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Histological structure of the Tongue in Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus)
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the histological structure of the tongue in Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) and its related to the feeding pattern. Five adult animals were used in this study . The tongues were dissected and fixed in 10% formalin, then prepared by following stages (dehydration, clearing, and embedding).The serial section(5µ) were stained with(H&E) and some special stains.The histological examination showed that the tongue consists of three tunicae (mucosa, submucosa and musclaris) and the lining epithelium of the filiform papillae is composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue. The cylindrical papillae are covered with a highly keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue, whereas the keratinized stratified squamous epithelium tissue is weakly keratinized at fungiform papillae, whilst circumvallate papillae are non-keratinized. The medullary of the papillae consists of a loose connective tissue which is considered as the lamina propria of the tongue, while the tunica submucosa consists of dense connective tissue. The muscularis is composed of skeletal muscle fibres arranged in three direction longitudinal, transverse and obliquate. The lingual glands(Von-Ebner and Weber) placed on both sides of the lingual root at the tunica submucosa and extend to the tunica muscularis .This study pointed out that the secretion of glands is mixed and the mucin is more neutral than acid.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological Description and Histological Structure of Olfactory Organ in Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
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   The Morphological description and histological structure of olfactory organ in barn owl have been studied. The results of morphological description showed that the olfactory organ in the animal under study have pair of external nares ovale shape which lead to pair of nasal chambers which are located at the dorsal surface of head under eyes level. The chambers are conical in their shape the anterior end is narrow while the posterior end is enlarger the nasal chambers open to the oral cavity through the internal nares.      The results also showed that the nasal cavity contains three chonchae which represented by rosteral chonchae, elongated middle chonchae and the posterior nasal chonchae called olfac

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Histomorphological study of tongue in Indigenous peacock (Pavo cristatus)
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The current study aimed to examine the histomorphological features of the oral salivary ducts and the peacock tongue (Pavo cristatus) of this species. In this study, eight healthy adult peacocks were used after collecting them from a commercial market in Baghdad to investigate and describe the tongue in these bird species. After being euthanized, they were killed by cutting off the major neck blood vessels and bleeding until death; the tongue was identified. The tongue was the sharp end, elongated, somewhat triangular, and measured 8.2 mm. The apex, trunk, and base are its three sections. There are 4 to 5 layers of big conical papillae on the area where the root and body converge. Without gustatory papillae, the dense keratinized ep

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological Features of Tongue in Domestic Cat Felis Catus
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The current study aimed to identify the morphological description of the domestic cat tongue; thus for this purpose, five domestic cats of both sexes were collected from the local markets of Baghdad governorate, and then the animals were anesthetized and the tongue was removed from them. Fresh tongue samples were fixed using formalin (10%), and the preserved samples were dyed with methyl blue. The results showed that the tongue is an elongated organ divided into three regions: a somewhat flat rounded apex, this region contains a central depression called the middle groove. The second region is the lingual body region represents the largest region of the tongue, whereas its last region, called the root which has a lingual prominence on it

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
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Morphological description and histological structure of Gallbladder in local adult chicken Gallus gallus domesticus
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The present study aimed to investigate the morphological description and histological structure of Gallbladder in the adult local chicken bird. The morphological description and histological structure of the Gallbladder in the local chicken Gallus gallus domesticus found in the form of a cystic, spindle or pear-shaped, dark green color, located within the visceral abdominal side of the right lobe of the liver, histologically it was found that its wall consisted of three tunicae. The first tunica is mucosa which consists of an epithelial lining layer and lamina propria layer, while the muscularis mucosa was missing. The second tunica is musclaris, which is composed of smooth circularly arranged muscle fibers, and the third tunica is serosa o

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Letters in the Dictionary of Ibn Jinnie Tongue of Arabs
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We have chosen the subject of the research (the letters at Ibn Jinnie in the lexicon of the tongue of the Arabs) in order to know the opinion of Ibn Jinnie in this range of words and compare them with the opinions of scientists who preceded him to know the personality of this linguistic world.

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Gross and Histological Structure of the Caudal Fin of Adult Mosquitofish , Gambusia Affinis , (Baird & Girard)
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The  present  study  showed  that  the  caudal  fin  of  adult mosquitofish  (Gambusia  affinis)  is  homocercal  and  rounded . It  consists  of  22-24 fin rays (Lepidotrichia) . Each fin ray  consists  of  many  segments . Some of these rays are short and  unbranched  whereas  others long and branched dichotomously. Pigment cells are shown to be dispersed on the fin and they are condensened at the edges of the fin rays and at the regions of their dichotomy .        Histologically the transverse section of the fin is surrounded by a fin membrane (composed of epidermis and dermis)

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Arabic language and tongue violence in Arab satellite channels
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This study aimed at identifying the effect of violence on speech disorders concerning Arab Broadcasting . Language is a pot of thought and a mirror of human civilization and communication tool, but the Arabic language is suffering a lot of extraneous terms them, particularly through the media. This study attempts to answer the following question: Is the phenomenon of linguistic duality in the Media reflected negatively on the rules of the classical language? The study deals with the explanation and interpretation of the phenomenon that has become slang exist in our Media More. And the study suggests re- consideration of the value in the Media ,hence the problem will be resolved.   

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
The First Patient Report of Tongue Abscess Among Iraqi Population
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of American Science
Morphohistological study of the tongue in local mice species by using special stain
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Chemtech Research
The Effect of Ginger Plant (Zingiber officinale) Aqueous Extract on Function and Histological Structure of Kidney in Mice Treated with Carbon Tetrachloride
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The percent work was designed to determine the effect of ginger plant aqueous extract on function and histological structure of kidney in mice treated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Ginger plant caused a protective effect against CCl4 induced kidney damage and improved the kidney weight and biochemical parameters including urea, uric acid and creatinine. The ginger plant has a protective effect against injury in the kidney of mice treated with CCL4, because the ginger plant protects the tissues of kidney from toxic effect of CCL4. The kidney of CCL4 treated mice showed many histological alterations in the kidney included: atrophy, vascular degeneration and hemorrhage, death cell, degeneration of epithelial cells, destruction of basement

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