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Downlink Training Sequence Design Based on Waterfilling Solution for Low-Latency FDD Massive MIMO Communications Systems
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Future generations of wireless communications systems are expected to evolve toward allowing massive ubiquitous connectivity and achieving ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (URLLC) with extremely high data rates. Massive multiple-input multiple-output (m-MIMO) is a crucial transmission technique to fulfill the demands of high data rates in the upcoming wireless systems. However, obtaining a downlink (DL) training sequence (TS) that is feasible for fast channel estimation, i.e., meeting the low-latency communications required by future generations of wireless systems, in m-MIMO with frequency-division-duplex (FDD) when users have different channel correlations is very challenging. Therefore, a low-complexity solution for designing the DL training sequences to maximize the achievable sum rate of FDD systems with limited channel coherence time (CCT) is proposed using a waterfilling power allocation method. This achievable sum rate maximization is achieved using sequences produced from a summation of the user’s covariance matrices and then applying a waterfilling power allocation method to the obtained low-complexity training sequence. The results show that the proposed TS outperforms the existing methods in the medium and high SNR regimes while reducing computational complexity. The obtained results signify the proposed TS’s feasibility for practical consideration compared with the existing DL training sequence designs.

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Influence Annealing on the Physical Properties of Silver Selenide Thin Film at Different Temperatures by Thermal Evaporation
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This survey investigates the thermal evaporation of Ag2Se on glass substrates at various thermal annealing temperatures (300, 348, 398, and 448) °K. To ascertain the effect of annealing temperature on the structural, surface morphology, and optical properties of Ag2Se films, investigations and research were carried out. The crystal structure of the film was described by Xray diffraction and other methods.The physical structure and characteristics of the Ag2Se thin films were examined using X-ray and atomic force microscopy (AFM) based techniques. The Ag2Se films surface morphology was examined by AFM techniques; the investigation gave average diameter, surface roughness, and grain size mutation values with increasing annealing temperature

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 06 2019
Journal Name
Progress In Industrial Ecology – An International Journal,
Effect of V, In and Cu doping on properties of p-type ZnSe/Si heterojunction solar cell
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The enhancement of ZnSe/Si Heterojunction by adding some elements (V, In and Cu) as impurities is the main goal because they contribute to the manufacturing of renewable energy equipment, such as solar cells. This paper describes the preparation of thin films ZnSe with V, In and Cu doped using thermal evaporation method with a vacuum of 10–5 Torr. The thin film was obtained from this work could be applied in heterojunction solar cell because of several advantages including high absorption coefficient value and direct band gap. The samples prepared on a glass and n-type Si wafer substrate. These films have been annealed for 1 h in 450 K. X-ray diffraction XRD results indicated that ZnSe thin film possesses poly-crystalline structure after

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 08 2022
Journal Name
V. International Scientific Congress Of Pure, Applied And Technological Sciences
The effect of background vacuum pressure on the length of gas discharge plasma by using Aluminum electrodes
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Length of plasma generated by dc gas discharge under different vacuum pressures was studied experimentally. The cylindrical discharge tube of length 2m was evacuated under vacuum pressure range (0.1-0.5) mbar at constant external working dc voltage 1500V. It was found that the plasma length (L) increased exponentially with increasing of background vacuum air pressure. Empirical equation has been obtained between plasma length and gas pressure by using Logistic model of curve fitting. As vacuum pressure increases the plasma length increases due to collisions, ionizations, and diffusions of electrons and ions.

Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Evaluation of in vivo and in vitro protective effects of quercetin on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation and cytotoxicology
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Quercetin, one of the flavonoids family member, can be found in many vegetables, fruits, and beverages with a noticeable nutritional pharmacological properties. This study was aimed to evaluate the ability of quercetin to inhibit lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that induced lethal toxicity in vivo, and to elucidate the importance of the quercetin as an antitumor agent in breast cancer cell line MCF-7.In vivo experiments included the effect of hesperidin and LPS on the liver and spleen of male mice. In the liver, the antioxidant activity was measured by estimating the concentration of glutathione (GSH), and catalase (CAT), while in the spleen, the concentration of cytokines was measured including IL-33 and TNF-α. In vitro experiments included MTT

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 04 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials And Chemical Engineering
The Effect of Atomic Percentage Selenium Content on the Permittivity and Polarizability of Ge1-xSex thin films
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Generally the a.c. conductivity shows a power law in frequency s  ()  where the exponent s ≤ 1. As the frequency goes to zero the conductivity become frequency independent. The a.c. conductivity was studied for the Ge1-xSex thin films to see how the selenium contents affect the permittivity and the permeability for the Ge1-x Sex. The thin films prepared by thermal evaporation at room temperature and under vacuum (~2 x10-5toor) using Edward coating unit model 306A. From the relation between ln conductivity and ln w, the effect of selenium contents in Ge1-x Sex thin films on the exponent value, the relaxation time and the maximum barrier height. An algebric fitting method for circles and circular arcs was used to find the permit

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 26 2012
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Study the Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of ZnS Thin Films
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The structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnS films prepared by vacuum evaporation technique on glass substrate at room temperature and treated at different annealing temperatures (323, 373, 423)K of thickness (0.5)µm have been studied. The structure of these films is determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The X-ray diffraction studies show that the structure is polycrystalline with cubic structure, and there are strong peaks at the direction (111). The optical properties investigated which include the absorbance and transmittance spectra, energy band gab, absorption coefficient, and other optical constants. The results showed that films have direct optical transition. The optical band gab was found to be in the range t

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Jornal Of Al-muthanna For Agricultural Sciences
Effect of different levels of Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on physiological performance of broiler under heat stress conditions.
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This experiment was holdup in A-Faris poultry farms from 1st March to 11 of Aprile 2019. (ACTH) hormone infusion was tested in this experiment on acid-base regulation in broiler chickens. For 7 days, osmotic pumps dispensed 8 IU of ACTH in saline/kg of BW/d, or the same volume of saline as in ACTH at 1 l/h. On days 0 and 14, after the beginning of the infusions, blood samples were obtained to establish a baseline. The plasma concentrations of Na+, K+, and Cl- were decreased, whereas the partial pressure of CO2, anion gap, corticosterone, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and blood concentrations of hemoglobin and HCO - were all elevated due to the ACTH administration. When given ACTH, neither blood pH nor plasma Ca2+ levels changed

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 05 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Aquatic Science
Effects of Selenium Sources and Concentrations on the Performance, Meat Quality, and Tissue Properties of Broiler Chickens
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We wanted to find out how selenium (Se) affects broiler chicken performance, meat physicochemical properties, and selenium deposition in the tissues of broilers. Each of the 96 experimental pens had 30 chickens and included a total of 2,880 one-day-old broilers (Cobb 500 strain). A factorial design of four-by-three (SY + SS) and eight replicates (SY + SS) was used for the 12 experimental treatments, with selenium levels ranging from 0.15 to 0.60 ppm and organic (SY) or inorganic (SS) sources of selenium and their relationship (SY + SS). There were no differences in performance (P > 0.05) across Se levels or sources. 106 g/day of ADFI, 63 g/day of ADG, and 1.6844 kg/kg of FCR were found to be the averaging values for these three parameters:

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
The Effect Of Phoenix Dactylifera L. Pinnae Reinforcement On The Mechanical And Thermal Properties Of Polymer Composite
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Phoenix dactylifera l. pinnae (the green leaves of dates palm) were used as natural reinforcing (strengthening) fibers to improve the mechanical properties of polyester as a matrix material, the fibers of the green leaves of dates palm were used in two lengths, 10 and 20mm with five rates of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20% , where the reinforcing with the leaves fibers increases the hardness strength from 76.5 to be about 86.55 , the Impact value raised from about 0.313 to 0.461 , in addition to that the flexural strength from 2.66 to be about 55 , and the thermal conductivity increases from 2.54 𝑤∕𝑚.℃ to 5.41 𝑤∕𝑚.℃. The results of the present search explains that the composite samples reinforced at rate 20% and 10mm fiber length

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The Effect of Nurses Psychological Empowerment on Organizational Climate in Primary Health Care Centers in Kirkuk Governorate
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Objective(s): To evaluate the level of Psychological Empowerment among Nurses as perceived by their Point of View, and identify the differences in nurses' Psychological Empowerment with regard to age, gender, graduation level, and years of work employment. 

Methodology: A descriptive analytic design was conducted on nurses in Psycho-social health Units in Primary Health Care Centers in Kirkuk Governorate, to achieve the objectives of the study. A convenient (non-probability) sample of 84 nurses was selected. The data collected through self-report method for the period from 25th August to 10th October 2022. The questionnaire was adopted

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