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His- Ventricle (HV) Interval And Syncope As Predictor For Pacemaker Implantation In Patients With Bifascicular Block (BFB)
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Transient drop in the heart beat or transient heart block (AVB) may be consider the main cause of syncope or presyncope inpatients with bifascicular block and syncope According to the Guidelines for cardiac pacing pacemaker consider part of treatment. Aims of our study were to evaluate whether there is role for EPS in patients BFB and to evaluate the symptoms after pacing. 42 patients were enrolled in this study, with mean age value (63.4± 12.2years), suffer from interventricular conductive defect and syncope; patients underwent EPS on admission time, and pacemaker implantation accordingly and programmed follow up for the device in the last four years. Our patients were 25 (59.5%) male and 17 (40.5%)female, all of them with syncope or presncope and good left ventricular systolic function and the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF ≥55%). Left bundle branch block was found in 28 (66.71%) patients, while right bundle branch block were found in,14 (33.3) of them, the result of the EPS was find the cut of HV interval for pacing which represent that that the threshold at level of 75 have a sensitivity of 91% and specificity of 80%. The greater HV intervals gave more successful results for pacing. Pacemaker was implanted in 27 (64.3%) of the patients, with significant relation between pacing and syncope disappeared after pacemaker implantation (p value 000) and in 15 (35.7%) no pacemaker was implanted with persistent symptoms. Pacing were more between patients with coronary artery disease and LBBB with abnormal EPS finding. Permanent pacemaker implantation can implant directly in those old patients with syncope and bifascicular block that associated with LBBB and coronaries artery diseases without or before EP study

Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analysis of Adipokines and some Steroid Hormones in Myocardial Infarction
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The most common cause of death is cardiovascular disease (CVD), with ischemic heart disease being the most notable type.  There is a propensity to raise the sensitivity of methods in contemporary laboratory for diagnosing of CVD, and assessing key as CVD bio-indicators. The urgent task is to seek for different indicators as a hopeful tool for early detection and monitoring of myocardial infarction in blood samples only. This study comprised 117 Volunteers, recorded with both genders in the age range of 32-64 years old. The volunteers were categorized into two groups: 67patients of myocardial infarction, other group embraced 50 healthy individuals. The samples of blood were collected and directed for biochemical analysis to evaluate estr

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Genetical and Biochemical Study in Duchenne muscular dystropy ca rriers
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Six  females definite Duchennc  carriers  and 8 females of possible carriers were examine  in this study  by serum  C.P.K after exercise and muscle  Biopsy for histochemical  study. This st udy was compared with that of normal  person.

The   scnm1 C.P.K   was  found   to  be  highly  elevated   in  all  the   14

catTiers,   while   slight   -  moderate   elevation   was  found   in  normal control.

All the definite carriers and 6 ex pected gave abnormal  histochemistry in their muscles. the other 2 gave no defini

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Heat Transfer of Single and Binary Systems in Pool Boiling
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The present research focuses on the study of the effect of mass transfer resistance on the rate of heat transfer in pool boiling. The nucleate pool boiling heat transfer coefficients for binary mixtures (ethanol-n-butanol, acetone-n-butanol, acetone-ethanol, hexane-benzene, hexane-heptane, and methanol-water) were measured at different concentrations of the more volatile components. The systems chosen covered a wide range of mixture behaviors.

The experimental set up for the present investigation includes electric heating element submerged in the test liquid mounted vertically. Thermocouple and a digital indictor measured the temperature of the heater surface. The actual heat transfer rate being obtained by multiplying the voltme

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Correspondents and Professional Standards in News Coverage (A Field Study)
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         The essence of the new work in the satellite TV channels is to provide news coverage of news that will inform the people of what is going on around them in order to increase their political, social, economic and cultural awareness and this drives them to take positions or certain behaviors on according to what the communicator in these channels wants. News and news reports are generally used as a psychological variable to influence public opinion and does not offer interestingness and information. Therefore, satellite TV channels have assumed special attention towards their correspondents desiring to achieve scoop in news coverage and to have the final word in reading events and install it

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
The Pressing References towards Abstraction in Arab and Islamic Art
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The Arab Islamic art was best known as pure abstraction or realism distorted from what is natural. The two styles, or one of them, was the most prominent in the Islamic arts, such as decoration, photography and architecture. The analogy that was prevalent in the non-Islamic world did not have a presence equivalent the aforementioned styles despite the great openness to the cultures of different countries, which characterized that stage, which resulted from the Islamic conquests, the conversion of many people to the Islamic faith, and their migration to the Islamic cities at the time, bringing with them their arts and methods of formulation. This makes us question the influential references that invite the Arab Muslim artist to follow the

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Internet and its Applications in Spreading Rumors
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The study tries to answer several questions posed by the subject, one of the important: How the Internet promotes rumor? And what are the most Internet applications that promote rumor? And the practical ways to reduce these negative? Using the process of in vestige and reading theoretical heritage available in this field, and inferred the numbers and statistics marked the uses of the Internet and its applications over recent years, and the characteristics of each these tools in the field of collection, processing, and dissemination of information

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Turkish and Iranian attitudes toward Political changes in Middle East
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There are many developments in political, strategic aspects in the middle east either in
international field which represented by U.S.A as first polar in world or territorial field which
represent by Turkey and Iran, as territorial powers in the region, Turkish role is fit with
American position in order to draw new map of middle east, Turkey advocate new policy to
confirm its attitude in Euro peen Union and its relation with U.S.A.
Iran adopted policy of Expansion in Iraq, Yamen, Lebanon and Syria, in addition Iran
enlist all it efforts to develop its Nuclear program and enter Nuclear club which make Iran,
Super power in middle east and the world, each Turkey and Iran have certain attitudes toward
all political c

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Binding studies of lh in benign and malignant uterine tumors
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the sera levels of luteninizing hormone were investgaited prior tq surgery in 10 postmenopaisal women with benign and 10 postmenopausal women with maliganant healthy

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Media awareness and its role in building the student's personality
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The problem of the study crystallized in the following main question: What is the role of media awareness in building the student’s personality according to the opinions of a sample of middle school students? The importance of the research derives from the importance of media awareness being an important variable in building the student’s personality. The sample size was (50) students at Al-Kadhimiya Al-Sabahiya Preparatory School for Boys. In this research, a scale was used to measure the role of media awareness in building personality through (16) items on three axes (cognitive, skill, emotional), and the validity and reliability of this scale were extracted, and the results showed the following:


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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion Behavior of Copper and Carbon Steel in Acidic Media
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The corrosion behavior of copper and carbon steel in 1M concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) has been studied. The corrosion inhibition of copper and carbon steel in 1M concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) by Ciprofloxacin has been investigated. Specimens were exposed in the acidic media for 7 hours and corrosion rates evaluated by using the weight loss method. The effect of temperature (from 283 ºK to 333 ºK), pH (from 1to 6), inhibitor concentration (10-4 to 10-2) has been studied. It was observed that sulphuric acid environment was most corrosive to the metals because of its oxidizing nature, followed by hydrochloric acid. The rate of metal dissolution increased with incre

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