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Numerical Approach for the Prediction of Formation and Hydraulic Fracture Properties Considering Elliptical Flow Regime in Tight Gas Reservoirs
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Abstract<p>As tight gas reservoirs (TGRs) become more significant to the future of the gas industry, investigation into the best methods for the evaluation of field performance is critical. While hydraulic fractured well in TRGs are proven to be most viable options for economic recovery of gas, the interpretation of pressure transient or well test data from hydraulic fractured well in TGRs for the accurate estimation of important reservoirs and fracture properties (e.g. fracture length, fracture conductivity, skin and reservoir permeability) is rather very complex and difficult because of the existence of multiple flow profiles/regimes. The flow regimes are complex in TGRs due to the large hydraulic fractures near the wellbore, combined with low matrix permeability and reservoir heterogeneity; and consequently the interpretation of well test or pressure transient data using the classical approaches usually used for conventional reservoirs can produce wrong results with high level of uncertainties. In addition, the time required to achieve radial flow regimes for such tight reservoir, as key condition to use classical approaches, is impractically long and not feasible from the context of both economic and practical operation viewpoint. These inherent causes and the operating limitations require amendment of the well test technique to analyse linear or elliptical flow regimes to accurately estimate the reservoir and fracture properties.</p><p>This paper proposed a simplified numerical approach to predict the reservoir and fracture parameters based upon well test or production data from hydraulic fractured vertical well in tight gas reservoir considering elliptical flow regime. Emphases are given on the development of simple computation tool that can be used as a handy, efficient and accurate tool to supplement the need for commercial simulators; yet can provide with estimation of reservoir and fracture properties with high level of accuracy especially in the case when limited pressure transient data is available.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Differential Equations
Dynamical Behaviours of Stage-Structured Fractional-Order Prey-Predator Model with Crowley-Martin Functional Response
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In this paper, the dynamic behaviour of the stage-structure prey-predator fractional-order derivative system is considered and discussed. In this model, the Crowley–Martin functional response describes the interaction between mature preys with a predator.  e existence, uniqueness, non-negativity, and the boundedness of solutions are proved. All possible equilibrium points of this system are investigated.  e su‰cient conditions of local stability of equilibrium points for the considered system are determined. Finally, numerical simulation results are carried out to con‹rm the theoretical results.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Biosorption of Heavy Metals from Synthetic Wastewater by Using Macro Algae Collected from Iraqi Marshlands
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Common Fixed Point of a Finite-step Iteration Algorithm Under Total Asymptotically Quasi-nonexpansive Maps
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      Throughout this paper, a generic iteration algorithm for a finite family of total asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive maps in uniformly convex Banach space is suggested. As well as weak / strong convergence theorems of this algorithm to a common fixed point are established. Finally, illustrative numerical example by using Matlab is presented.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On a Subclass of Meromorphic Univalent Functions With Fixed Second Coefficientsassociated with q-Differed Operator
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The main object of this article is to study and introduce a subclass of meromorphic univalent functions with fixed second positive defined by q-differed operator. Coefficient bounds, distortion and Growth theorems, and various are  the obtained results.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering
Effect of wettability on particle settlement behavior within Mono-Ethylene Glycol regeneration pre-treatment systems
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This study was undertaken to diagnose routine settling problems within a third-party oil and gas companies’ Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) regeneration system. Two primary issues were identified including; a) low particle size (<40 μm) resulting in poor settlement within high viscosity MEG solution and b) exposure to hydrocarbon condensate causing modification of particle surface properties through oil-wetting of the particle surface. Analysis of oil-wetted quartz and iron carbonate (FeCO₃) settlement behavior found a greater tendency to remain suspended in the solution and be removed in the rich MEG effluent stream or to strongly float and accumulate at the liquid-vapor interface in comparison to naturally water-wetted particles. As su

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Construct an efficient distributed denial of service attack detection system based on data mining techniques
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<span>Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is bluster to network security that purpose at exhausted the networks with malicious traffic. Although several techniques have been designed for DDoS attack detection, intrusion detection system (IDS) It has a great role in protecting the network system and has the ability to collect and analyze data from various network sources to discover any unauthorized access. The goal of IDS is to detect malicious traffic and defend the system against any fraudulent activity or illegal traffic. Therefore, IDS monitors outgoing and incoming network traffic. This paper contains a based intrusion detection system for DDoS attack, and has the ability to detect the attack intelligently, dynami

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
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Time-domain spectral matching commonly used to define seismic inputs to dynamic analysis in terms of acceleration time history compatible with a specific target response spectrum is used in this study to investigate the second-order geometric effect of P-delta on the seismic response of base-isolated high-rise buildings. A synthetic time series is generated by adjusting reference time series that consist of available readings from a past earthquake of the 1940 El Centro earthquake adopted as an initial time series. The superstructure of a 20-story base isolated building is represented by a 3-D finite element model using ETABS software. The results of the base isolated building show that base isolation technique significantly reduces inter-s

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Analysis of performance measures with single channel fuzzy queues under two class by using ranking method
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Chemistry
Spectrophotometric Determination of Co(II) by Using Ethyl Cyano(2-Methyl Carboxylate Phenyl Azo Acetate) (ECA)
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A new simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of trace amount of Co(II) in the ethanol absolute solution have been developed. The method is based on the reaction of Co(II) with ethyl cyano(2-methyl carboxylate phenyl azo acetate) (ECA) in acid medium of hydrochloric acid (0.1 M) givining maximum absorbance at ((λmax = 656 nm). Beer's law is obeyed over the concentration range (5-60) (μg / ml) with molar absorptivity of (1.5263 × 103 L mol-1 cm-1) and correlation coefficient (0.9995). The precision (RSD% ˂ 1%). The stoichiometry of complex was confirmed by Job's method which indicated the ratio of metal to reagent is (2:1). The studied effect of interference elements Zn(II), Cu(II), Na(I), K(I), Ca(II) and Mg

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Efficiency Study of Two Adsorbent Materials to Remove Eosin Y Dye from Aqueous Solutions
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This study was done to find a cheap, available and ecofriendly materials that can remove eosin y dye from aqueous solutions by adsorption in this study, two adsorbent materials were used, the shells of fresh water clam (Cabicula fluminea) and walnut shells. To make a comparison between the two adsorbents, five experiments were conducted. First, the effects of the contact time, here the nut shell removed the dye quickly, while the C. flumina need more contact time to remove the dye. Second, the effects of adsorbent weight were examined. The nut shell was very promising and for all used adsorbent weight, the R% ranged from 94.87 to 99.29. However C. fluminea was less effective in removing the dye with R% ranged from 47.59 to 55.39. The thi

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