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Evaluating the effect of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) in comparison with dexamethasone and diclofenac in a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
On modelling and adaptive control of a linear smart beam model interacting with fluid
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Abstract<p>This paper deals with modelling and control of Euler-Bernoulli smart beam interacting with a fluid medium. Several distributed piezo-patches (actuators and/or sensors) are bonded on the surface of the target beam. To model the vibrating beam properly, the effect of the piezo-patches and the hydrodynamic loads should be taken into account carefully. The partial differential equation PDE for the target oscillating beam is derived considering the piezo-actuators as input controls. Fluid forces are decomposed into two components: 1) hydrodynamic forces due to the beam oscillations, and 2) external (disturbance) hydrodynamic loads independent of beam motion. Then the PDE is discretized usi</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 14 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Effect of the Active Thinking Model in the Achievement of Students of the Fifth Grade Applied Science of Physics and Their Pivotal Thinking
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The aim of the current research is to identify the effect of the active thinking model in the achievement of students of the fifth grade applied science of physics, and their pivotal thinking by verifying the two zero hypotheses, where there is no significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group who studied physics using the active thinking model and the average scores of the control group students who studied the same material in the usual way in the achievement test, as well as in the pivotal thinking test. The research sample consisted of (77) students of the applied fifth grade students in two divisions (a) and (b), randomly selected (a) to be the experimental group, and (b)

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Precise Solutions of a Viscoelastic Fluid Flow in an Annular Pipe under an Impulsive Pressure with the Fractional Generalized Burgers' Model
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This paper deals with an analytical study of the flow of an incompressible generalized Burgers’ fluid (GBF) in an annular pipe. We discussed in this problem the flow induced by an impulsive pressure gradient and compare the results with flow due to a constant pressure gradient. Analytic solutions for velocity is earned by using discrete Laplace transform (DLT) of the sequential fractional derivatives (FD) and finite Hankel transform (FHT). The influences of different parameters are analyzed on a velocity distribution characteristics and a comparison between two cases is also presented, and discussed in details. Eventually, the figures are plotted to exhibit these effects.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
A comparison of some forecasting models to forecast the number of old people in Iraqi retirement homes
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Statistical methods of forecasting have applied with the intention of constructing a model to predict the number of the old aged people in retirement homes in Iraq. They were based on the monthly data of old aged people in Baghdad and the governorates except for the Kurdistan region from 2016 to 2019. Using BoxJenkins methodology, the stationarity of the series was examined. The appropriate model order was determined, the parameters were estimated, the significance was tested, adequacy of the model was checked, and then the best model of prediction was used. The best model for forecasting according to criteria of (Normalized BIC, MAPE, RMSE) is ARIMA (0, 1, 2)

Publication Date
Thu Aug 13 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
A comparison of some forecasting models to forecast the number of old people in Iraqi retirement homes
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Statistical methods of forecasting have applied with the intention of constructing a model to predict the number of the old aged people in retirement homes in Iraq. They were based on the monthly data of old aged people in Baghdad and the governorates except for the Kurdistan region from 2016 to 2019. Using Box-Jenkins methodology, the stationarity of the series was examined. The appropriate model order was determined, the parameters were estimated, the significance was tested, adequacy of the model was checked, and then the best model of prediction was used. The best model for forecasting according to criteria of (Normalized BIC, MAPE, RMSE) is ARIMA (0, 1, 2).

Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Stability Analysis of a Prey-Predator Model with Prey Refuge and Fear of Adult Predator
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     This paper is concerned with a Holling-II stage-structured predator-prey system in which predators are divided into an immature and mature predators. The aim is to explore the impact of the prey's fear caused by the dread of mature predators in a prey-predator model including intraspecific competitions and prey shelters. The theoretical study includes the local and global stability analysis for the three equilibrium points of the system and shows the prey's fear may lead to improving the stability at the positive equilibrium point. A numerical analysis is given to ensure the accuracy of the theoretical outcomes and to testify the conditions of stability of the system near the non-trivial equilibrium points.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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Cervical carcinoma represent the second predominant cancer in female and there is a strong correlation between cervical cancer and the infection with high-risk types of HPV and expression the viral oncogenes. EMT is viewed as a vital advance in carcinoma development and ensuing metastasis. To evaluate correlation between the expression of Twist and HPV16 infection in a group of Iraqi patients with cervical carcinoma. A total of forty paraffin blocks included in this study which were divided into 30 sample of cervical cancer infected with HPV16and 10 sample of normal cervical tissues. The samples were subjected to immunohistochemical technique using Anti-Twist2 polyclonal antibody. The obtained data from this study indicate that majority of

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
World J. Pharmaceut. Res
Histological study on kidney affected by carbamazepine drug in postnatal rat
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Background: The use of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) during pregnancy warrants several side effects and also deleterious effects on fetal development, the antiepileptic drugs have potential to affect the fetal development throughout the pregnancy although, the majority of infants born to epileptic pregnant women are normal but more expose to the malformations. Aim: The present study aimed to investigate the effect of carbamazepine drug on the kidney development at day 7 postnatally in the Albino Rat (Rattus rattus) as a mammalian model. Material & Methods: 20 healthy pregnant female rats were divided into two groups, 10 pregnant rats in each group; group one served as control group administrated distal water while group two used as experimenta

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Dealing of the Providers of Sport Media Content with Crises : (The Department of Media of the Ministry of Youth and Sports a Model)
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In a report by Transparency Organization in 2010, Iraq has 200 newspapers, magazines, sixty-seven radio stations and 45 satellite TV channels. The increase in these figures is measured in days or weeks and not months and years. This fact confirms the importance of studying content providers, especially youth sports content, for two reasons: the first is that young people constitute the highest percentage in Iraqi society, with all the potential involved in shaping the future aspects; the second reason is that for years sport has become an important pillar in people's lives not only in the entertainment aspect as it was seen in the past; Rather, sport has an influential presence in politi

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2004
Journal Name
Ipmj-iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Changes in alkaline phosphatase activity in rat mammary glands from virgin through pregnancy, lactation and post–lactation
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The aim of this investigation is to study the rote of alkaline phosphatase in mammogenesis and lactogenesis. A total of fortyfemalealbino rats were used and divided according to their physiological states into four groups [ten rats each]. From each deeply ether anesthetized rat, the mammary gland was removed, fixed, quenched in liquid nitrogen and sectioned using SLEE cryostat. The sections were employed for routine haematoxylin and eosin stain and alkaline phosphatase demonstration using the calcium–cobalt method. The obvious finding in the mammary glands of pregnant rat was the presence of thick black rings indicating strong alkaline phosphatase activityaround the basal part of the secretory epithelium of the alveoli. In lactating mamma

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