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Publication Date
Mon Aug 21 2023
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Organizational affiliation in the absence of financial allocations for members of the Iraqi Olympic sports federations
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The extent of including logical intelligence in the Book of chemistry for the fifth Grade of science
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The aim of the current research to determine the extent of logical intelligence in the book of chemistry for the fifth grade of science and to achieve the goal the researcher has prepared a special criterion in the areas of logical intelligence main and sub-to be included in the book after reviewing the previous literature and studies in this regard may be the final form after presentation to experts and arbitrators in the field of Educational and psychological sciences, curricula and teaching methods from (3) main areas and (21) sub-fields, then the researcher analyzed the book Bibih and applied branches and adopted the idea of ​​both explicit and implicit as a unit of registration and repet

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 29 2018
Journal Name
Science International
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The objective of the research is to uncover the effect of the strategy of Quranic verses in the collection of science and systemic intelligence for second-grade students. The research sample consisted of (48) students of second grade students in the middle of Al Rasheed Boys School of the second Karkh Directorate, Distribution in the two divisions, Division of (b) and experimental group that studied strategy of Quranic verses, and the Division (a) control group which studied the regular way, and results indicated a statistically significant differences for the experimental group students studied using the strategy Verses in systemic intelligence collection.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The study of physical and chemical properties of wells water in district of Samarra
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The Study was achieved adjectives physical and chemical water wells in the district of
Samarra , where a study has 42 sample groundwater in different regions of the judiciary
randomly distributed all over the judiciary and examined in vitro.
The study showed that the quality of groundwater in the general area of study
Kipritateh punctuated Klordih water quality and other quality Bicarboonatih.
Varied the key components of groundwater in the study area in concentrations
between periods of rain and drought, especially because of the cation ion exchange processes
as well as mitigation as a result of filtering rain water and dominated the calcium ion,
followed by sodium.
As for the negative ions has dominated ion s

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Academic and Practical Frames to The roles Of Systematic Education in the Social and Economic development
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Education in it s different levels becomes development in any country. There fore, nations pay great attention to educational systems, because they perceive that preparing human resources is essential to the development of these nations.
The present study deals with the a academic frames which formulate education in each educational system such as educational philosophy , educational aims , educational strategies by which the academic frames are carried out, which is limited to curriculum, teacher preparations, school activities, in addition to guidance and counseling.
This study reaches some conclusion which are derived from the description of the academic and practical frames some suggestion are made for the mechanism which facil

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Criticism of poetry From an anthropological cultural perspective In Andalusian genealogy books
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The research aims to answer some of the fundamental questions posed by the contexts used and assumed for the criticism of poetry from the cultural anthropological perspective in the field of genealogy in Andalusia, as available from the remaining literature in this humanitarian field. Criticism, the varieties of its outputs, and the reasons behind it, which came in its entirety as a critical link in the critical heritage chain, did not create separation as much as we wanted to shed light on them from their sources, and from the atmosphere that resulted.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The biography of King Faisal I from the early period of his life to his building to the first step of the modern Iraqi state (1883-1924)
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The environment and the placesthat prince Faisal Bin AL-Husein influenced his childhood ,
behaviourand future . his expereence in his early life in leading the battles and
arabRevoluionenriched him . inspite of his short periedand harsh experience of leadersmp.
he gained an experienencein ruling iraqadter 1921 . The Syrian experiencetaught him how to
deal with the strong and establish the government as he beliered in the slogan: independence
is taken not given. He established the consititution and the election . he made a solid
basefeconomy of in his time, Iraq , Iraq be came the country number ( 53) as an
independency country on the third of November 1932 . he died peacefuliy after Iraq's

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Dogmatism and Its Relation to the Formation of Ideological Identity of the University Students
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The formation of the identity of the ego associates with adolescence and the beginnings of youth, where represents the basic requirement for growth. This stage reflects a turning point towards the necessary autonomy for the growth of normal in adulthood that needs the ego growth from his point of view to pass eight consecutive stages of the individual faces in each particular crisis. It is determined by its growth path depending on the nature of solved positively or negatively, influenced by several factors: biological, social, cultural, personal, and a dogmatic obstacle to personal thinking which refers to the kind of sclerotic thought a bigot to the inside of obsolete beliefs refuse to discuss and consider. The final idea is debatable

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Electonic management   And its role in the development of the Zakat Foundation
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The world is witnessing a remarkable development in the use of technology, which has made it an essential means of investment, especially in the field of management, which provided many of the facilities experienced by the institutions, including improving revenues, shortening time and saving labor. Islamic investment technology as a successful means of management and we touched on the Zakat Foundation as an application model.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Building the News Agenda in Iraqi Newspapers and Patterns of Bias in their Sources
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News are considered the most press arts that supply the target audiences with daily information and events happened inside and outside society since it is formed by depending on its resources which have a deep relation with formal corporations to gain their satisfaction in order to support their authority and spreading their domination by using mass media in editing their viewpoints and achieving wide acceptance among public opinion. In the field of technological development and changing in the fields of politics, society, culture, economics etc. inside Iraqi society and democratic transition help to convert news agenda from independent variation to a fellow variation while in the past the variation of mass media was the independent one

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