE (91.9 %) and T2WI (90.1 %). All three sequences had 89.7 % specificity. Conclusion: DWI and DCE MRI were superior to conventional MRI at distinguishing malignant from benign endometrial lesions and can improve myometrial invasion depth evaluation and therapy planning when COM-bined with morphological T2WI. ADC cutoff at a high b value improved MRI diagnostic sensitivity and specificity.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Efficient Image Encryption Using a Dynamic, Nonlinear and Secret Diffusion Scheme
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The growing use of tele

This paper presents a new secret diffusion scheme called Round Key Permutation (RKP) based on the nonlinear, dynamic and pseudorandom permutation for encrypting images by block, since images are considered particular data because of their size and their information, which are two-dimensional nature and characterized by high redundancy and strong correlation. Firstly, the permutation table is calculated according to the master key and sub-keys. Secondly, scrambling pixels for each block to be encrypted will be done according the permutation table. Thereafter the AES encryption algorithm is used in the proposed cryptosystem by replacing the linear permutation of ShiftRows step with the nonlinear and secret pe

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the Level of Melatonin, Cortisol and IgA in Saliva of Patients with Oral Lichen Planus Lesions
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Back ground: Oral lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membrane of the mouth. Several researchers suggest that oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of this disorder. It has been hypothesized that melatonin is powerful anti-oxidants and can easily cross the cell membrane and is considered a free radical scavenger of Hydroxid, Oxygen and Nitrogen dioxide, cortisol as a stress hormone and the immunoglobulin A as first line of defense and protection to the mucous membrane of the mouth are interrelated factors for the emergence of oral lichen planus. Aim of this study was to evaluate the level of melatonin, Cortisol and IgA in saliva of patients with oral lichen planus lesions in comparison with p

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Value of Ultrasonography in The Diagnosis and Evaluation of Early Therapeutic Response of Cervical Tuberculous Lymphadenitis
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ABSTRACT Background: Tuberculosis is a worldwide infectious disease in spite of advancement in health care system. Tuberculous lymphadenitis is the most prevalent form of extra pulmonary tuberculosis with predilection of cervical lymph nodes. Objectives: To evaluate the reliability of grey scale ultrasonography together with color Doppler in the diagnosis of cervical tuberculous lymph adenitis and evaluation of early therapeutic response. Subjects and methods:From July 2015 to May 2016 in Al-Karama teaching hospital /Kut city- Wasit-Iraq, 25 patients (14 males and 11 females) with ages range from (6-50) years. Ultrasonography examination was done for all patients and grey scale criteria (distribution, size, shape, echogenicity, echogenic hi

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
Implementation and performance evaluation of multi level pseudo random sequence generator
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In this paper, introduce a proposed multi-level pseudo-random sequence generator (MLPN). Characterized by its flexibility in changing generated pseudo noise (PN) sequence according to a key between transmitter and receiver. Also, introduce derive of the mathematical model for the MLPN generator. This method is called multi-level because it uses more than PN sequence arranged as levels to generation the pseudo-random sequence. This work introduces a graphical method describe the data processing through MLPN generation. This MLPN sequence can be changed according to changing the key between transmitter and receiver. The MLPN provides different pseudo-random sequence lengths. This work provides the ability to implement MLPN practically

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Next Generation Information Technology
Face detection and the effect of contrast and brightness
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We propose a system to detect human faces in color images type BMP by using two methods RGB and YCbCr to determine which is the best one to be used, also determine the effect of applying Low pass filter, Contrast and Brightness on the image. In face detection we try to find the forehead from the binary image by scanning of the image that starts in the middle of the image then precedes by finding the continuous white pixel after continuous black pixel and the maximum width of the white pixel by scanning left and right vertically(sampled w) if the new width is half the previous one the scanning stops.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2023
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
Detection of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Supra- and Infra-Tentorial Anatomical Regions by Double Inversion Recovery, Flair, and T2 MRI Sequences: A Comparative Study in Iraqi Patients
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Background: In young adults, multiple sclerosis is a prevalent chronic inflammatory demyelinating condition. It is characterized by white matter affection, but many individuals also have significant gray matter involvement. A double-inversion recovery pulse (DIR) pattern was recently proposed to improve the visibility of multiple sclerosis lesions. Objective: To find out how well a DIR sequence, FLAIR, and T2-weighted pulse sequences can find MS lesions in the supratentorial and infratentorial regions. Methods: A total of 37 patients with established diagnoses of multiple sclerosis were included in this cross-sectional study. Brain MRI was done using double inversion recovery, T2, and FLAIR sequences. The number of lesions was count

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 25 2022
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Biochemistry, Genetics And Molecular Biology
Evaluation of the Simple Sequence Repeats to Work as a Phase Variation with the Neisseria meningitidis Genome
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Background: The most crucial mechanism of genetic variation in N. meningitidis is the slipped strand mispairing, this mechanism generates Phase variation using simple sequence repeat (SSR) and is commonly used by the N. meningitidis to escape the immune system despite its function in eradicating the pathogenic and commensal bacteria. Some of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) that located within the genome works as phase variation while other SSRs have no role in generating phase variation mechanisms. Therefore, Aim: the main goal of the current in silico study was to detect the probability of SSR to enroll with phase variation for the entire N. meningitidis genome. Methods: Different criteria were used to judge SSR as

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spatial contrast of the slums in the unity of the new municipal of Baghdad
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The slums one of the main problem plaguing the city of Baghdad in general and
the unity of municipality of New Baghdad, especially, where the characteristics of the study
area a prominent role in population growth and the emergence of slums where a private,
although the region suffer from the housing crisis is the lack of the number of housing units
compared to the number of families in which, With high land prices and the level of rent
which was accompanied by the absence of the law, which was followed by the year 2003, has
become the study area and one of the most municipalities of the city of Baghdad Contain
slums which took fills abandoned buildings and acquires vacant land agricultural ones and
allocated to d

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
DEO: A Dynamic Event Order Strategy for t-way Sequence Covering Array Test Data Generation
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Sequence covering array (SCA) generation is an active research area in recent years. Unlike the sequence-less covering arrays (CA), the order of sequence varies in the test case generation process. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the SCA strategies, earlier works reported that finding a minimal size of a test suite is considered as an NP-Hard problem. In addition, most of the existing strategies for SCA generation have a high order of complexity due to the generation of all combinatorial interactions by adopting one-test-at-a-time fashion. Reducing the complexity by adopting one-parameter- at-a-time for SCA generation is a challenging process. In addition, this reduction facilitates the supporting for a higher strength of cove

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
DEO: A Dynamic Event Order Strategy for t-way Sequence Covering Array Test Data Generation
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Sequence covering array (SCA) generation is an active research area in recent years. Unlike the sequence-less covering arrays (CA), the order of sequence varies in the test case generation process. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the SCA strategies, earlier works reported that finding a minimal size of a test suite is considered as an NP-Hard problem. In addition, most of the existing strategies for SCA generation have a high order of complexity due to the generation of all combinatorial interactions by adopting one-test-at-a-time fashion. Reducing the complexity by adopting one-parameter- at-a-time for SCA generation is a challenging process. In addition, this reduction facilitates the supporting for a higher strength of

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