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Obesity in COVID-19 patients is a complex interaction
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Objective: To assess role of obesity in Covid-19 patients on antibodies production, diabetes development, and treatment of this disease. Methodology: This observational study included 200 Covid-19 patients in privet centers from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022. All patients had fasting blood sugars and anti-Covid-19 antibodies. Anthropometric parameters were measured in all participants. Results: The patients were divided into two groups according to body weight; normal body weight (50) and excess body weight (150). There was a significant difference between them regarding age. Diabetes mellitus developed in 20% of normal weight patients while 80% of excess weight patients had diabetes (p=0.0001). Antibodies production (IgM and IgG) occurred in normal weight patients (90% and 98%, respectively). Only 4% patients with normal weight needed oxygen therapy while 93.33% of obese patients required oxygen therapy. Conclusions: Obesity increased the development of diabetes, decrease antibodies production and increase requirement for oxygen therapy in Covid-19 patients..

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of Core exercises in improving the strength and flexibility of the spine for injured women with herniated discs in the vertebrae (L4, L5)
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يعد العلاج الحركي من الوسائل العلاجية التأهيلية من الوسائل المهمة الامنة  لأنها تؤمن على حياة الانسان بكافة شؤونه وتعد التمرينات التأهيلية اسلوبا فعالاً وطبيعياً لا تعرض المريض الى مضاعفات على وظائف الجسم الاخرى لأنها خالية من اي دواء كيمياوي ضار ، كما استخدمت تقنيات حديثة في العلاج الطبيعي بشكل واسع معد حسب اسس علمية منها تمرينات (Core)  التي تساعد في تخفيف الالام بالانزلاق الغضروفي للفقرة الرابعة والخا

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Extrapolating working names verb act in the Koran in the books of Iraqi researchers and their theses from 1968-2000 m: (Collection and descriptive study)
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This research deals with an important grammatical section of the Qur'anic grammar, which is the working names the work of acts in the Quranic grammar in the studies of Iraqi researchers from 1968 to 200 AD.
    The study of working names working verb in the Koran of the important studies, especially among Iraqi researchers, the Iraqi researcher has presented detailed studies related to working names particles action verb in the Koran, and my research is studying this important grammatical section of the Koranic grammar, which is the working names working verb in The Holy Quran in the books of Iraqi researchers and their theses from 1968-2000. I studied in the preface working names of the act, and what the Iraqi res

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using of Remote Sensing Technique to Monitor The Status of The Plant and Change Detection for Three Different Periods in Western Region in Baghdad/ Iraq
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Data of multispectral satellite image (Landsat- 5 and Landsat-7) was used to monitoring the case of study area in the agricultural (extension and plant density), using ArcGIS program by the method of analysis (Soil adjusted vegetative Index). The data covers the selected area at west of Baghdad Government with a part of the Anbar and Karbala Government. Satellite image taken during the years 1990, 2001 and 2007. The scene of Satellite Image is consists of seven of spectral band for each satellite, Landsat-5(TM) thematic mapper for the year 1990, as well as satellite Landsat-7 (ETM+) Enhancement thematic mapper for the year 2001 and 2007. The results showed that in the period from 1990 to 2001 decreased land area exposed (bare) and increased

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Dental Hypotheses
Assessment of the Impact of Adhesive and Wires Types on the Tensile Bond Strength of Fixed Lingual Retainers Used in Orthodontics: An In Vitro Study
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Introduction: We aimed to assess the impact of adhesive and wires types on the tensile bond strength of fixed lingual retainers. Methods: A total of 160 intact bovine teeth were collected, cleaned, stored in 25% sodium hypochlorite, and randomly assigned to two groups based on the adhesive type: a two-step adhesive and a one-step adhesive. Each group was further divided into four subgroups based on the type of lingual retainer wire, which included (A) 8-strand braided stainless steel wire, (B) three-strand titanium retainer wire, (C) stainless steel chain, and (D) fiber-reinforced retainer. A tensile bond strength test was conducted using a universal testing machine at a controlled speed of 10 mm/min. Result: The 8-strand braided stainles

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 25 2014
Journal Name
Vesicular Trafficking Defects, Developmental Abnormalities, and Alterations in the Cellular Death Process Occur in Cell Lines that Over-Express Dictyostelium GTPase, Rab2, and Rab2 Mutants
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship of public budget deficit on external debt in lraq with in the framework of joint integration of the period (1990 – 2016 )
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The term public budget defects became nowadays a chronic, economical phenomenon, almost all the countries weather advanced or development country suffered from it, despite the different visions to economic schools of a thought to accept or reject the deficit in public budget but the prevailed opinion that is needed to rule the role of the state by reducing the public spending which led to continuous deficits in public budget and the consequent upon increase in government borrowing, increase taxes on income and wealth, thus weakening the in contrive for private investment which contributed to the increase of in flationary stagnation, it became a duty to state covered by the lack of financial sources

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the Office of Financial Supervision in the federal control over health and sustainable development: Applied research in the Baghdad Soft Drinks Company
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The study aims to indicate the role of strategic financial accounting  in the service investors  to take appropriate decisions in the future, Through what is provided by the strategic accounting, the future of information and data that enable the investor to make future investment decisions appropriate، If no longer traditional financial accounting putting meet all existing and prospective investors Requirements، That reliance on historical data and information already signed and neglected aspect of future, From this point it was to highlight the role of strategic financial accounting to contribute in this area.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The effect of teaching using the six thinking hats on academic achievement for students in the second grade average in the subject of family education
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Research problem:
Problem of current research can determine the dimensions to answer the following question: The effect of teaching using the six thinking hats on academic achievement for students in the second grade average in the subject of Family Education. The importance of research: research is gaining importance in terms of:
1. That this research is the first of its kind in the researcher's knowledge _ which deals with the teaching of Family Education by using the six hats, the researcher hopes to fill a gap in the educational field and serve in other studies serve the materials home economics. 2. Keep pace with the new field of modern education and strategies. 3. Highlight on the educational strategy in the field of creative

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of One-Way Multivariate Analysis of Variance in the Impact of the Database on the Fields of Banking Service in Some Iraqi Banks
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 The purpose of this paper is to recognize the impact of database levels on fields of banking service (provision of remittance services and transfer of funds, save financial deposits, provision of personal loans services) in some of Iraqi banks using one-way multivariate analysis of variance. The paper population consisted of (120) employees, then a random stratified sample of (104) employees was taken. A questionnaire paper consists of (24) items were designed in order to analyze by one-Way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) using SPSS.One of the main findings of the current paper is that there is an impact of database on fields of banking service in Iraqi banks (Al Rafidain and Al Rasheed).

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 10 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The effect of reciprocal style exercises in developing some physical abilities in learning the performance of female players for the effectiveness of the long jump
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The importance of the research lies in knowing the effect of the exercises of the reciprocal method in developing some physical abilities in learning the performance of the players for the effectiveness of the long jump in an economical manner in terms of time and effort and knowing their positive impact and the extent of their impact in creating the required learning for students, and the research aims to prepare reciprocal style exercises in developing some abilities The researchers used the experimental method in the pre and post test for the experimental and control groups to suit the nature of the research, and the research community was identified for the long jump players, the Specialized School for Talent Care in the 2022 sports sea

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