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Determination the Wheat Weight and Volume: Mathematical Approach
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Abstract<p>Grain size and shape are important yield indicators. A hint for reexamining the visual markers of grain weight can be found in the wheat grain width. A digital vernier caliper is used to measure length, width, and thickness. The data consisted of 1296 wheat grains, with measurements for each grain. In this data set, the average weight (We) of the twenty-four grains was measured and recorded. To determine measure of the length (L), width (W), thickness (T), weight (We), and volume(V). These features were manipulated to develop two mathematical models that were passed on to the multiple regression models. The results of the weight model demonstrated that the length and width of the grains were significantly different <italic>p < 0.0001</italic>. The coefficient of grain width was higher than that of grain length, indicating that grain width was more important than grain length. Furthermore, the overall model for volume was significantly different, (<italic>F</italic> <sub>(2,1295);</sub> =446832, <italic>p < 0.0001</italic>), regression(R<sup>2</sup>)-Square= 0.9986, Adj R-Sq=0.9986; and the RMSE of the experimental was RMSE=0.0002. The results of the weight model showed that the length, width, and thickness of the grains were significantly different <italic>p < 0.0001</italic>. The coefficient of grain the thickness was greater than the coefficient of grain length, indicating that the grain thickness was more significant than the grain length, and the coefficient of the grain width was more significant than the grain length. Moreover, the overall model for volume was significantly different (<italic>F</italic> <sub>(3,1295);</sub> =71809.6, <italic>p < 0.0001</italic>), regression (R<sup>2</sup>) and Adj-R-Sq = 0.9940 were equal, and RMES=0.3399. The introduced model may allow farmers to predict the weight and volume of wheat production during the wheat grain season, depending on the grain length, width, and thickness.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2022
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Mathematical Statistics - Second Edition
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This Book is the second edition that intended to be textbook studied for undergraduate/ postgraduate course in mathematical statistics. In order to achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters. Chapter One introduces events and probability review. Chapter Two devotes to random variables in their two types: discrete and continuous with definitions of probability mass function, probability density function and cumulative distribution function as well. Chapter Three discusses mathematical expectation with its special types such as: moments, moment generating function and other related topics. Chapter Four deals with some special discrete distributions: (Discrete Uniform, Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Neg

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
partial molal volume and viscosity study of vitamin B1 and B3 in water
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the study covered theoretical concering parial molal volume the applicability of jones-dole equation

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Mathematical construct and its relationship with effective mathematical operations in both sides of the brain among students of the Department of Mathematics at the Colleges of Education and Basic Education
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The current research aims to identify: 1. The level of mathematical construct among the Department of Mathematics students in the colleges of education and basic education. 2. The level of effective mathematical operations in both sides of the brain at the Department of Mathematics students in the colleges of education and basic education. 3. The strength and direction of the correlation between the mathematical construct and effective mathematical operations on both sides of the brain at the Department of Mathematics students in the colleges of Education and Basic Education. To investigate the research objectives, the researcher formulated zero-main hypothesis for each aim and from the same hypothesis, three sub-zero hypotheses are deri

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mathematical-procedural Knowledge ant its relation to logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mathematical-procedural Knowledge ant its relation to logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department
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The study seeks the relationship between the mathematical-procedural Knowledge and the logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department. To this end, three questions were arisen: what is the level of mathematical-procedural Knowledge among the third stage students in mathematics department regarding their gender? Do male or female students have more logical-mathematical intelligence and are there significant differences base on their gender? What kind of correlation is between the level of mathematical-procedural Knowledge and the logical-mathematical intelligence of male and female students in the third stage in the mathematics department? A sample of (75) male and female students at the thir

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of sowing Dates of some bread wheat cultivars on Disease response toward the fungal pathogen Wheat leaf rust
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Disease responses of eight wheat cultivars , Saber Beg. , Abu-Ghraib 3, Mexipak , Tamoz 2,Tamoz 3 , IPA 95 ,IPA 99 and Tahadi which were grown in four different sowing date , 25 th October , 19th September , 14th December and 8 January , to leaf rust disease caused by Puccinia recondita were investigated under natural infection conditions at the experimental farm , College of Agriculture , Abu-Ghraib, during the growing season of 1997-1998.Results of this study revealed that IPA 95, IPA 99 and Tahadi showed moderate resistant reaction, while Tamuz 3 was moderateley susceptable . Abu-Ghraib , Saber Beg, Tamuz 2 and Mexipak showed susceptible yeaction to the causal agent . The first sowing date was not suitable for disease progress in compars

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the effect of temperatures and humidity rates on the mean weight loss from developement
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The effect of some environmental factors in the loss rate for high weights virgins are full to the screwworm fly of the ancient world and included temperatures 15,20,25,30,35,40 study showed that the rate of loss in weight virgins advanced to full participants at a temperature of 15 C while notgets evolution

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
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A Mathematical Study for the Transmission of Coronavirus Disease
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Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic’s development has presented significant societal and economic challenges. The carriers of COVID-19 transmission have also been identified as asymptomatic infected people. Yet, most epidemic models do not consider their impact when accounting for the disease’s indirect transmission. This study suggested and investigated a mathematical model replicating the spread of coronavirus disease among asymptomatic infected people. A study was conducted on every aspect of the system’s solution. The equilibrium points and the basic reproduction number were computed. The endemic equilibrium point and the disease-free equilibrium point had both undergone local stability analyses. A geometric technique was used

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Lambert Academic Publishing
Mathematical Models For Contamination Soil
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative Study of Grains, Flours and Baking Quality of Wheat Cultivar (Uruq) with Other Wheat Cultivars (Triticumaestivum L.) in Iraq
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The grain hardness, wet and dry gluten contents, protein and ash contents are determined in grains from different cultivars of wheat which are important in food products, either which are present in raw materials or in final products. Wheat is also a very important food raw material, and flour as the final product of milling. The importance of knowing the physical and chemical properties of wheat and flour is due to the determination of quality and kind of flour which is produced after the milling process. In this work, some physical and chemical properties of different wheat cultivars are determined and the comparisons of these characteristics are performed in both wheat and flour. Uruq Wheat sample (W5) has the highest results when compar

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