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Elucidation of a Role for the Aqueous Extract of Borage in Mammary Gland Growth and Development
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Food Chain Borne Effect of Cadmium and Cyanide on Some Biochemical Indices in the Liver of Rats
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       Diverse organismsuch as mammals and fishes exposure to noxious waste in the surroundings is a continuous routine and the active absorption and propagation of contaminants in humans is through the food chain. In order to determine the level of toxicity across the food chain,this research was structured to identify some biochemical alterations in the hepatic tissue of rats fed cadmium, cyanide and a mixture of cyanide and cadmium contaminated catfish diet. Fish were assigned into four groups and were exposed to both toxicants (cadmium and cyanide) in the single and combined states. Each toxicant was administered as cadmium chloride (CdCl2) and potassium cyanide (KCN) on a dose of 0.4 mg of the toxicant/100 ml water

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2010
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparative study of the renoprotective effects of captopril and aminophylline against cainst cisplatin – induced nephrotoxicty in rats
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Background: Cisplatin is one of the most
commonly used anti-cancer drugs , but its
clinical use was limited by its nephrotoxicity .
Methods: In this study we try to investigate the
renoprotective effect of captopril and
aminophylline against cisplatin induced
nephrotoxicity .For this purpose a 36 Sprague
Dawley rats was divided randomly to 6 groups ,
each group consist of 6 rats. The first group
given normal saline and act as control group,
while the other 5 groups given cisplatin ( 7.5
mg/kg ) , captopril ( 60 mg/kg ) , aminophylline
( 24 mg/kg ) , captopril with cisplatin and
aminophylline with cisplatin respectively. All
drugs are given as single dose through
intraperitonial route. After 6

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Features of wisdom and methods in the approach of Imam Hassan al-Askari (Peace Be upon Him)
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Wisdom is the separation and distinction between aim in the word and work and the lack thereof in accordance with the knowledge surrounding the arts of science, which reached a thorough understanding of things and put them in the quorum. In this research, I have tried to discern the characteristics of the wisdom of Imam Hassan al-Askari (peace be upon him) and to explain his methods and actions which are indicative of the various facets of wisdom required by the nature of the actions and behavior that he has to deal with. Or future mother.
The second topic was devoted to the style of Imam (p) and his wisdom in the situations that necessitated the diversity of methods of dealing such as the method of concealment and the method of refer

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Atmospheric Stability and Its Effect on The Polluted Columns of Concentrations in North West of Baghdad City
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Atmospheric stability plays the most important role in the transport and dispersion of air pollutants. Different methods are used for stability determination with varying degrees of complexity. Most of these methods are based on the relative magnitude of convective and mechanical turbulence in atmospheric motions, such as Richardson number, Monin-Obukhov length, Pasquill-Gifford stability classification and Pasquill-Turner stability classification. The Pasquill-Turner Method (PTM), which is employed in this study used Observations of wind speed, solar altitude angle and the time of day to classify atmospheric stability with distinguishable indices. As a case study, meteorological data that gathered from European Centre For Medium-Range W

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of CCl4 and Nigella sativa oil on histological changes of liver in the immature white Rats
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This study aimed to investigat the effect of Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 and Nigella
sativa oil on histological changes of liver. It was used only (20) immature male rats. to study
the effect of Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 and Nigella sativa oil on changes. The rats were
randomly divided into equal groups as follows. First group was injected intra dermally with
0.1 ml, normal saline (two times per weeks). This group was considered as control group .The
second group was injected intra dermally with (Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 ml / 100g ) of body
weight for ( two times per weeks was injected for (8weeks) . The third group It was orally
given 0.1 ml dose of Nigella sativa oil, it was injected for (8weeks).The fourth g

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Electro-Facies and Petrophysical Properties of the Hartha Formation in Selected Wells of East Baghdad Oil Field
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    The Hartha Formation is a major carbonate succession deposited during the Late Campanian period. The current study depends on four selected wells (EB 1, 2, 4 and 30) within the East Baghdad oil field to study electrofacies and petrophysical properties related to the reservoir characterization.

The Hartha Formation is divided into three electro-facies units using GR and SP logs in Petrel software. The upper unit of the Hartha Formation is composed mainly of limestone. The middle unit is composing of thick layers of shale. The lower unit is composed mainly of limestone with few shale layers. The three units are divided into three types of rocks in relation to the total porosity: 1. High-moderate active porosity rocks (type I)

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Analytical Study of Soret and Dufour effect in the Electro-osmotic peristaltic flow of Rabinowitsch fluid model
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The present paper concerned with study the of combined electro-osmotic peristaltic transport with heat and mass transfer which is represented by the Soret and Dufour phenomenon with the presence of the Joule electrothermal heating through a microchannel occupy by Rabinowitsch fluid. The unsteady two-dimensional governing equations for flow with energy and concentration conservation have been formed in a Cartesian coordinate system and the lubrication theory is applied to modify the relevant equations to the problem. The Debye-Hukel linearization approximation is utilizing to modify the electrohydrodynamics problem. The expressions for the axial velocity, the temperature profile, the concentration profile, and the volumetric flow rate are

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Practices of marketing deception and its impact on organizational reputation / applied research in the relics of Baghdad
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     The research aims to enrich the subject of marketing deception, which is still in the concept stage at the level of the research sample and to allow future researchers to contribute to addressing the concept of marketing deception and linking it with other variables. The research problem is that is there a correlation between marketing deception and organizational reputation in Baghdad assets. What is the reflection of marketing deception on the organizational reputation in the assets of Baghdad? The research is concerned with shedding light on the reputation of the organization in terms of frequency of purchase, place of purchase, brand loyalty, and knowing the impact of marketing deception on these fact

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Evaluation of the Performance of One-Axis Daily Tracking and Fixed PV Module in Baghdad, Iraq
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An attempt was made to evaluate the PV performance of one-axis daily tracking and fixed system for Baghdad, Iraq. Two experimental simulations were conducted on a PV module for that purpose. Measurements included incident solar radiation, load voltage and load current. The first experiment was carried out for six months of winter half of year to simulate the one-axis daily tracking. The azimuth angle was due south while the tilt angle was being set to optimum according to each day of simulation. The second experiment was done at one day to simulate the PV module of fixed angles. It is found that there is a significant power gain of 29.6% for the tracking system in respect to the fixed one. The one-axis daily tracking was much more effect

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cholera disease in iraq and the invetigation of some virulence of vibrio locally isolated from diarrhea case
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A survey statistician for cholera in Iraq for 1980 and until 2003 show that cholera is endemic in Iraq and that the highest number of casualties recorded in the years 1998-1999 and increasing spread of the disease during the wars in hot climates, wet a study bacteriological used where circles selective and tests Alkouhaoah examinations serological system

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