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Methods for simultaneous detection of the cyanotoxins BMAA, DABA, and anatoxin-a in environmental samples
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Magna Scientia Advanced Research And Reviews
Application of Nanoparticle in the Veterinary Medicine
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Nanotechnology is a modern and developed technology, which have great importance in many fields of medicine (diagnosis and treatment). Also, it used to prevent and solve many problems related to animal production and health. The Nanosystems are including metallic nanoparticles, liposomes, polymeric Nanospheres, polymeric micelles, carbon nanotubes, functionalized fullerenes, polymer-coated Nanocrystals, dendrimers and Nanoshells. Our review showed a details classification of nanoparticles and their uses. Nanoparticles have several features depended on the size, colossal surface. The development of antibiotics nanoparticle is very important and has an excellent impact in treating bacterial infections wherever the antibiotics nanopar

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The purpose of charity in tongue science
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The purpose of charity in tongue science

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The contributions of Arab scientists In (algebra)
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Research summary

Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad, his family and companions until the Day of Judgment.

As for after:

It is the right of every nation to take care of its scientific heritage, and to reveal its human civilizational impact, and the Arabs are the richest nations in heritage, as they had in every period of time a sign and pride, the Arabs fulfilled their duty towards humanity, and they carried out a large part of their scientific activity towards humanity.

Therefore, highlighting some of the scientific aspects of the civilized activity of the Arabs, and removing some of the illusions spread by some malicious people, is a human duty before it is a national duty.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
The Philosophy of time in contemporary arts
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Fine art represents part of society's culture. The development of art was accompanied by the penetration of new worlds known as the fourth dimension. After art entered the boundaries of geometry and reduction; He began to break into the absurd, and the form and philosophy of art changed, moving from modernity to what came after it to contemporary. Transforming from a formal form into a symbolic form with philosophical implications linked to the light, audio and kinetic effects as they embody time, the concept became the master of the idea. The research aims to identify the concept of time and its types, then the philosophical concept of time and its reflection on contemporary art, through the analytical study of a selection of contempora

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Automation of the Healthcare System in Iraq
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In the last few years, following the relative stability of the political, economic, and security environments, Iraq has embarked on a transformation towards an ambitious program of automation across various sectors. However, this automation program faces numerous challenges, including significant investments in technology and training, addressing social impacts, and combating widespread illiteracy

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The succession of power's problem in Lebanon
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Abstract Political power in Lebanon is a fundamental objective of any political organization, whether political party or political group. Thus, there is a conflict of power. There are two kinds of political conflict that are differentiated by the idea of legitimacy. The competition is in the political system when the agreement between the social forces is considered legitimate, and the conflict is on the political system when the agreement between these forces ceases to be legitimate and Are working to topple it and seek to establish an alternative system. Therefore, the succession of power in Lebanon is a result of the competition and political conflict, which is in turn a result of the large number of regional and international players

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of insect In Islamic faith
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In this research, the researcher sheds light on the greatness of the horrors (Al-Hashr) enlightened by the Holy Quran, explaining his dangerous details, his horrors, and his frightening changes.  -35-36-37
  Perhaps the most prominent motivations for the research and its justification is to remind people of the days of God Almighty, and the mention of the insect always pushes the believer to do honorable, and avoid sins, over the days, and prepare for the time of the resurrection, in the hands of knowing a scientist.
    In order to identify the subject of entomology and its contents, the researcher based his study on the scientific methodology, it has excavated the origin of the entomology and its

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 07 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Change in the centers of historical cities
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The historical center cities were exposed to change, which included its social and economical structures, Which led to sweeping changes in land use, causing a change in the result, in urban fabric and the physical structure and therefore to see visual. We have attracted these centers as a result of pressure from urban development and contemporary reflection of the agents of change which have been hit during the late period a development residential newly not sympathize mostly with the content of the historical and at the expense of removing large parts of the urban fabric and replace it with patterns of structural and styles of architecture has not been connected with reality. Which led to the loss of some historical and architec

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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Performance of the comedian in Moliere plays
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This research aims to study the performance of comedian in the plays of writer Moliere . The problem of research is to answer the following question:      How does comedian Moliere's techniques in a number of his plays and funny acts?   The    research aims at revealing the means used by the comedian in his performance of a comedic character in the number of Moliere plays.                                                 


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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2002
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The development of Islamic periodicals in Iraq
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Islamic periodicals are defined as: publications issued periodically, and containing articles, research, or studies that convey Islamic thought and culture. Islamic periodicals have a prominent place among other types of sources of documentary and non-documentary Islamic information, because they are characterized by the speed of their issuance and the modernity and diversity of their Islamic information. This study aims to explain the reality of Islamic periodicals published in Iraq, graphically analyze their bibliographic characteristics and emphasize the importance of their issuance, as well as give a historical overview of the issuance and publication of Islamic periodicals in the Arab world and the world, while presenting examples of I

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