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Thermal efficiency Optimization of the evacuated tube solar water heater system by using mirror flat reflector
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In this paper a comparison of the experimental of evacuated tube solar water heater systems with and without mirror flat reflector. The aim of using the reflector to improve thermal efficiency, and the data gathered which are (temperature, solar irradiation and time) for three days were compared. the results from compared data the temperature lower increase in evacuated tube solar water heater system without reflector than the temperature increase in evacuated tube solar water heater system with reflector .The results show (53, 39, 35) % for three days respectively that the evacuated tube solar water heater system with reflector has higher thermal efficiencies than the results (47, 28, 30) % for three days respectively thermal efficiencies in the system without reflector in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Feminization and Masculinization of the Word Sun in the Holy Quran: A Semantic Study
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It is no secret for those concerned with language concerns that the issue of figurative feminization is one of the issues that does not follow a grammatical rule governed by the fact that the subject of knowledge of this is due to hearing as indicated by linguistic references and lexicons.This research opts to find out the origin of the feminization of the word sun in the Arabic language and in light of what some language specialists have argued that the origin of figurative feminization was due to non-linguistic motives related to religious and metaphysical beliefs, and that it was memory preserved in light of the linguistic heritage.The research concluded that the feminization of the sun goes back to what settled in their minds, which

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Acute Effect of Sodium Chloride on the Zooplankton Crustaceans Daphnia pulex (Crustacea: Cladocera)
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The present study included the effect of acute exposure of different concentrations of sodium chloride on the Zooplankton Crustacean Daphnia pulex which belong to the order Cladocera. The lethal concentrations killing 50% of the population (LC50) after 24hrs and 48hrs were 2.95‰ and 2.63‰ respectively While lethal concentrations killing 100%  of the population (LC100) and non lethal concentrations (LC0) were 6‰ and 0.5‰ after 24hrs of exposure to NaCl. The acute exposure of the Crustacean Daphnia pulex showed increasing in mortality percentages with increasing the concentrations and exposure time

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Expressionistic Features in the Drawings of Artist Abdul Razzaq Yasser: محمد فهمي عباس
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To understand what the arts in general, and plastic arts in particular, have to do, it is necessary to know how they perform, not only that, but also to know their history, which we should understand at least in general terms. Which in turn gives an image of the standards of taste prevailing in each age, and some of the social and historical relationship of each era, and the cultural expression of that era, which is shown in the arts. We need to understand that the arts of each stage, although different from each other, yet remain interrelated in what we see through the effects that appear through the succession of times, which creates certain artistic traditions, inherited by one generation after the other. The research in this field de

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Fear on the Harvested Modified Leslie-Gower Model
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A modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with a Beddington-DeAngelis functional response is proposed and studied. The purpose is to examine the effects of fear and quadratic fixed effort harvesting on the system's dynamic behavior. The model's qualitative properties, such as local equilibria stability, permanence, and global stability, are examined. The analysis of local bifurcation has been studied. It is discovered that the system experiences a saddle-node bifurcation at the survival equilibrium point whereas a transcritical bifurcation occurs at the boundary equilibrium point. Additionally established are the prerequisites for Hopf bifurcation existence. Finally, using MATLAB, a numerical investigation is conducted to verify the va

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Scopus (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Fear on the Harvested Modified Leslie-Gower Model
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A modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with a Beddington-DeAngelis functional response is proposed and studied. The purpose is to examine the effects of fear and quadratic fixed effort harvesting on the system's dynamic behavior. The model's qualitative properties, such as local equilibria stability, permanence, and global stability, are examined. The analysis of local bifurcation has been studied. It is discovered that the system experiences a saddle-node bifurcation at the survival equilibrium point whereas a transcritical bifurcation occurs at the boundary equilibrium point. Additionally established are the prerequisites for Hopf bifurcation existence. Finally, using MATLAB, a numerical investigation is conducted to verify t

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Scopus (4)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Bmc Plant Biology
Unravelling the genetic diversity and population structure of common walnut in the Iranian Plateau
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Abstract<sec> <title>Background

Common walnut (Juglans regia L.) has a long cultivation history, given its highly valuable wood and rich nutritious nuts. The Iranian Plateau has been considered as one of the last glaciation refugia and a centre of origin and domestication for the common walnut. However, a prerequisite to conserve or utilize the genetic resources of J. regia in the plateau is a comprehensive evaluation of the genetic diversity that is conspicuously lacking. In this regard, we used 31 polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to delineate the genetic variation and population stru

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Scopus (17)
Crossref (10)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The successive international changes in the economic, political, cultural and other fields resulted in many phenomena that occupied different levels of interest, and have been followed up, studied and analysed by specialists and researchers especially under the development of the media in the global communication.

Even though these phenomena had reflections in the communication domain like development and changes in the mechanism of behaviours between the international communities, they created in the meantime a phenomenon that caused an imbalance in the production, spread and the use of the informations that were supposed to be for fewer than 5 countries whereas it actually it is for more than 180 countries.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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Educational of the mind is a weapon to a different knowledges which
benefit in ife and developed the mind in many field and practice him in a
regular form in a right thinking and practice sense on exactly recognizing and
conception things which is senses and regulating the memory and providing
with benefit information which fit to minded of person,the present research
aimed at answering the following two questions:
1-Does the concept of mind differ with age?
2-Does the recognition on function of mind developed with development of
The research population consisted of the children in the primary schools
of Baghdad/center,and the students of the Education for woman
college/Baghdad university for the age

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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine &amp; Toxicology
The Relationship of Healthy Rationalist Pundit Thinking to the Spiking and Block Performance of Volleyball For Junior Players
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The efficacy and tolerability of 10mg and 20mg/day isotretinoinin the treatment of acne vulgaris in Iraqi patients
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Back ground: Oral isotretinoin is recommended
for sever nodulocystic acne in the doses 0.5-
2mg/kg/day which is usually associated with higher
incidence of adverse effects. To reduce the
incidence of side-effects and to make it more costeffective,
the lower dose regimen of isotretinoin has
been used.
Aim: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of
oral isotretinoin 10mg and 20mg/day in acne
Methods: one hundred and twenty patients with
acne vulgaris were randomized into two treatment
regimens each consisting of 60 patients. The first
was treated with 10mg/day and the second group
with 20mg/day for 24 weeks. Fifty five patients
from the first group and 47 patients from the second

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