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Assessment of the Contamination of Baghdad Soils with Lead Element
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The present study aims to study the content and spatial distribution of lead (Pb) contamination in the soils of some Baghdad cities (Middle of Iraq). Twenty soil samples were randomly collected from different land-use in the studied area at a depth between 5 to 30 cm. Ten samples are collected from Al-Rissafa side areas (Adhamiya, Al-Wazeeria (Battery Manufacturer), Shikh Omer, Ziyouna, Karada, Shaab, Sadr city, Al-Za’franiya, Al-Dora expressway, and Alselikh ) and other ten samples are collected from Al-Krakh side areas Al-Dora, Al-Masafi junction, Al-Dora, Sayidia, Al-Salam university college, Al-Bayaa (Industrial District), Jehad, Amirya, Abu Ghraib, Al-hurriya, and Kadhimiya. The soil samples have been analyzed for the lead (Pb) with the utilization of the X-Ray Fluorescence. Based on the results, there is a notable difference in the concentration of Pb compared with the national and international permissible limits. The mean concentrations of Pb are 19507.5, 12.8, 2.2 mg/kg for industrial, roadside, and agricultural respectively and <1 for commercial, residential, and waste dumping sites. The high Pb concentration in the soils has been related to anthropogenic activities. Further, the spatial analysis map showed the high concentration of Pb distribution in the Al-Rissafa side of Baghdad city. The geoaccumulation factor and contamination factor indicate that all the soil samples are uncontaminated except the industrial sites are very high contamination with Pb. Also, by calculating the potential ecological risk, It has been found there is a very high ecological risk in the industrial sites, while a low ecological risk in other sites in the study area. The results showed that the average concentration of Pb in soil was greater than the global soil average.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of gender, age and tooth loss on the dimensions of incisive canal, and buccal bone anterior to the canal (Computed Tomography study)
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Background: The incisive canal is an anatomical structure with an important location in the anterior maxilla, analyzing this canal and its relation to the bone anterior to the canal is necessary during dental implant. Aim of this study is evaluated effect of gender, age and tooth loss in area of maxillary central incisors teeth on the dimensions of incisive canal and buccal bone anterior to the canal using spiral computed tomography. Materials and Methods: Sample consists of prospective study for 156 subjects for both gender, they divided into two groups, 120 dentate group (60 male and 60 female) with age ranging from (20-70) and 36 edentate group (with missing maxillary central incisors) (18 male and 18 female) with age ranging from (50-70

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Experimental Study of the Server-based Unfairness Solutions for the Cross-Protocol Scenario of Adaptive Streaming over HTTP/3 and HTTP/2
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Since the introduction of the HTTP/3, research has focused on evaluating its influences on the existing adaptive streaming over HTTP (HAS). Among these research, due to irrelevant transport protocols, the cross-protocol unfairness between the HAS over HTTP/3 (HAS/3) and HAS over HTTP/2 (HAS/2) has caught considerable attention. It has been found that the HAS/3 clients tend to request higher bitrates than the HAS/2 clients because the transport QUIC obtains higher bandwidth for its HAS/3 clients than the TCP for its HAS/2 clients. As the problem originates from the transport layer, it is likely that the server-based unfairness solutions can help the clients overcome such a problem. Therefore, in this paper, an experimental study of the se

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Taboo Words Vs. Social Deixis: A sociolinguistic Analysis of La Justice or The Cock that Crew: A Play from the Theatre of Ridiculous
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Linguistic taboos exist in most cultures. Tabooed words are generally being culturespecific
and relating to bodily functions or aspects of a culture that are sacred. Such words are
avoided, considered inappropriate and loaded with affective meaning and failing to adhere to.
Strict rules, often, governing their use and lead to punishment or public shame. These taboo
words can be used as a way of violating social deixis represented by four types of honorifics;
addressee, referent, bystander, and finally setting honorifics. This paper shows how these
taboo words are used in Kenneth Bernard's play La Justice or The Cock that Crew from the
theatre of the Ridiculous as means of violating social deixis in its four types. Th

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Role of Some Inflammatory Markers (IL-6 and CRP) in the Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Iraqi CCU for Heart Diseases
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In this work an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique has been used for detection of some inflammatory markers in serum of acute coronary syndrome (ACS)-Patients Admitted to the cardiac care unit (CCU) of Iraqi Centre For Heart Diseases and Ibn AlNafees Teaching Hospital. The present method includes quantitative measurement of interleukine-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP), as their increase during symptoms may be responsible for identifying the mechanism of myocardial damag, in addition to their best performance than other quantitative tests perhaps due to their association with atherosclerotic process that belongs to the endothelial dysfunction. Aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence and correlation of IL-6 w

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis, Characterization of Chlropheniramine maleate– Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and Their Application as Sensors for the Determination of the Drug in Some Pharmaceutical Preparations
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New chlropheniramine maleate (CPM) selective electrochemical membranes were prepared by using chlropheniramine maleate -molecularly imprinted polymers. MIP was prepared by bulk polymerization using 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (2-HEMA) as monomer, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) as a cross-linker and a benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as an initiator at 600C.  Three CPM-MIP electrodes were constructed by using tri-tolyl Phosphate (ToCP), tris (2- ethyl hexyl) Phosphate (TEHP) and tributyl Phosphate (TBP) as plasticizers in PVC matrix.Electrode parameters including slopes, working concentrations ph. The interference effect in the presence of (Na+, Mg+2, Al+3, Glycine, Alanine, Arginine and Phenylalanine) was studied using the separated a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of statement of cash flow in forecasting in the global financial crisis 2008: An analytical study for The American Company (Freddie Mac)
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On of the direct causes which led to the global financial crisis 2008 is decrease or collapse in liquidity of large financial institutions which is reflected on investments of a considerable number of institutions and persons.

This study aim's through out its three sections to explain the disclosure level of financial institutions which affected by Financial Crisis from liquidity information which explained in the statement of cash flow according to Timeliness and Completeness.

The study concluded an important result the company of research sample was disclosure in Timeliness and Completeness from all of accounting information is related in liquidity or that related in result of operations and financial position. The more

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of mergers and acquisitions in the stock returns and financial performance - An Empirical Study of major international companies to the pharmaceutical industry-
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Research aims to identify the immediate impact of the announcement of mergers in the stockholders and the feasibility of gain abnormal return and benefiting from  asymmetric information during the announcement that unite 30 days before the announcement of the merger, and announcement day, and 30 days after the announcement of the merger. It was the largest and most important mergers and acquisitions pick that occurred during the global financial crisis, specifically in health care/pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer and Wyeth merger with Novartis acquisition on Alcon. search has adopted three hypotheses: the first hypothesis that ((achieves the target company's shareholders positive abnormal return (or negative) during and befor

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 26 2022
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Classification of Nanomaterials and the Effect of Graphene Oxide (GO) and Recently Developed Nanoparticles on the Ultrafiltration Membrane and Their Applications: A Review
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The emergence of mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) or nanocomposite membranes embedded with inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) has opened up a possibility for developing different polymeric membranes with improved physicochemical properties, mechanical properties and performance for resolving environmental and energy-effective water purification. This paper presents an overview of the effects of different hydrophilic nanomaterials, including mineral nanomaterials (e.g., silicon dioxide (SiO2) and zeolite), metals oxide (e.g., copper oxide (CuO), zirconium dioxide (ZrO2), zinc oxide (ZnO), antimony tin oxide (ATO), iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) and tungsten oxide (WOX)), two-dimensional transition (e.g., MXene), metal–organic framework (MOFs), c

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 25 1993
Journal Name
كلية العلوم. / جامعة بغداد
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This study included isolation and characterization of extremely halophilic bacteria from Al-Massab Al-Aam region in South of Iraq Fifty isolates were identified by using numerical taxonomy 40 strains belonged to the genus Halobacterium which inclucted Hb. halobium Hb. cutirubrum Hb. salinarium Hb. saccharovorum Hb. valismortis and Hb. volcanii. Ten strains belonged to the genus Halococcus which included Hc. morrhuae Hc. saccharolyticus. Growth curves were sensitive mutants determined for wild type and salt Generation time in logarthmic phase was measured and found to be (10.37 2hr 7 0.59) for Hb. salinarium / 18 (6.490 hr 0.24) for Hb. cutirubrum / 32, (6.700 hr + 0.488) for Hb. valismortis / 20, (11.243 hr + 0.96) for Hb. volcanii / 7. (7

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal For Engineering Sciences
The Effect of Magnetic Abrasive Finishing on the Flat Surface for Ferromagnetic and non-Ferromagnetic materials
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Magnetic Abrasive Finishing (MAF) is an advanced finishing method, which improves the quality of surfaces and performance of the products. The finishing technology for flat surfaces by MAF method is very economical in manufacturing fields an electromagnetic inductor was designed and manufactured for flat surface finishing formed in vertical milling machine. Magnetic abrasive powder was also produced under controlled condition. There are various parameters, such as the coil current, working gap, the volume of powder portion and feed rate, that are known to have a large impact on surface quality. This paper describes how Taguchi design of experiments is applied to find out important parameters influencing the surface quality generated during

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