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The dependence of the energy density states on the substitution of chemical elements in the Se6Te4-xSbx thin film
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The energy density state are the powerful factor for evaluate the validity of a material in any application. This research focused on examining the electrical properties of the Se6Te4- xSbx glass semiconductor with x=1, 2 and 3, using the thermal evaporation technique. D.C electrical conductivity was used by determine the current, voltage and temperatures, where the electrical conductivity was studied as a function of temperature and the mechanical electrical conduction were determined in the different conduction regions (the extended and localized area and at the Fermi level). In addition, the density of the energy states in these regions is calculated using the mathematical equations. The constants of energy density states are determined, namely the electron hopping distance, the width of the tails, and pre - exponential factor. The densities of the energetic states (extended N (Eext), localize N (Eloc) and at the Fermi states N (Ef) will be calculated in each of the regions. Moreover, the effect of partial substitution of Se with antimony on energy states and degree of randomness, results observed that the energy densities changing with an increase antimony Sb concentration.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Magazine Aldhakwat Albedh
The methodology of Ibn Mamati (d. 606 AH) in his book Laws of Diwans - A Civilizational Study
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The book The Laws of Duwan of Mamati's Son (T, 606 E) His approach to his narratives is a topic of historical and civilized importance. The Fatimid Age of the People of Jehovah has expanded its influence and authority, including ministers, writers, doughnuts and foreshores. One of the Christian families that shined in the late Fatmi era was "Mamati", who lived in "Assiut" from Upper Egypt, then moved to Cairo, and enrolled in the service of the Fatimids, where their sons held important positions in State offices.Ibn Mamati became in charge of the Army Office and then added to it the Finance Office, which became the most important downs in Egypt. Through his work in the Duwan Law Books, this book was a living record of the Dawawans in the Ay

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Scenarios for investment of proposed marshes and requirements for success:a case study in the Marshlands of maysan
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  The research aims to presenting a number of scenarios for the investment of the marshes. The problem of research problem was that there is no in-depth analysis of the marshes  environment. The traditional methods of  the environmental analysis are insufficient. The research community is represented by the decision makers in Maysan Governorate. The research led to proposing of three scenarios with statement  the requirements for the success of each one. The most important conclusions are that the three proposed scenarios for marshes investment depend on the availability of the required volunteers for each scenario. The higher the availability of the requirements, the more optimistic the scenario becomes. If t

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 13 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
A comparison of some forecasting models to forecast the number of old people in Iraqi retirement homes
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Statistical methods of forecasting have applied with the intention of constructing a model to predict the number of the old aged people in retirement homes in Iraq. They were based on the monthly data of old aged people in Baghdad and the governorates except for the Kurdistan region from 2016 to 2019. Using Box-Jenkins methodology, the stationarity of the series was examined. The appropriate model order was determined, the parameters were estimated, the significance was tested, adequacy of the model was checked, and then the best model of prediction was used. The best model for forecasting according to criteria of (Normalized BIC, MAPE, RMSE) is ARIMA (0, 1, 2).

Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of Risk Management among Managers of the Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad City: Comparative Study
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Background: Several risk managem-ent standards had been developed including the Project Management Institute, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, actuarial societies, and ISO standards.

Objective: The study aimed at evaluating risk management among managers of model and ordinary primary health care centers in Baghdad City and comparing the risk management among these centers.

Methods: A descriptive comparative des

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Ameliorative Effects of the Aqueous Extract of Allium porrum (Wild Leek) against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rabbits
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the nephroprotective, hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects of Allium porrum (leek) in rabbits with cisplatin nephrotoxicity. Forty adult male New Zealand rabbits were divided randomly into four groups (ten rabbits in each group) as follows: Group I: (negative control) (C) received oral daily dose of distilled water for 15 successive days. Groups II: (Leek) (L) received oral daily dose of aqueous leek extract (500mg/kg/day) for 15 successive days. Group III: (positive control) [cisplatin (CP)] received oral daily dose of distilled water for 15 successive days, and subsequently administered single dose of Cisplatin (3.5mg/kg/day) by intraperitoneal injection from day 10 for five da

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2023
Journal Name
Plos One
A cross-sectional analysis of the predictors of COVID-19 vaccine uptake and vaccine hesitancy in Iraq
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Vaccine hesitancy poses a significant risk to global recovery from COVID-19. To date however, there is little research exploring the psychological factors associated with vaccine acceptability and hesitancy in Iraq.


To explore attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination in Iraq. To establish the predictors of vaccine uptake and vaccine hesitancy in an Iraqi population.


Using a cross-sectional design, 7,778 participants completed an online questionnaire exploring their vaccination status, likelihood of infection, perc

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Oxygen and NaCl Concentration Cells: the Influence of Solution Temperature and Aeration
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Corrosion rate tests were carried out on carbon steel under concentration cells conditions of oxygen and sodium chloride. The effect of aeration in one compartment on the corrosion rate of both coupled metals was determined. In addition, the effects of time and temperatures on the corrosion rate of both coupled metals and galvanic currents between them were investigated. Corrosion potentials for the whole range of operating conditions under concentration cell conditions were also studied.   The results showed that under aeration condition, the formation of concentration cell caused a considerable corrosion rate of the Carbon steel specimens coupled in different concentrations of O2 and NaCl due to the galvanic effect

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Aneurysmal bone cyst of the lateral end of clavicle in a twelfth year old girl Case study
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Introduction: An aneurysmal bone cyst are enigmatic lesionof unknown cause and presentation and are difficult todistinguish from other lesions, it is a benign, but expansibletumor like lesion that generally occurs in the long bones. Ananeurysmal bone cyst arising from the flat bone like clavicleis rare .Case presentation: We report a 12-year-old girl child with ananeurysmal bone cyst of the lateral third of left clavicletreated with enblock resection. The pathologic findingsconfirmed the diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst. Thepatient has been followed up for one year with no evidenceof recurrence .Conclusion: En bloc resection can be curative and provide good results for this rare type of clavicle tumour.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The study of nonlinear optical properties of rhodamine B dye and TiO2 nanoparticles doped in PMMA polymer
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In this research, A thin film of Rhodamine B dye and TiO2 Nanoparticles doped in PMMA Polymer has been prepared by a casting method. The sample was spectrum absorption by UV-Vis. The nonlinear optical properties were measured by Z- scan technique using Nd:YAG laser with (1064 nm) wavelength. The nonlinear refractive index (n2) and nonlinear absorption coefficient (β) were estimated for the thin film for different energies of the laser, n2 and β were decreased with increasing intensity of incident laser beam. Also, the type of β was two-photon absorption and n2 negative nonlinear reflective.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
World Heart Journal
Echocardiographic Evaluation of the Right Ventricular Function in a Sample of Iraqi Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction
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Background: Assessment of function of the right side of the heart in cases of left ventricular dysfunction has been widely studied but the sensitive and specific echocardiographic parameter to be tested is still a matter of controversy. Right ventricular function is related to left ventricular function by ventricular independence so function of both should be assessed carefully. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of left ventricular systolic dysfunction on right ventricular systolic and diastolic functions and pulmonary pressure using conventional and tissue Doppler echocardiography. Patients and Methods: Sixty patients (39 males and 21 females) with heart failure due to left ventricular systolic dysfunction

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