In this paper, a new seven-parameter Mittag-Leffler function of a single com-plex variable is proposed as a generalization of the standard Mittag-Leffler function, certain generalizations of Mittag-Leffler function, hypergeometric function and confluent hypergeometric function. Certain essential analytic properties are mainly discussed, such as radius of convergence, order, type, differentiation, Mellin-Barnes integral representation and Euler transform in the complex plane. Its relation to Fox-Wright function and H-function is also developed.
This paper constructs a new linear operator associated with a seven parameters Mittag-Leffler function using the convolution technique. In addition, it investigates some significant second-order differential subordination properties with considerable sandwich results concerning that operator.
The main purpose of this paper, is to characterize new admissible classes of linear operator in terms of seven-parameter Mittag-Leffler function, and discuss sufficient conditions in order to achieve certain third-order differential subordination and superordination results. In addition, some linked sandwich theorems involving these classes had been obtained.
In this effort, we define a new class of fractional analytic functions containing functional parameters in the open unit disk. By employing this class, we introduce two types of fractional operators, differential and integral. The fractional differential operator is considered to be in the sense of Ruscheweyh differential operator, while the fractional integral operator is in the sense of Noor integral. The boundedness and compactness in a complex Banach space are discussed. Other studies are illustrated in the sequel.
The experiences in the life are considered important for many fields, such as industry, medical and others. In literature, researchers are focused on flexible lifetime distribution.
In this paper, some Bayesian estimators for the unknown scale parameter of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution have been obtained, of different two loss functions, represented by Suggested and Generalized loss function based on Non-Informative prior using Jeffery's and informative prior represented by Exponential distribution. The performance of estimators is compared empirically with Maximum Likelihood estimator, Using Monte Carlo Simulation depending on the Mean Square Error (MSE). Generally, the preference of Bayesian method of Suggeste
... Show MoreThis work is devoted to define new generalized gamma and beta functions involving the recently suggested seven-parameter Mittag-Leffler function, followed by a review of all related special cases. In addition, necessary investigations are affirmed for the new generalized beta function, including, Mellin transform, differential formulas, integral representations, and essential summation relations. Furthermore, crucial statistical application has been realized for the new generalized beta function.
In this paper, some estimators for the unknown shape parameter and reliability function of Basic Gompertz distribution have been obtained, such as Maximum likelihood estimator and Bayesian estimators under Precautionary loss function using Gamma prior and Jefferys prior. Monte-Carlo simulation is conducted to compare mean squared errors (MSE) for all these estimators for the shape parameter and integrated mean squared error (IMSE's) for comparing the performance of the Reliability estimators. Finally, the discussion is provided to illustrate the results that summarized in tables.
This paper is devoted to compare the performance of non-Bayesian estimators represented by the Maximum likelihood estimator of the scale parameter and reliability function of inverse Rayleigh distribution with Bayesian estimators obtained under two types of loss function specifically; the linear, exponential (LINEX) loss function and Entropy loss function, taking into consideration the informative and non-informative priors. The performance of such estimators assessed on the basis of mean square error (MSE) criterion. The Monte Carlo simulation experiments are conducted in order to obtain the required results.
This paper proposes a new method to tune a fractional order PID controller. This method utilizes both the analytic and numeric approach to determine the controller parameters. The control design specifications that must be achieved by the control system are gain crossover frequency, phase margin, and peak magnitude at the resonant frequency, where the latter is a new design specification suggested by this paper. These specifications results in three equations in five unknown variables. Assuming that certain relations exist between two variables and discretizing one of them, a performance index can be evaluated and the optimal controller parameters that minimize this performance index are selected. As a case study, a thir
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