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The impact of different compression ratios on emissions, and combustion characteristics of a biodiesel engine
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<p>The current work investigated the combustion efficiency of biodiesel engines under diverse ratios of compression (15.5, 16.5, 17.5, and 18.5) and different biodiesel fuels produced from apricot oil, papaya oil, sunflower oil, and tomato seed oil. The combustion process of the biodiesel fuel inside the engine was simulated utilizing ANSYS Fluent v16 (CFD). On AV1 diesel engines (Kirloskar), numerical simulations were conducted at 1500 rpm. The outcomes of the simulation demonstrated that increasing the compression ratio (CR) led to increased peak temperature and pressures in the combustion chamber, as well as elevated levels of CO<sub>2</sub> and NO mass fractions and decreased CO emission values under the same biodiesel fuel type. Additionally, the findings revealed that the highest cylinder temperature was 1007.32 K and the highest cylinder pressure was 7.3 MPa, achieved by biodiesel derived from apricot oil at an 18.5% compression ratio. Meanwhile, the highest NO and CO<sub>2</sub> mass fraction values were 0.000257524 and 0.040167679, respectively, obtained from biodiesel derived from papaya oil at an 18.5% compression ratio. This study explained that the apricot oil biodiesel engine had the highest combustion efficiency with high emissions at a compression ratio of 18:5. On the other hand, tomato seed oil biodiesel engines had low combustion performance and low emissions of NO and CO<sub>2</sub> at a compression ratio of 15:5. The current study concluded that apricot oil biodiesel may be a suitable alternative to diesel fuel operated at a CR of 18:1.</p>

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 26 2022
Journal Name
Electrical Engineering
Optimal insulation design of form-wound stator winding with stress grading system under fast rise-time excitation
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The effective insulation design of the stress grading (SG) system in form-wound stator coils is essential for preventing partial discharges and excessive heat generation under pulse-width modulation excitation. This paper proposes a method to find the optimal insulation design of the SG system aimed at reducing the dielectric and thermal stresses in the machine coil. The non-uniform transmission line model is used to predict the voltage propagation along the overhang, SG, and slot regions considering the variation in the physical properties of the insulation layers. The machine coil parameters for different insulation materials are calculated by using the finite element method. Two optimization algorithms, fmincon and particle swarm optimiz

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Using Artificial Neural Network to Predict Rate of Penetration from Dynamic Elastic Properties in Nasiriya Oil Field
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   The time spent in drilling ahead is usually a significant portion of total well cost. Drilling is an expensive operation including the cost of equipment and material used during the penetration of rock plus crew efforts in order to finish the well without serious problems. Knowing the rate of penetration should help in speculation of the cost and lead to optimize drilling outgoings. Ten wells in the Nasiriya oil field have been selected based on the availability of the data. Dynamic elastic properties of Mishrif formation in the selected wells were determined by using Interactive Petrophysics (IP V3.5) software based on the las files and log record provided. The average rate of penetration and average dynamic elastic propert

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Development of 1D-Synthetic Geomechanical Well Logs for Applications Related to Reservoir Geomechanics in Buzurgan Oil Field
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Knowledge of the distribution of the rock mechanical properties along the depth of the wells is an important task for many applications related to reservoir geomechanics. Such these applications are wellbore stability analysis, hydraulic fracturing, reservoir compaction and subsidence, sand production, and fault reactivation. A major challenge with determining the rock mechanical properties is that they are not directly measured at the wellbore. They can be only sampled at well location using rock testing. Furthermore, the core analysis provides discrete data measurements for specific depth as well as it is often available only for a few wells in a field of interest. This study presents a methodology to generate synthetic-geomechani

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 11 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University
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This study was performd on 50 serum specimens of patients with type 2 diabetes, in addition, 50 normal specimens were investigated as control group. The activity rate of LAP in patients (560.46 10.504) I.U/L and activity rate of LAP in healthy(10.58 4.39)I.U/L.The results of the study reveal that Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activity of type 2 diabetes patient s serum shows a high signifiacant increase (p < 0.001) compare to healthy subjects. Addition preparation leucine amide as substrate of LAP, identification melting point and spectra by FTIR. K

Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Possible Anti-Asthmatic Effect of Iraqi Ammi Majus Seeds Extract Against Asthma Induced by Ovalbumin in Mice
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Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder of airways characterized by inflammation, hyperresponsiveness, inflammatory cell infiltration, mucous secretion, and remodelling. Ammi majus is medicinal plant belong to family of Apiaceous which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. This study designed to investigate of anti-asthmatic activity of alcoholic extract of Ammi majus in improvement of asthma. Forty-eight healthy female mice divided to six groups Group I:  the negative control group (distal water only), Group II: Positive control group (ovalbumin group), Group III: Ammi majus (64 mg/kg/day) with sensitization, Group IV:Ammi majus  (128 mg/kg/day) with sensitization, Group V: Ammi majus (64 mg/kg/day) without sensitiza

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Nutritional Value of White Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Which is Most Widely Consumed in kurdistan regin-iraq
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This study was conducted in 2018, at Technical College of Applied Sciences, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, and Kurdistan Region-Iraq. The aim of the study was to determinate nutritional compositions and some elemental contents in marketable white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) that is collected in local markets of Kurdistan Region-Iraq. Five different samples (A: Penjwen product fresh, B: Sulaimani product fresh, C: American caned, D: Valencia Netherlandcaned and E: Erbil product fresh) were collected to be observed. The elements were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry methods, and their chemical compassions were determined, too. The collected data were analyzed by One Way ANOVA. The highest fat, protein, fiber and dry matte

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison some of methods wavelet estimation for non parametric regression function with missing response variable at random
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 The problem of missing data represents a major obstacle before researchers in the process of data analysis in different fields since , this problem is a recurrent one in all fields of study including social , medical , astronomical and clinical experiments .

The presence of such a problem within the data to be studied may influence negatively on the analysis and it may lead to misleading conclusions , together with the fact that these conclusions that result from a great bias caused by that problem in spite of the efficiency of wavelet methods but they are also affected by the missing of data , in addition to the impact of the problem of miss of accuracy estimation

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Assessment of Pile Models Chemically Grouted by Low-Pressure Injection Laboratory Device for Improving Loose Sand
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The complexity and partially defined nature of jet grouting make it hard to predict the performance of grouted piles. So the trials of cement injection at a location with similar soil properties as the erecting site are necessary to assess the performance of the grouted piles. Nevertheless, instead of executing trial-injected piles at the pilot site, which wastes money, time, and effort, the laboratory cement injection devices are essential alternatives for evaluating soil injection ability. This study assesses the performance of a low-pressure laboratory grouting device by improving loose sandy soil injected using binders formed of Silica Fume (SF) as a chemical admixture (10% of Ordinary Portland Cement OPC mass) to di

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Molecular Investigation of Curli Fimbriae Genes in Enterobacter cloacae Isolated from Various Clinical Sources in Baghdad, Iraq
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Thirteen isolates were collected from various clinical sources during the periodfrom 22/10/2017 to 22/12/2017. All the isolates were diagnosed based on the microscopic and biochemical propertiesby Vitek-2 Compact system. All isolates formed biofilm 100%, with 30% of isolatesbiofilm produced strongly and 70% on medium. The results of the present study have shown the presence of Curli fimbriae genes in E. cloacae bacteria from cases of urinary tract infections, infected patient with blood bacteremia and inflammation of wounds. Curli fimbriae is considered to be an important factor in the virulence of E.cloacae bacteria, which plays an important role in adhering and combining cells on solid surfaces to form the biofilmand helps in the adhesion

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Nutritional Value of White Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Which is Most Widely Consumed in Kurdistan Region-Iraq
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This study was conducted in 2018, at Technical College of Applied Sciences, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq. The aim of the study was to determinate nutritional compositions and some elemental contents in marketable white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) that is collected in local markets of Kurdistan Region-Iraq. Five different samples (A: Penjwen product fresh, B: Sulaimani product fresh, C: American caned, D: Valencia Netherlandcaned and E: Erbil product fresh) were collected to be observed. The elements were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry methods, and their chemical compassions were determined, too. The collected data were analyzed by One Way ANOVA. The highest fat, protein, fiber and d

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