The problem of finding the cyclic decomposition (c.d.) for the groups ), where prime upper than 9 is determined in this work. Also, we compute the Artin characters ( and Artin indicator (A.ind.) for the same groups, we obtain that after computing the conjugacy classes, cyclic subgroups, the ordinary character table ( and the rational valued character table for each group.
The purpose of this project is to build a scientific base and computational programs in an accelerator design work. The transfer of group of laws in alinear accelerator cavity to computer codes written in Fortran power station language is inorder to get a numerical calculation of an electromagnetic field generated in the cavities of the linear accelerator. The program in put contains mainly the following, the geometrical cavity constant, and the triangular finite element method high – order polynomial. The out put contains vertical and horizontal components of the electrical field together with the electrical and the magnetic field intensity.
The main objective of this paper is to designed algorithms and implemented in the construction of the main program designated for the determination the tenser product of representation for the special linear group.