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The impact of different compression ratios on emissions, and combustion characteristics of a biodiesel engine
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<p>The current work investigated the combustion efficiency of biodiesel engines under diverse ratios of compression (15.5, 16.5, 17.5, and 18.5) and different biodiesel fuels produced from apricot oil, papaya oil, sunflower oil, and tomato seed oil. The combustion process of the biodiesel fuel inside the engine was simulated utilizing ANSYS Fluent v16 (CFD). On AV1 diesel engines (Kirloskar), numerical simulations were conducted at 1500 rpm. The outcomes of the simulation demonstrated that increasing the compression ratio (CR) led to increased peak temperature and pressures in the combustion chamber, as well as elevated levels of CO<sub>2</sub> and NO mass fractions and decreased CO emission values under the same biodiesel fuel type. Additionally, the findings revealed that the highest cylinder temperature was 1007.32 K and the highest cylinder pressure was 7.3 MPa, achieved by biodiesel derived from apricot oil at an 18.5% compression ratio. Meanwhile, the highest NO and CO<sub>2</sub> mass fraction values were 0.000257524 and 0.040167679, respectively, obtained from biodiesel derived from papaya oil at an 18.5% compression ratio. This study explained that the apricot oil biodiesel engine had the highest combustion efficiency with high emissions at a compression ratio of 18:5. On the other hand, tomato seed oil biodiesel engines had low combustion performance and low emissions of NO and CO<sub>2</sub> at a compression ratio of 15:5. The current study concluded that apricot oil biodiesel may be a suitable alternative to diesel fuel operated at a CR of 18:1.</p>

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of the Role of Interleukein-2 and Interleukein-4 in the Immunopathogenesis of Steroid Therapy Resistance in Iraqi Asthmatic Patients
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Interleukins (IL-2 and IL-4) are increased in asthmatics and were reported to induce resistance to steroid therapy in some patients who fail to get benefit from glucocorticoids when used in full dose and for long period of time. In this context, the present study was conducted on Iraqi patients to provide additional laboratory mean, beside the clinical diagnosis, for the decision whether the asthma is steroid sensitive or resistant by monitoring the level of immunoglobulins, complement proteins and interleukins among asthmatic patients (steroid sensitive or resistant) and the possible contribution of other factors like age, sex and environments in the development of steroid resistance. A total number of 55 asthmatics and 28 normal subjec

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2023
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
Detection of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Supra- and Infra-Tentorial Anatomical Regions by Double Inversion Recovery, Flair, and T2 MRI Sequences: A Comparative Study in Iraqi Patients
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Background: In young adults, multiple sclerosis is a prevalent chronic inflammatory demyelinating condition. It is characterized by white matter affection, but many individuals also have significant gray matter involvement. A double-inversion recovery pulse (DIR) pattern was recently proposed to improve the visibility of multiple sclerosis lesions. Objective: To find out how well a DIR sequence, FLAIR, and T2-weighted pulse sequences can find MS lesions in the supratentorial and infratentorial regions. Methods: A total of 37 patients with established diagnoses of multiple sclerosis were included in this cross-sectional study. Brain MRI was done using double inversion recovery, T2, and FLAIR sequences. The number of lesions was count

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The period for challenging the unconstitutionality of the medium-term general budget law In light of the decision of the Federal Supreme Court No. 155 and its unified No. 163 / Federal / 2022
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يتعرض قانون الموازنة العامة الاتحادية للطعن بعدم الدستورية كغيره من القوانين، بل أن الطعن فيه يكاد يكون سنوياً حال نشره في الجريدة الرسمية ، وتوجه إليه المطاعن بعدم الدستورية إما عن إجراءات تشريعه أو لمضامينه المتعارضة مع الدستور نصاً أو روحاً ، ولكنّه إذا كانت مدة الطعن بعدم دستورية القوانين كافة متاحة دون قيد زمني محدد ولا تتطلب سوى إجراءات إقامة الدعوى العامة وأخصها قيام شرط المصلحة في حالة الدعوى ال

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 1010
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Mineralogy and Palyonlogy of the Mesopotamian plain sediments, Central Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Ieee Xplore
The Internet of Everything Based Smart Systems: Applications and Challenges
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Smart systems are the trend for modern organizations and should meet the quality of services that expect to produce. Internet of Everything (IoE) helped smart systems to adopt microcontrollers for improving the performance. Analyzing and controlling data in such a system are critical issues. In this study, a survey of IoE systems conducted to show how to apply a suitable model that meets such system requirements. The analysis of some microcontroller boards is explored based on known features. Factors for applying IoE devices have been defined such as connectivity, power consumption, compatibility, and cost. Different methods have been explained as an overview of applying IoE systems. Further, different approaches for applying IoE technology

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
State, Democracy, and Opposition in the Political Thought of Taliban
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Taliban has returned to the forefront since regaining control of Afghanistan in mid-August 2021, prompting the international community and researchers to speculate whether it has adopted a different political vision and ideology from its previous rule (1996-2001). The previous rule presented a distorted version of governance that lacked clear political and ideological foundations, characterized by impulsive and chaotic decisions, and the absence of a comprehensive theoretical and intellectual framework for governance.

Once again, Taliban returned to power on August 15, 2021, and took control of the country. This raised many questions about Taliban's return, the extent of its flexibility and adaptability that allowed the movement t

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Internet and its Applications in Spreading Rumors
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The study tries to answer several questions posed by the subject, one of the important: How the Internet promotes rumor? And what are the most Internet applications that promote rumor? And the practical ways to reduce these negative? Using the process of in vestige and reading theoretical heritage available in this field, and inferred the numbers and statistics marked the uses of the Internet and its applications over recent years, and the characteristics of each these tools in the field of collection, processing, and dissemination of information

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Density distributions and form factors of the exotic 8B nucleus
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Results of charge, neutron and matter densities and related form factors for one- proton halo nucleus 8B are presented using a two- frequency shell model approach. We choose a model space for the core of 7Be different from that of the extra one valence proton. One configuration is assumed for the outer proton to be in 1p1/2 - shell. The results of the matter density distributions are compared with those fitted to the experimental data. The calculated proton and matter density distributions of this exotic nucleus exhibit a long tail behavior, which is considered as a distinctive feature of halo nuclei. Elastic electron scattering form factors of this exotic nucleus are also studied. The effects of

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Hydration Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamic (Stokes) Radius of the Lanthanide Ions
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Many biochemical and physiological properties depend on the size of ions and the thermodynamic quantities of ion hydration. The diffusion coefficient (D) of lanthanide (III) ions (Ln+3) in solution assumed (1.558-1.618 ×10−9 m2 s−1) by Einstein–Smoluchowski relation. The association constant (KA) of Ln+3 ions was calculated (210.3-215.3 dm3 mole-1) using the Shedlovsky method, and the hydrodynamic radius calculated (1.515-1.569 ×10−10 m) by the Stokes-Einstein equation. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔGo, ΔSo) also calculated by used suitable relations, while ΔHo, values are obtained from the lit

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Design And Decoration in Enriching Children’s Clothes
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As the child is growing up, he goes through different phases which will be accompanied by physical and psychological changes. These changes set the basis for processes of designing and making children's clothes which in turn give its required benefits and meet the physiological, psychological and community needs. That will help provide the child with healthy physical and psychological growth.
The aim of this research is to recognize the decoration of clothes by colors and drawings and its role in clothes' richness and children's education. The research limits are objective, The limits are for female (3-5) years old. The research was done in teaching kindergarten in the college of education for women in 2016. The researchers found many

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