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Genetic polymorphisms associated with diabetic foot ulcer: A review article
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Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) or Lower limb ulcers are one of the major complications caused by diabetes mellitus especially when patients fail to maintain tight glycemic control. DFU is linked to multiple risk factors along with the genetic factors and ethnicity which play a significant role in the development of DFUs through their effects on multiple aspects of the pathophysiological process. This narrative review aimed to summarize all the previous studies within the last ten years associating gene polymorphism and DFU. Polymorphism associated with vascular endothelial growth factor (rs699947), the G894T polymorphism of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene, interleukin-6–174 G>C gene polymorphism, heat shock protein 70 gene polymorphism, the apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism, Sirtuin 1 (sirt1) polymorphisms (rs12778366 and rs3758391), hypoxia-inducible factor -1 alpha exon 12 mutation, toll-like receptor gene (thr399ile polymorphism), the effect of both monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) –2518A/G and the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) –634g/c polymorphisms were summarized in this review. The results of all these studies indicating that screening for Polymorphisms might be helpful for early screening and prevention of DFU through their regulatory function on the transcription activity of the genes. Additional studies should be conducted in larger and different populations and ethnic regions to confirm the results of all previous studies mentioned in this review.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Design and implementation of silicon single-photon avalanche photodiode modeling tool for QKD systems
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Single-photon detection concept is the most crucial factor that determines the performance of quantum key distribution (QKD) systems. In this paper, a simulator with time domain visualizers and configurable parameters using continuous time simulation approach is presented for modeling and investigating the performance of single-photon detectors operating in Gieger mode at the wavelength of 830 nm. The widely used C30921S silicon avalanche photodiode was modeled in terms of avalanche pulse, the effect of experiment conditions such as excess voltage, temperature and average photon number on the photon detection efficiency, dark count rate and afterpulse probability. This work shows a general repeatable modeling process for significant perform

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Tool Path Strategy on Mechanical Properties of Brass (65-35) in Single Point Incremental Sheet Metal Forming (SPIF)
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In this paper, three tool paths strategies; iso-planar, helical and adaptive have been implemented to investigates their effect on the mechanical properties of Brass 65-35 formed by single point incremental sheet metal forming process. To response this task, a fully digital integrated system from CAD modeling to finished part (CAD/CAM) for SPIF process has been developed in this paper.
The photo-micrographs shows an identical grain formation due to the plastic deformation of the incremental forming process, change in the grain shape and size was observed. It's found that the adaptive tool path play a significant role to increase the hardness of the formed specimen from (48 to 90 HV) and the grain texture of the formed specimen found a

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Quantum mechanical study of electronic properties of zigzag nanotubes (9,0) (SWCNTs)
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Quantum calculations on the most stable structure were carried
out for calculating the electronic properties, energies and the charge
density at the Carbon and Hydrogen atoms by Semi-empirical
method (PM3) of zigzag carbon nano tube CNT (9,0) (SWCNTs), at
the equilibrium geometry depending on the pictures of Zigzag
CNT(9,0) which was found to has D3d symmetry point group by
applying for (Gaussian 2003) program. In this work the results
include calculation the relation for axial bonds length, which are the
vertical C-C bonds (annular bonds) in the rings and bonds length
which are in the outer ring that called the circumferential bonds. Also
include a different kind of vibration modes like breathing, puckering

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Tool Path Strategy on Twist Behavior In Single Point Incremental Sheet Metal Forming
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In Incremental sheet metal forming process, one important step is to produce tool path, an
accurate tool path is one of the main challenge of incremental sheet metal forming
process. Various factors should be considered prior to generation of the tool path i.e.
mechanical properties of sheet metal, the holding mechanism, tool speed, feed rate and
tool size. In this work investigation studies have been carried out to find the different tool
path strategies to control the twist effect in the final product manufactured by single point
incremental sheet metal forming (SPIF), an adaptive tool path strategy was proposed and
examined for several Aluminum conical models. The comparison of the proposed tool path with t

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Dynamic Channel Assignment Using Neural Networks
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This paper presents a proposed neural network algorithm to solve the shortest path problem (SPP) for communication routing. The solution extends the traditional recurrent Hopfield architecture introducing the optimal routing for any request by choosing single and multi link path node-to-node traffic to minimize the loss. This suggested neural network algorithm implemented by using 20-nodes network example. The result shows that a clear convergence can be achieved by 95% valid convergence (about 361 optimal routes from 380-pairs). Additionally computation performance is also mentioned at the expense of slightly worse results.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison of Single and Group Bored Piles Settlement Based on Field Test and Theoretical Methods
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 Bored piles settlement behavior under vertical loaded is the main factor that affects the design requirements of single or group of piles in soft soils. The estimation of bored pile settlement is a complicated problem because it depends upon many factors which may include ground conditions, validation of bored pile design method through testing and validation of theoretical or numerical prediction of the settlement value. In this study, a prototype single and bored pile group model of arrangement (1*1, 1*2 and 2*2) for total length to diameter ratios (L/D) is 13.33 and clear spacing three times of diameter, subjected to vertical axial loads. The bored piles model used for the test was 2000

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Derivation of Crystal Orientation Matrix for Triclinic System on Two-circle Diffractometer
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 The limited availability of the two-circle diffractometer to collect intensity measurements down to the monoclinic system has been extended in a novel procedure to collect intensities for the triclinic system. The procedure involves the derivation of matrix elements from graphical representation of the reciprocal lattice. Offset of  the origins of  the upper layers from that of the zero-layer - characteristic of triclinic system - is determined and the  3 x 3  matrix elements are evaluated accordingly. Details of  crystal alignment by X-rays for the triclinic system utilizing the intensities of  equivalent reflections is described

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 15 2021
Journal Name
Systematic Review In Pharmacy
Colorimetric Determination Of Sitagliptin As An Oxidation Derivative Of Ninhydrin
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A sensitive and accurate colorimetric method was developed for the determination of the Sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate, here and after will be named Sitagliptin, in its pure and pharmaceutical form. The suggested approach is based on boosting the sensitivity of the traditional spectrometric methods by derivatizing Sitagliptin into a colored product that absorbs the visible spectrum at 573 nm. The proposed method has effectively improved the sensitivity and the limit of detection for the analysis of Sitagliptin. A linear calibration curve was obtained over the concentration range of 0.1-10 μg/ml with a correlation coefficient of 0.9983. The calculated recovery was within the range of 98.98–100.11%. While the limit of detection LOD and

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical, Chemical And Biological Sciences
The Relationship between Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
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To determine the relationship between hepatitis C virus infection and Diabetic mellitus type 2 , twenty patient's with diabetic mellitus type 2 aged (30-61) years old have been investigated from 01/11/2014 to 01/02/2015 and compared with fifteen parentally healthy individuals. All the studies groups were carried out to measure anti-HCV Abs by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), There was significant elevation (P≤0.05) in the HCV Abs compared with control groups .The percentage of HCV Abs was 15% and there was highly significant (P≤0.01) differences between studied group, while there was non-significant differences (P≥0.05) between patients groups according to age and gender compared with control groups. These results indicated

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Metabolic Disturbances of Phosphate in Metabolic Syndrome
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Background: Metabolic syndrome MS a cluster of disorders comprising obesity (central and abdominal), dyslipidaemias, glucose intolerance, insulin resistance (or hyperinsulinaemia) and hypertension – is highly predictive of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. It should be emphasized that the metabolic syndrome is a syndrome and not a disease. The aim of this study is to evaluate the levels of serum phosphate in different levels in subjects with metabolic syndrome MS and Correlation between serum phosphate levels with metabolic syndrome components. The study was carried out at the National diabetes Center (NDC) /AL-Mustansiryia University ,the period from (Desmber.2011 – May 2012) One hundred forty (140) Iraqi indivi

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