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مسؤولية منتسبي قوى الامن الداخلي عن اعمالهم الشخصية
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يتناول البحث مسؤولية منتسبي قوى الامن الداخلي عن اعمالهم الشخصية

Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Charge Stratification and Fuel/Air Ratio Effect on the Efficiency of (ICADE) I. C. Engine Cycle
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The Isolated Combustion and Diluted Expansion (ICADE) internal combustion engine cycle combines the advantages of constant volume combustion of the Otto cycle with the high compression ratio of the Diesel cycle.   This work studies the effect of isolated air mass (charge stratification) on the efficiency of the cycle; the analysis shows that the decrease of isolated air mass will increase the efficiency of the cycle and the large dilution air mass will quench all NOx forming reactions and reduce unburned hydrocarbons. Furthermore, the effect of Fuel / Air ratio on the efficiency shows that the increase of Fuel / Air ratio will increase efficiency of the cycle.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design and study the effect of inner bore diameter on the magnetic and optical properties of the unipolar lens
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    Many designs have been suggested for unipolar magnetic lenses based on changing the width of the inner bore and fixing the other geometrical parameters of the lens to improve the performance of unipolar magnetic lenses. The investigation of a study of each design included the calculation of its axial magnetic field the magnetization of the lens in addition to the magnetic flux density using the Finite Element Method (FEM) the Magnetic Electron Lenses Operation (MELOP) program version 1 at three different values of current density (6,4,2 A/mm2). As a result, the clearest values and behaviors were obtained at current density (2 A/mm2). it was found that the best magnetizing properties, the high

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
Journal Name
The prospects ability of contemporary epistemology for signification internal construction of plastic artwork
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Based on the systematic scientific investigation of artistic achievement, researchers (critics) adhere to mechanisms based on epistemology, through which it is envisaged to reveal the meaning of the achievement as the product of three actors: the effectiveness of an artistic sense, the effectiveness of an idea, and the arousal of taste according to systematic criticism procedures that investigate the new artistic achievement. Or, in a specific way, the possibility of meaning in all the accomplished from the aesthetics of artistic presentation and the character of the self-accomplished by the "artist" and the critic invokes his critical tools with certain cognitive foundations. In defining its nature from the rest of the other cultural ac

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Integrating the role of internal and external audit to ensure the success of the assessment methodSelf-General Authority of Taxation
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تتعامل الجهات الضريبية في مختلف دول العالم بأساليب عديدة لجباية الضرائب من المكلفين بغض النظر عن فئات وأصناف هؤلاء المكلفين،وفي العراق تم اعتماد العديد من الأساليب لجباية الضرائب على امتداد المدد الزمنية المتعاقبة،وكان لأسلوب التقدير الذاتي وهو أحد تلك الأساليب مجالاً للتطبيق خلال مدة زمنية معينة،حيث جرى تطبيق هذا الأسلوب على وحدات اقتصادية معينة، وبالرغم من المساوئ التي قد ترافق تطبيق

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أثر معايير الخصائص للمدقق الداخلي في تحقيق المسائلة: دراسة ميدانية في البنك العربي
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The research aims at introducing international standards of internal auditing standards, including properties, performance, and special focus on the role of internal auditors abide by the standards of properties in achieving better accountability of the various actors in the Arab Bank and its branches in Jordan. The researcher to gather information on the questionnaire that was designed in accordance with the pivotal first measure the degree of compliance with the standards of properties and the second measures the following criteria for properties to achieve accountability is through the use of statistical methods to researcher concluded that 42.5% of the changes to achieve accountability back to the standard features and more standards

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Survey theopinions professional and academics on building the strategy of internal audit function and the possibility of keeping abreast of developments
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The research problem is clearly deficient suffered by the internal audit function in all institutions of Iraq, as a result of the lack of sponsor organizations for this profession and there is no law or local legislation determine its powers and its responsibilities and scope of work As well as the lack of interest of senior management in economic units that function, as it focuses its work on the scope of financial and accounting matters only So required to rebuild this function in line with the current developments as well as the lack of a framework that defines the strategy of this function, and it came the idea of research to find out how to create a regulatory method for re-strategic construction of the internal audit function depen

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
המאבק הפנימי של מרדכי זאב פיארברג מתוך גיבורו של הסיפור "לאן?"
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המחקר הזה עוסק באחד מהסופרים העבריים שנחשבו בעלי־השפעה בתהליך הספרות העברית החדשה על אף גילו הקצר ועל אף שהוא השאיר עזבון ספרותי מועט, אך עם זה דמותו עולה לענינו גם מתוך כתביו המעטים כאילו הם טבועים בחותם, הסופר הזה הוא מרדכי זאב פיארברג.


            במחקר זה טיפלנו בחייו של המספר הזה בקיצור וגם ביצירותיו באופן כללי, ובסימנים המאפינים את גיבוריו, ובמיוחד גיבורו של הסיפור "

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of Layout in measuring customer satisfaction (patients) using (Servicescape) model
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This research aims to identify the impact of the Layout Ghazi al-Hariri hospital for surgery specialist on customer satisfaction (patients) using the model (Servicescape), the problem of the research represented in the extent to which the hospital management design of the service and Layout hospital aesthetic and functional aspects that fit patients for therapeutic and nursing services , and used the developer scale by (Miles et al., 2012) for data collection, which includes the independent variable in (17) items distributed in three dimensions (Facility aesthetics , hospital cleanliness, and the Layout accessibility ) The dependent variable is the satisfaction of customers (pat

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Identify Similarities and Differences between the IIA Standards and the Guide Work ofthe Internal Audit in Iraq
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This study aimed at an analytical comparison of the Internal Auditing Standards issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the Guidance Manual for Audit Units issued by the Federal Audit Bureau to show the compatibility and differences between them and the possibility of applying the IIA standards to economic units in Iraq. The guideline was generally not covered by all the internal audit units. There is a lack of keeping pace with changes in internal auditing at the international level and there is a need to strengthen the Guideline on Internal Auditing Standards II A), which is characterized by the preparation of an internal document containing the objectives, powers and responsibilities of the internal audit work as well a

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
English Personal Pronouns as a Manipulation Strategy in Political Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis
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Manipulation is a discursive concept which plays a key role in political discourse by which politicians can impose some impact on their recipients through using linguistic features, most prominent of which are personal pronouns (Van Dijk, 1995). The aim of this study is to investigate how politicians utilize the personal pronouns, namely; We and I and their possessive forms as a tool of manipulating the audience's mind based on Van Dijk's  "ideological square" which shows positive-self representation and negative-other representation (Van Dijk,1998:p.69). To this end, American President Donald Trump's 2020 State of the Union speech was chosen to be the data of analysis. Only (8)

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