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Provenance and depositional setting of the Late Miocene- Pleistocene clastic sediments in the eastern Arabian Peninsula and western Iraq using rare earth elements geochemistry
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison of Seepage Trough Zoned Earth dam Using Improved Light-Textured Soils
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Seepage through earth dams is one of the most popular causes for earth dam collapse due to internal granule movement and seepage transfer. In earthen dams, the core plays a vital function in decreasing seepage through the dam body and lowering the phreatic line. In this research, an alternative soil to the clay soil used in the dam core has been proposed by conducting multiple experiments to test the permeability of silty and sandy soil with different additives materials. Then the selected sandy soil model was used to represent the dam experimentally, employing a permeability device to measure the amount of water that seeps through the dam's body and to represent the seepage line. A numerical model was adopted using Geo-Studio software i

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Heat Production Rate and Radiation Hazard Indices from Radioactive Elements in Different Types of Natural Water in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq.
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The current study sheds light on the measurement and estimation of the radioactivity of radionuclides (238U, 226Ra, 232Th, and 40k) in natural waters of different regions of Nineveh Governorate in Iraq.15 samples were collected from different sources of natural waters, where gamma-ray spectroscopy was used using NaI)TI) sodium iodide detector to determine the concentration of radioactivity in the samples. According to the results, the radioactivity concentration in the tested water sample were ​​ranged from 0.36 ± 0.04-1.57 ± 0.09with an average value of 0.69 ± 0.06 Bq/l for 238U, and 2.9 ± 0.02-0.88 ± 0.03 with an average value of 0.65 ± 0.03 Bq/l for 226Ra Bq/l

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Determination the optimum orbit for low Earth satellites by changing the eccentricity
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Abstract<p>The main objective of this paper is to determine an acceptable value of eccentricity for the satellites in a Low Earth Orbit LEO that are affected by drag perturbation only. The method of converting the orbital elements into state vectors was presented. Perturbed equation of motion was numerically integrated using 4<sup>th</sup> order Runge-Kutta’s method and the perturbation in orbital elements for different altitudes and eccentricities were tested and analysed during 84.23 days. The results indicated to the value of semi major axis and eccentricity at altitude 200 km and eccentricity 0.001are more stable. As well, at altitude 600 km and eccentricity 0.01, but at 800 km a</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship between the prices of wheat and rice importer in Iraq and crude oil prices and the exchange rate using the ARDL model
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Since the beginning of 21st century, the prices of Agricultural crops have increased. This Increases is accompanied with that increases of crude oil prices and fluctuation of a dollar exchange rate as a dominant currency used in the global trade. The paper aimed to analysis the short run and long run cointegration relationships between prices of some of Agricultural crops imported by Iraq such as wheat and rice crops and both the crude oil prices and the Iraq dinar exchange rate a gained America dollar using ARDL model. The results show the long run equilibrium between they three variable throng the error correction mechanizem. The results also show the significant and economically sound effects of cru

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Manufacturing Perforated and Ordinary Bricks Using Injana Claystone Exposed in The Middle of Iraq
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This study aims to use claystone beds exposed in the Injana Formation (Late Miocene) at Karbala-Najaf plateau, middle of Iraq for the manufacturing of perforated and ordinary bricks. The claystone samples were assessed as an alternative material of the recent sediments, which are preferred to remain as agricultural land. The claystones are sandy mud composing of 29.1 - 39.1% clay, 37.2 - 54.8% silt and 14.1-26.8% sand. They consist of kaolinite, illite, chlorite, palygorskite, and montmorillonite with a lot of quartz, calcite, dolomite, gypsum and feldspar. Claystone samples were characterized by linear shrinkage 0.01 - 0.1%, volume shrinkage 0.1 - 0.9%, bulk density 1.2 - 2.11gm/cm3 (1.68 g / cm3 average), and the efflorescence is

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Acculturation and its Evolutionary Tendency in the Design of the Prayer Space Elements / Niche – A model: آلاء طالب كريم
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The peculiarity of worship spaces in the Islamic architecture is evident by its symbolic connotations with doctrinal connections, thus the niche has a major status in that symbolic connotation, which transformed due to the cultural interaction from a rock on the wall directed towards Mecca into an element of integrated structural entity with performative and aesthetic characteristics. The spread of the Islamic religion contributed to subjecting it to a design acculturation process, thus the problem of the research was raised by the following question: has the evolutionary tendency of acculturation been able to effect a major transformation in the niche design? The research aims at identifying the design acculturation and its translation

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2024
Journal Name
Frontiers In Microbiology
Removal of mobile genetic elements from the genome of Clostridioides difficile and the implications for the organism’s biology
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Clostridioides difficile is an emerging pathogen of One Health significance. Its highly variable genome contains mobile genetic elements (MGEs) such as transposons and prophages that influence its biology. Systematic deletion of each genetic element is required to determine their precise role in C. difficile biology and contribution to the wider mobilome. Here, Tn5397 (21 kb) and ϕ027 (56 kb) were deleted from C. difficile 630 and R20291, respectively, using allele replacement facilitated by CRISPR-Cas9. The 630 Tn5397 deletant transferred PaLoc at the same frequency (1 × 10−7

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Usage of the visual elements in the interior designing of indoor swimming pools
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The research specializes in (Usage of the visual elements in the interior designing of indoor swimming pools), the research seeks to provide a study that contributes to providing scientific and knowledge material, as a reference for researchers, students of interior design and architecture, and companies constructing indoor swimming pools.
The objective research is to detect the actual state of the interior design of the indoor swimming pools, and recognize the most important standards and techniques used in its design to provide appropriate design solutions if needed also Proposing a development proposals for the interior design of indoor swimming pools, the theoretical framework of this study, included two sections, The first one ta

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 26 2009
Journal Name
Iraq Journal For Science
Calculation of time Entry and Exit of satellites from Earth Shadow
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The tracking of satellites motion and their path around the earth is important things in the mechanical of satellites motion. Significant parameters for the determination of time entrance and existence of the satellite could be obtained from the shadow of the earth. In the present work the tracking and time determination for entry and exit from earth shadow have been studied. In the present work we built a software for tracking the motion of satellites in orbit around the earth and determine the change of both distance and speed as a function of time. The perturbations effect on the satellite has been neglected from the earth atmosphere drag and the earth gravity and other effects. The equation for calculating the shadow is solved using num

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Difficulties of Teaching Political Science Research Methods: A Comparative Study between Western and Arab Universities
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This research aims to identify the reality of teaching political science research methods curriculum, to observe practices, and differences in teaching and learning between the Arab and Western universities. Moreover, it focuses on the difficulties that face students' acquisition of the course skills. The research uses the course model of some Western and Arab universities as case study.

This research shows that the curriculum do not reach yet the final form as other political science curriculums, and its upcoming changes will reflect the needs of stakeholders. The best method to teach this curriculum is to use applied learning in groups, learning by doing, and finally problem-based learning approach. Using optimal assessment deep

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