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The Impact of Calcitriol on Orthodontic Tooth Movement: A Cumulative Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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A cumulative review with a systematic approach aimed to provide a comparison of studies’ investigating the possible impact of the active form of vitamin D3, calcitriol (CTL), on the tooth movement caused by orthodontic forces (OTM) by evaluating the quality of evidence, based on collating current data from animal model studies, in vivo cell culture studies, and human clinical trials. Methods: A strict systematic review protocol was applied following the application of the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO). A structured search strategy, including main keywords, was defined during detailed search with the application of electronic database systems: Medline/Pubmed, EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science, and PsycINFO. In addition, a search was carried out with the use of search in order to include ongoing or recently completed trials. The Oxford Level of Evidence and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) approach was utilized to critically evaluate the risk of bias and relative quality of studies included. Meta-analysis with the use of RevMan5 software, random effect, and inverted variable method allowed the quantification of cumulative results. Results: Twenty-seven studies were identified which fulfilled inclusion criteria, including two clinical studies. The assessed level of evidence was variable and inconsistent, predominantly being moderate or low due to a significant difference in study design, sample size, and study protocols. Data synthesis rendered from meta-analysis involving various CTL doses demonstrated slight discrepancies in tooth movement between control and experimental groups (mean difference = 0.27; 95% CI: 0.01–0.53, std mean difference = 0.49; 95% CI: 0.09–0.89), as well as relatively moderate heterogenicity. Conclusions: Although it has been suggested that CTL could accelerate OTM in animal studies and clinical context, these scarce data were supported by a low level of evidence and the studies were carried out using inadequate sample size. Well-powered RCT studies would help to overcome the lack of robustness of the research.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 28 2024
Journal Name
Medicni Perspektivi
The impact of Sudafed on spleen of albino mice
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Pseudoephedrine (PSE), often known as Sudafed, belongs to a class of medications known as sympathomimetic amines, which affect the digestive system, respiratory system, and cardiovascular system. This drug has a long history of medical use; it is helpful in treating symptoms of the common cold and flu, sinusitis, asthma, and bronchitis. Due to its central nervous system (CNS) stimulant properties and structural similarity to amphe­tamine, it is also used for non-medical purposes such as doping agent, to increase focus, and as a substance that gets rid of exhaustion and drowsiness. Nevertheless only a few studies, backed up its impact on solid abdominal organs. The aim of this task is to investigate the effect of some dosages of PSE

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
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Journal Of Engineering
A Comparative Study of a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor and Bio-shaft Technology for a Wastewater Treatment Process: A review
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In addition to the primary treatment, biological treatment is used to reduce inorganic and organic components in the wastewater. The separation of biomass from treated wastewater is usually important to meet the effluent disposal requirements, so the MBBR system has been one of the most important modern technologies that use plastic tankers to transport biomass with wastewater, which works in pure biofilm, at low concentrations of suspended solids. However, biological treatment has been developed using the active sludge mixing process with MBBR. Turbo4bio was established as a sustainable and cost-effective solution for wastewater treatment plants in the early 1990s and ran on minimal sludge, and is easy to maintain. This

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Effectiveness of 980nm diode Laser in reduction the diameters of exposed dentinal tubules for hypersensitive tooth
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Background: The oral cavity is a complex environment, both structurally and functionally, the hard and soft tissues are in close a proximity. Oral tissues subjected to wear throughout the life, that threatened the vitality of the pulp or increase the sensitivity of dentinal tubules. One of the common dental problems is loss of enamel or cementum, which stimulate the nerve ending in or near the pulp and manifested as pain sensation. Aim of the study: This study had done to evaluate the effects of 980nm diode Laser in diameters reduction of exposed dentinal tubules analyze the results and morphological changes of irradiated dentine surface by FE-SEM (field emission scann

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/egyptology
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The Arab-Israeli conflict passed through several stages before reaching the final stage of normalization, namely conflict, conflict and public normalization. Thus, the UAE became the third country to establish official relations with Israel after Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994. With the announcement of the normalization agreement, opinions varied between supporters and opponents of the idea of normalization with Israel, and some countries expressed their acceptance of establishing official relations between the Emirates and Israel, while others warned of the consequences of normalization, which they described as treachery. Although the UAE confirmed that the normalization agreement between the two sides was credited with stopping Israel's

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Renaissance Dam Project and its impact on Egyptian – Ethiopian relation
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Receipt date:9/1/2020 accepted date:11/24/2020 Publication date:12/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

the Nile River and the Renaissance Dam is one of the most prominent factors that had an important role in the nature of relations between Egypt - Ethiopia, as  they contributed to building a relationship that has common characteristics through the nature of the i

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 16 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Analysis And Applications
Fear and Hunting Cooperation's Impact on the Eco-Epidemiological Model's Dynamics
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Due to the fact that living organisms do not exist individually, but rather exist in clusters interacting with each other, which helps to spread epidemics among them. Therefore, the study of the prey-predator system in the presence of an infectious disease is an important topic because the disease affects the system's dynamics and its existence. The presence of the hunting cooperation characteristic and the induced fear in the prey community impairs the growth rate of the prey and therefore affects the presence of the predator as well. Therefore, this research is interested in studying an eco-epidemiological system that includes the above factors. Therefore, an eco-epidemiological prey-predator model incorporating predation fear and

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم النفسية
Employment of the Roundhouse Strategy and its Impact on Academic Achievement and Core Thinking
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The aim of this research is to employ the roundhouse strategy to study its impact on the students achievement of the 10th grade in physics and their core thinking. After the application of the research experience and gaining data, which was processed statistically using the statistical packages program (SPSS). The results of the researcher revealed the superiority of the students of the experimental group who studied using the roundhouse strategy on the students of the control group who studied the usual method in the achievement test. As results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental group and the average scores of the control group students in the core thinking test and

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Illiteracy and its Impact on the Reality of Iraqi Youth between Heritage and Contemporary
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Illiteracy has spread in the last years, although it was eliminated in the 1980s. The return of illiteracy brings ignorance, illness, backwardness and regression among nations. It has taken many types, mainly alphabetical, scientific and computer illiteracy. Hence, the increasing nature of illiteracy has attracted the attention of governments and societies alike. This may touch the reality of societies starting with their youth unless those, who are in charge, will find workable solutions for the existing problems. The results of the study revealed that there is a real disaster awaiting the next generation after years of stray, and ignorance of the people in charge who are too engaged in getting their privileges to care about this proble

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of Arab civilization   On the first century AH
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The influx of Arab Qahtani and Nizari tribes continued to the countries of Baluchistan and the Levant in pre-Islamic times until the Levant became open to the Arab-Islamic tide during the first century AH. The Islamic Orient until the early Islamic Arab Army reached the western borders of China. What we will see in the folds of the search.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The 2020 2nd International Conference On Sustainable Manufacturing, Materials And Technologies
The impact of toxicant on the food chain ecological model
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