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Cities' urban resilience in the face of urban sprawl challenges
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Motives: The research deals with the issue of urban sprawl on agricultural lands. It is an urban problem caused by rapid urbanization and poor planning. It is considered one problem that threatens cities with environmental and health disasters. It also threatens agricultural life and the green belt surrounding cities. Changes in urban sprawl on agricultural land are associated with complex processes that lead to multiple social, economic, political, and environmental risks and thus pose a threat and an obstacle to the sustainability of cities. Aim: The research aims to study and evaluate the reality of the city of Baghdad and the extent of its ability and flexibility to withstand the disaster of urban sprawl on agricultural lands. The research also the aim of this research to identify the gaps and the reasons that led to this disaster and reach solutions that may reduce this phenomenon that burdens the economy and the Iraqi people who suffer from difficult economic conditions. In addition to raising awareness about the effects of urban sprawl on agricultural lands and the environment, clarifying the role of participation and the limits of responsibility that can be entrusted to government and academic agencies at all levels, individually or collectively, to participate and find solutions to the risk of extensive urban sprawl. Results: In assessing the reality of the study area, the research relied on the city resilience scorecard, which the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and with the support of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the European Commission. Field surveys and the opinions of specialists were relied upon to study the reality of the city of Baghdad to determine the extent to which it was affected by the disaster of encroachment on agricultural lands. There are gaps between planning and contemporary challenges among the most important research findings. Planning is increasingly decoupled from the contemporary urban challenges associated with rapid urbanization. The results of the practical study showed that the division of land uses in the city of Baghdad is not deep and incomplete. Also, it is not regularly reviewed according to the map of the expected risks, including the state of urban sprawl on agricultural lands in the city. Consequently, the city’s inability to withstand the disaster resulting from urban sprawl and the problems that result from it in the environmental, health, or social aspects. Based on the results, the research reached a set of recommendations, including the need for continuous updating to detect urban sprawl on agricultural lands. This is done using the latest remote sensing data and taking quick precautions against these expansions, in addition to the importance of updating building controls and standards regularly (or periodically) to take the changing data and evidence about risks to enhance the city of Baghdad’s ability to withstand the disaster of the decline of agricultural lands.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Histological Study of the Digestive Tract of Liza abu (Heckel) II Stomach
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  The study current included histological structure of stomach of Liza abu , anatomical results found that stomach represent the expander non-convoluted part of gastrointestinal tract it is located between the end of the esophagus and the beginning of the intestine , the average length of stomach was (1.5) cm , composed of two parts : cardiac stomach which is represent the anterior part and be thin- walled , the other part was pyloric stomach or gizzard and the walls were thick . The internal surface of cardiac and pyloric stomach contain longitudinal folds numbering (7), folds branching to finger shape structures extend inside the lumen . Histological study showed that stomach wall composed of three main histological layers : mucos

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Study the effect of nano SiO2 on dielectric strength property of zirconia
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
World Journal Of Dentistry
Factors affecting the Duration of Surgical Extraction of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars
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Aim The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of demographic, clinical, and radiographic factors on the duration of surgical extraction of impacted lower third molars. Materials and methods This retrospective study included patients who underwent surgical removal of impacted lower third molars, and the investigated factors were demographic data including age and gender, radiographic data including the impacted tooth angulation and depth of impaction and ramus relation, and clinical data including the state of eruption of the impacted teeth. These factors were evaluated for association with the duration of surgery. Descriptive statistical analysis included percentages and mean ± standard deviation (SD). Student's t-test was used to co

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 02 2019
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Experimental Investigation of the Behavior of Self-Form Segmental Concrete Masonry Arches
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This research aims to introduce a new technique-off-site and self-form segmental concrete masonry arches fabrication, without the need of construction formwork or centering. The innovative construction method in the current study encompasses two construction materials forms the self-form masonry arches, wedge-shape plain concrete voussoirs, and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites. The employment of CFRP fabrics was for two main reasons: bonding the voussoirs and forming the masonry arches. In addition, CFRP proved to be efficient for strengthening the extrados of the arch rings under service loadings. An experimental test was conducted on four sophisticated masonry arch specimens. The research parameters were the Keystone thic

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of the neutron refleetion coefficient as a function of reflector material
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This work presents a simple method for determination of the neutron reflection coefficient (n) as a function of different neutron reflector materials.A laboratory neutron source (Am-Be) with activity of 16 ci is employed with a (BF3) neutron detector. Am-BeThree types of reflector materials are used as samples, the thickness of each sample is (5cm).It is found that( ?7) is: -For polyethlyene = 0.818

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison study of Information Criteria to determine the order of Autoregressive models
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بهذا البحث نقارن معاييرالمعلومات التقليدية (AIC , SIC, HQ , FPE ) مع معيارمعلومات الانحراف المحور (MDIC) المستعملة لتحديد رتبة انموذج الانحدارالذاتي (AR) للعملية التي تولد البيانات,باستعمال المحاكاة وذلك بتوليد بيانات من عدة نماذج للأنحدارالذاتي,عندما خضوع حد الخطأ للتوزيع الطبيعي بقيم مختلفة لمعلماته

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The sustainable conflict of globalization And indicators of power rebalancingIn Islamic thought
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 Our research was launched in the study of the sustainable conflict of globalization and the rebalancing of the great powers that have made life on the earth unstable and insecure over the past and present eras, the purpose of which is to pay attention to the waste and instability that human societies are exposed to in different proportions between abstract right and continuous deviation.

The purpose of the study is to show the loss, waste and backwardness in managing and governing societies towards private interests, away from the standards of good institutional governance.

The study’s design was based on two demands, the first on the nature and eternity of

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of a Dot -ELIZA for the Diagnosis of Human Hydatid Disease
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Fourty  -tow   Libyan     patients  with  hydatidosis,  which  were

referred to by the physician for the detection of hydatid cyst by X - rays, Ultrasound and CT-Scan.  The  infection rate  in  females and males was(69% )and (31% )respectively .The highest rate 69% was in the liver, followed by the lung( 23.8%), the brain (4.8%) and kidney


A total of  42 serum  samples were gathered from Libyan patients infected with hydatidosis, 33 serum samples from patients cases with other parasitic diseases than hydatidosis and 30 serum samples from healthy normal controls and were tested by Dot-ELIZA utilizing antigen B from sheep hy

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Pragmatic Analysis of the Translation of English Culture-Specific Proverbs into Arabic
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Translating culture-specific proverbs (CSPs) is a challenging task since they often occur in a peculiar context. Further, CSPs are intended to imply meanings that extend far beyond the literal meaning of such a kind of proverbs. As far as English and Arabic are concerned, translators often encounter problems in translating CSPs due to cultural differences between the source language(SL) and the target language (TL) as well as what seems to be the lack of equivalence for some CSPs.

In view of this, the present study aims at investigating the translation of CSPs in three English-Arabic dictionaries of proverbs, namely Dictionary of Common English Proverbs Translated and Explained (2004), One thousand and One English Pr

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of Orthodontic Force on Salivary Levels of Alkaline Phosphatase Enzyme
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Background: Orthodontic tooth movement is characterized by tissue reactions, which consist of an inflammatoryresponse in periodontal ligament and followed by bone remodeling in the periodontium depending on the forces applied. These processes trigger the secretion of various proteins and enzymes into the saliva.The purpose of thi study was to evaluate the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in saliva during orthodontic tooth movement using different magnitude of continuous orthodontic forces.
Materials and Methods: Thirty orthodontic patients (12 males and 18 females) aged 17-23 years with class II division I malocclusion all requiring bilateral maxillary first premolar extractions were randomly divided into three groups according t

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