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Schema Theory and Text- worlds: A Cognitive Stylistic Analysis of Selected Literary Texts
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Cognitive stylistics also well-known as cognitive poetics is a cognitive approach to language. This study aims at examining literary language by showing how Schema Theory and Text World Theory can be useful in the interpretation of literary texts. Further, the study attempts to uncover how readers can connect between the text world and the real world. Putting it differently, the study aims at showing how the interaction between ‘discourse world’ and ‘text world’. How readers can bring their own experience as well as their background knowledge to interact with the text and make interpretive connections.        Schema and text world theories are useful tools in cognitive stylistic studies. The reader's perception of a particular text world depends on her/his existing schema during the process of interpretation. The selected texts for the study are "Strange Meeting" by Wilfred Owen, "In Winter" by Corbett Harrison and the opening passage of David Lodge's novel Changing Places which are intended to show how the two theories can be integrated to account for the way in which text worlds are perceived. So as a result, readers start establishing meaning based on their schemata and these meanings change through adding a new one. The cognitive ability to understand literary texts and how readers build mind worlds is a crucial aim in cognitive poetics. An in-depth cognitive stylistic analysis reveals significant points about reading and interpreting the selected literary texts by providing a way of thinking about background knowledge and how the individual's experience would influence their interpretation and viewing of the  text world.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biological and chemical Study to evaluate the types of water used for drinking in the Al-youssiffiyah area and its effect on public health
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Election study included four sites for the waters in area of Youssifiyah south of Baghdad (river water, tank water, liquefactions water, and water filtrate and seethed and purifier by alum and chloride), the samples were collected during the month of June in 2007. Temperature, electrical conductivity and acidity are measured. Also , the concentration of chloride , sulphate , carbonate , nitrate , sodium , calcium , magnesium , hard total and total dissolved substances are determined , as well as heavy metals assess environmental risk (such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe). It was also a study of bacterial totals included both total Bacteria (TB) and Total Coliform Bacteria (TC) and Fecal Coliform (FC) and Fecal Streptococci (FS). The stu

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of aqueous extracts and isolation proteinous compound from clove buds on serumglucose, triglyceride , glutathione and malnodialdehyde levels in alloxan induced diabetic mice
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This study was included preparing acold aqueous extract of clove buds The study also comprised the isolation and studying the proteinous compound,which was seperated using gel filtration technique and determined approximately molecular weight of this isolated compound(6799) dalton . The aim of the study demonstrate effects of the crude aqueous, non proteinous extract, proteinous precipitate and proteinous compound on serum glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, also glutathione and malondialdehyde levels in liver and kidney tissues in diabetic mice-induced alloxan.Extracts were administerated interaperitioneally. The results were indicated that the crude aqueous, non proteinous extr

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Monitoring Pollution and the Trend of Air Quality in Brick Factories in the Nahrawan Region and its Impact on Baghdad, Using Remote Sensing Data
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One of the most significant environmental issues facing the planet today is air pollution. Due to development in industry and population density, air pollution has lately gotten worse. Like many developing nations, Iraq suffers from air pollution, particularly in its urban areas with heavy industry. Our research was carried out in Baghdad's Al-Nahrawan neighbourhood. Recently, ground surveys and remote sensing were used to study the monitoring of air pollution. In order to extract different gaseous and particle data, Earth Data source, Google Earth Engine (GEE), and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software were all employed. The findings demonstrated that there is a significant positive connection between data collected by ground-ba

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of Pole Placement and Linear Quadratic Regulator Strategies Designed for Mass-Spring-Damper System Based on Simulated Annealing and Ant Colony Optimization
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This paper investigates the performance evaluation of two state feedback controllers, Pole Placement (PP) and Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). The two controllers are designed for a Mass-Spring-Damper (MSD) system found in numerous applications to stabilize the MSD system performance and minimize the position tracking error of the system output. The state space model of the MSD system is first developed. Then, two meta-heuristic optimizations, Simulated Annealing (SA) optimization and Ant Colony (AC) optimization are utilized to optimize feedback gains matrix K of the PP and the weighting matrices Q and R of the LQR to make the MSD system reach stabilization and reduce the oscillation of the response. The Matlab softwar

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of alkaline phosphatase, salivary flow rate and salivary potential of hydrogen in relation to severity of chronic periodontitis
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology
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In the last few years, the use of artificial neural network analysis has increased, particularly, in geotechnical engineering problems and has demonstrated some success. In this research, artificial neural network analysis endeavors to predict the relationship between physical and mechanical properties of Baghdad soil by making different trials between standard penetration test, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, cohesion, angle of internal friction, and bearing capacity. The analysis revealed that the changes in natural water content and plastic limit have a great effect on the cohesion of soil and the angle of internal friction, respectively. . On the other hand, the liquid limit has a great impact on the bearing capacity and

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 24 2023
Journal Name
Pollution Research
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EM International

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Influence of Simultaneous Doping of Tl on the Transition Temperature Tc and the Lattice Parameters of HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ δ Superconductors
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        In the present study, we have reported investigations on the effect of simultaneous substitution of Tl at the Hg site in the oxygen deficient HgOδ layer of Hg1-xTlxBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ δ cuprate superconductor. Bulk polycrystalline samples were prepared by the two-step solid state reaction process. It was observed that the grown Hg1-xTlxBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ δ corresponds to the 1223 phase. Electrical resistivity, using four probe technique, is used to find the transition temperature Tc. The highest Tc(0ffset) were 108, 102,113, 118, 125 and 121K for Hg1xTlxBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ δ with x = 0.0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 respectively. The optimum Tc(off) of ~ 125 K and Tc(onset) ~ 136K   was fo

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Positive School Psychology .
The Explosive Capacity Of The Muscles Of The Two Men And Their Relationship To The Scoring Of Football Halls
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The research dealt with its forefront a definition of the aspects of the study and its variables, the explosive capacity and its relationship to the scoring of football for the halls and highlights the importance of these variables, and the problem of the research consisted that some players fail to score Amie because of the weak power of shots or the slow scoring, so the researchers saw studying this problem and knowing the extent of the influence of the explosive strength During the performance of the skill of scoring with five football, the study aimed to identify the relationship between the explosive strength and the skill of scoring with five football. Researchers assume that there is a statistically significant relationship between t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Some Medicinal Plants on the Activity of Some Immunological Factors in Saliva and Serum of Type –?? Diabetics
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The study involved 45 male and 45 females of diabetic patients type- ?? aged from 40-69years , and with the same numbers of males and females for control , all the patients and controls were without any periodontal diseases and without any systemic disease. Diabetic patients were divided in to three groups according to the degree of periodontitis , and the inflamed gingiva of all groups of diabetic patients were treated with the dried fruits powder (crude) of medicinal plants Quercus robur , Thuja occidenalis , Terminalia chebula, Anethum graveolens , respectively and mixture. Some immunological and antimicrobial factors (IgA, Lactoferrin , Lysozyme ) , were detected in serum and saliva of diabetic patients and the control

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