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Evaluation of T-Shaped Fins With a Novel Layout for Improved Melting in a Triple-Tube Heat Storage System
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The effects of T-shaped fins on the improvement of phase change materials (PCM) melting are numerically investigated in vertical triple-tube storage containment. The PCM is held in the middle pipe of a triple-pipe heat exchanger while the heat transfer fluid flows through the internal and external pipes. The dimension effects of the T-shaped fins on the melting process of the PCM are investigated to determine the optimum case. Results indicate that while using T-shaped fins improves the melting performance of the PCM, the improvement potential is mainly governed by the fin’s body rather than the head. Hence, the proposed T-shaped fin did not noticeably improve melting at the bottom of the PCM domain; additionally, a flat fin is added to the optimal case (Added-Fin case) and compared to the No-Fin, Uniform-Fin, and Optimum T-shaped Fin cases (no added fin). The analysis shows that the total heat storage rate of the Added-Fin case increased by 141.7%, 58.8%, and 47.6% compared with the No-Fin, Uniform-Fin, and the Optimum T-shaped Fin cases, respectively. Furthermore, the total melting time for the Added-Fin case was 1882 s and decreased by 59.6%, 38.4%, and 33.6% compared with those of the No-Fin, Uniform-Fin, and the Optimum T-shaped Fin (Optimum) cases, respectively.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
IRAQI Academic Admission System: A Performance Analysis Evaluation
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The service quality of any information-based system could be evaluated by the high-end user in such a way that the system developer or responsible intently might use these user experiences to improve, develop and benchmark their system. In this paper, questionnaire implemented to rate to what extent the academic admission system as a web site achieves performance. Data were collected from 21 users of the system; all of them are highly educated and have the experience of using the site. Quadrant and gap analysis were implemented to evaluate the weakness and strength of the data. The major data analyses were performed on the data collected in terms of its importance and satisfaction to the users. A number of statistical tools have been uti

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biomaterials
A Novel Coating of Orthodontic Archwires with Chlorhexidine Hexametaphosphate Nanoparticles
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Statement of the Problem. The use of orthodontic fixed appliances may adversely affect oral health leading to demineralizing lesions and the development of gingival problems. Aims of the Study. The study aimed to coat orthodontic archwires with chlorhexidine hexametaphosphate nanoparticles (CHX-HMP NPs) and to evaluate the elusion of CHX from CHX-HMP NPs. Materials and Methods. A solution of CHX-HMP nanoparticles with an overall concentration of 5 mM for both CHX and HMP was prepared, characterized (using atomic force microscope and Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy), and used to coat orthodontic stainless steel (SSW) and NiTi archwires (NiTiW). The coated segments were characterized (using scanning electron microscopy

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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2023
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Engineering Applications Of Computational Fluid Mechanics
Photovoltaic-thermal system combined with wavy tubes, twisted tape inserts and a novel coolant fluid: energy and exergy analysis
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To create a highly efficient photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) system and maximise the energy and exergy efficiency, this study aims to propose an innovative configuration of a PV-T system comprising wavy tubes with twisted-tape inserts. Following the validation of a numerical model, a parametric study has been conducted to assess the geometrical effects of twisted tape and wavy tubes, as well as the coolant fluid type and velocity, on the overall performance of a PV-T system, located in Shiraz, Iran. It is found that employing twisted tape improves the energy and exergy efficiency by approx. 6.3%. The best configuration yields 12.4% and 16.8% increase in energy and exergy efficiency compared to conventional PV systems. This is achieved at 15% vo

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation for the Effect of Heat Stable Enterotoxin (a) Produced by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on Different Cancer Cells In Vitro
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This study was conducted for evaluating the cytotoxic effect of heat stable enterotoxin a (STa) produced by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on the proliferation of primary cancer cell cultures, obtained from tumor samples that were collected from (13) cancer patients and as follows: (five colon cancer patients, two bladder cancer patients, two breast cancer patients, two stomach cancer patients and two lung cancer patients), and on normal cell line (rat embryonic fibroblast / REF) (in vitro) with the use of different concentrations starting from (1) mg/ml and ending with (0.0002) mg/ml by making two fold serial dilutions by using the 96- well microtiter plate, and in comparison with negative (PBS) and positive (MMC, at concentration

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal For Engineering Sciences (njes)
Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Open Cell Aluminum Fins
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Study Of Strengthening Circular Diaphragm By Ring-Shaped Concentric Ribs
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 This paper deals with the determination of stresses and deflections of clamped circular diaphragm strengthened by one or two ring-shaped concentric ribs, under uniform static and dynamic pressures. The simulation has been achieved by using the well-known engineering software finite element package MSC/NASTRAN

 As a design study, the effect of using a clamped ring, and the effect of using a ring-shaped rib on both surfaces of diaphragm instead of one, has been discussed in this work. To show the effectiveness of this study, results of this work have been compared with  published data [1].

In  the  conclusion,  the  authors underline  the  validity of  the&n

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
British Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
A novel approach for the three-dimensional evaluation of facial asymmetry of unilateral cleft lip and palate patients (UCLP)
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design of a Simple Dust Removal System for a Solar Street Light System
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      Dust and bird residue are problems impeding the operation of solar street lighting systems, especially in semi-desert areas, such as Iraq. The system in this paper was designed and developed locally using simple and inexpensive materials. The system runs automatically. It Connects to solar panels used in solar street lighting, and gets the required electricity from the same solar system. Solar panels are washed with dripping water in less than half a minute by this system. The cleaning period can also be controlled. It can also control, sensing the amount of dust the system operates. The impact of different types of falling dust on panels has also been studied. This was collected from different winds and studied their impact o

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of a new orthodontic bonding system (Beauty Ortho Bond)
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Background: The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of a new orthodontic bonding system (Beauty Ortho Bond) involving the shear bond strength in dry and wet environments, and adhesion remnant index (ARI) scores evaluation in regard to other bonding systems (Heliosit and Resilience Orthodontic Adhesives). Materials and methods: Sixty defect free extracted premolars were randomly divided into six groups of 10 teeth each, mounted in acrylic resin, three groups for a dry environment and three for a wet one. Shear bond strength test was performed with a cross head speed of 0.5 mm/min, while surfaces of enamel and bracket-adhesive-enamel surfaces were examined with stereomicroscope For ARI scores evaluation. Data were analyz

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A novel Link of Serum IL-39 Levels in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
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      Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory condition causing joint pain and stiffness, with often debilitating and life-limiting consequences. Recently, a new B-cell secreted cytokine, IL-39, was identified in mice. The most up-to-date research indicates that although IL-39 is expressed in murine models of lupus and has a role in mediating the inflammatory response in this context, there is no solid, replicated evidence of the existence of IL-39 in humans. This study aimed to clarify the existence and role of IL-39 in the human body and to elucidate whether it plays a role in rheumatoid arthritis. Accordingly, serum samples were collected from 66 patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were under therapy and from 66 healthy c

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