The energy density state are the powerful factor for evaluate the validity of a material in any application. This research focused on examining the electrical properties of the Se6Te4- xSbx glass semiconductor with x=1, 2 and 3, using the thermal evaporation technique. D.C electrical conductivity was used by determine the current, voltage and temperatures, where the electrical conductivity was studied as a function of temperature and the mechanical electrical conduction were determined in the different conduction regions (the extended and localized area and at the Fermi level). In addition, the density of the energy states in these regions is calculated using the mathematical equations. The constants of energy density states are determined, namely the electron hopping distance, the width of the tails, and pre - exponential factor. The densities of the energetic states (extended N (Eext), localize N (Eloc) and at the Fermi states N (Ef) will be calculated in each of the regions. Moreover, the effect of partial substitution of Se with antimony on energy states and degree of randomness, results observed that the energy densities changing with an increase antimony Sb concentration.
The concept of unipolar has allowed the united states of America to
control the rest of the internations community units through the rxclusively of
control in international affairs without enabling other countries who have the
ability to compete with it to appear this comes as a result of it's position to all
kinds of powers like military, economic and technical powers that enable it to
continue dominating other countries, this superior control enabled it to be the
(hyper power) on the international political scene so that it allowed it to
exercise and implement the policy of domination against all this appeared
after its empire superiority became clear, in a unique way that have never
been known in
When writing a text, such as a newspaper article, various types of discourse markers are frequently used to group sentences into paragraphs and parts in order to establish a discourse with certain functions, such as coordination, orientation, emphasizing the concepts presented, etc. It should also be noted that this type of mark exists in both written and spoken language. Therefore, it is convenient to dedicate a chapter to these linguistic elements to clarify their use and their classification, which is mainly based on Jose Portolés (2001), as well as the main features, specifically their features (prosodic, morphological, semantic and pragmatic).
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Background : Shoulder pain is a common problem that can pose difficult diagnostic and therapeutic challenges for the family physician It is the third most common musculoskeletal complaint in the general population, and account for 5% of all general practitioners musculoskeletal consults Objective: To determine the diagnostic performance of ultrasonography compared with the physical examination for detection of rotator cuff tears in painful shoulder syndrome. Method: Prospective study was done on seventy patients (48 male, 22 female), age ranged between 30-70 years (mean age 50 years), From February 2007 to July 2011, were subjected to comparative study in Al-Kindy teaching hospital with rotator cuff tears, including physical and ultrasonogr
... Show MoreLiposomal amphotericin B (Amph B) has been used effectively to treat leishmaniosis, in spite of its high toxicity appeared in some patients. In our study, Amph B was administered in Leishmania donovani that infected BALB/c male mice using different concentrations to evaluate its efficacy challenge against infection as well as its effect in modulating immunity of the host. We observed that low doses with short duration of Amph B as a therapy regime significantly enhanced the induction of Th1 cytokine (INF-γ), but suppressed Th2 cytokine (IL-10) production. Groups of mice infected with L. donovani and treated with Amph B showed clearly increasing in INF-γ level and reduction in IL-10 level in concentration (3, 4, 5 mg/ml/kg) with best resul
... Show MoreAbstractThe objective of the present study was measured of several oxidative stresses and liver function parameters in workers occupationally exposed to cement dust in Kufa Cement Factory, in order to test the hypothesis that cement dust exposure may perturb these parameters. Assessment of oxidative stress and liver function parameters were performed in 63 workers occupationally, in different departments of Kufa Cement Factory, exposed to cement dust (range of the exposure time was 5-38 years) and 36 matched unexposed controls. The study results illustrated an increasing in the oxidative stress parameters, moreover; liver function parameters showed abnormal results in the exposed workers compared to the unexposed. An increase in theses para
... Show MoreCredit risk assessment has become an important topic in financial risk administration. Fuzzy clustering analysis has been applied in credit scoring. Gustafson-Kessel (GK) algorithm has been utilised to cluster creditworthy customers as against non-creditworthy ones. A good clustering analysis implemented by good Initial Centres of clusters should be selected. To overcome this problem of Gustafson-Kessel (GK) algorithm, we proposed a modified version of Kohonen Network (KN) algorithm to select the initial centres. Utilising similar degree between points to get similarity density, and then by means of maximum density points selecting; the modified Kohonen Network method generate clustering initial centres to get more reasonable clustering res
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