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His- Ventricle (HV) Interval And Syncope As Predictor For Pacemaker Implantation In Patients With Bifascicular Block (BFB)
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Transient drop in the heart beat or transient heart block (AVB) may be consider the main cause of syncope or presyncope inpatients with bifascicular block and syncope According to the Guidelines for cardiac pacing pacemaker consider part of treatment. Aims of our study were to evaluate whether there is role for EPS in patients BFB and to evaluate the symptoms after pacing. 42 patients were enrolled in this study, with mean age value (63.4± 12.2years), suffer from interventricular conductive defect and syncope; patients underwent EPS on admission time, and pacemaker implantation accordingly and programmed follow up for the device in the last four years. Our patients were 25 (59.5%) male and 17 (40.5%)female, all of them with syncope or presncope and good left ventricular systolic function and the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF ≥55%). Left bundle branch block was found in 28 (66.71%) patients, while right bundle branch block were found in,14 (33.3) of them, the result of the EPS was find the cut of HV interval for pacing which represent that that the threshold at level of 75 have a sensitivity of 91% and specificity of 80%. The greater HV intervals gave more successful results for pacing. Pacemaker was implanted in 27 (64.3%) of the patients, with significant relation between pacing and syncope disappeared after pacemaker implantation (p value 000) and in 15 (35.7%) no pacemaker was implanted with persistent symptoms. Pacing were more between patients with coronary artery disease and LBBB with abnormal EPS finding. Permanent pacemaker implantation can implant directly in those old patients with syncope and bifascicular block that associated with LBBB and coronaries artery diseases without or before EP study

Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Modeling of Oil Viscosity for Southern Iraqi Reservoirs using Neural Network Method
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The calculation of the oil density is more complex due to a wide range of pressuresand temperatures, which are always determined by specific conditions, pressure andtemperature. Therefore, the calculations that depend on oil components are moreaccurate and easier in finding such kind of requirements. The analyses of twenty liveoil samples are utilized. The three parameters Peng Robinson equation of state istuned to get match between measured and calculated oil viscosity. The Lohrenz-Bray-Clark (LBC) viscosity calculation technique is adopted to calculate the viscosity of oilfrom the given composition, pressure and temperature for 20 samples. The tunedequation of state is used to generate oil viscosity values for a range of temperatu

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Estimation of Minimum Miscibility Pressure for Hydrocarbon Gas Injection Based on EOS
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The important parameter used for determining the probable application of miscible displacement is the MMP (minimum miscibility pressure). In enhanced oil recovery, the injection of hydrocarbon gases can be a highly efficient method to improve the productivity of the well especially if miscibility developed through the displacement process. There are a lot of experiments for measuring the value of the miscibility pressure, but they are expensive and take a lot of time, so it's better to use the mathematical equations because of it inexpensive and fast. This study focused on calculating MMP required to inject hydrocarbon gases into two reservoirs namely Sadi and Tanomaa/ East Baghdad field. Modified Peng Robenson Equation of State was

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Test Engineering & Management
The Effects of Annealing on SnSe Thin Films for Solar Cells Applications
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The structure, optical, and electrical properties of SnSe and its application as photovoltaic device has been reported widely. The reasons for interest in SnSe due to the magnificent optoelectronic properties with other encouraging properties. The most applications that in this area are PV devices and batteries. In this study tin selenide structure, optical properties and surface morphology were investigated and studies. Thin-film of SnSe were deposit on p-Si substrates to establish a junction as solar cells. Different annealing temperatures (as prepared, 125,200, 275) °C effects on SnSe thin films were investigated. The structure properties of SnSe was studied through X-ray diffraction, and the results appears the increasing of the peaks

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
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2010 Ieee Symposium On Industrial Electronics And Applications (isiea)
Effectiveness of the cumulative vs. normal mode of operation for combinatorial testing
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
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Industrial Laboratory. Materials Diagnostics
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In medical practice, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Ibuprofen is a well-known NSAID, analgesic, and antipyretic medication. This chemical is an active ingredient of several oral medications that are offered in tablet, gel pellet, and syrup forms and has higher efficacy, tolerance, and side effect rates than other compounds, including pyrazolone derivatives. We present a unique plasma-assisted desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (PADI-MS) approach for improving pharmaceutically important solids using an ibuprofen tablet as a model solid sample. The goal of the study is to create an innovative mass spectrometric method that could be used for quick and accur

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Slot Design Procedure for a NACA 4412 at High Angle of Attack
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The main objective of the present work is to find a method increases the efficiency of the airfoil that is used for blade in wind turbine, wing in aircraft, propeller and helicopter (like NACA 4412). By overcoming the separation of flow at high angle of attacks, a slotted airfoil had been used and solved numerically through connecting the pressure side in the bottom surface with the suction side in the top surface of the airfoil to energize the separated flow. Slot exit, width and slope were considered as a parameters of slot configuration to determine the effective design of consideration. Reynolds number was taken as [1.6 x106 ] and the angle of attacks were ranged from (0o - 20o ). The numerical solution with Ansys Fluent commercial prog

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Investigation of Ozone Microbubbles for the Degradation of Methylene Orange Contaminated Wastewater
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   In the present study, semi – batch experiments were conducted to investigate the efficiency of ozone microbubbles (OMBs) in the treatment of aqueous dye solutions methylene orange under different reaction conditions such as  effect of initial solution pH , ozone generation rate and initial MO-concentration. The results showed that the removal of MO by OMBs were very high at the acidic and alkaline media and upon increasing the generation rate of ozone from 0.498 to 0.83 mg/s, the removal efficiency dramatically increased from 75to 100% within 15 min. The rate of oxidation reaction followed a pseudo first- order kinetic model. The results demonstrated that OMBs is efficient in terms of the decline of methylene orange c

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
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Life skills necessary for the teaching profession among secondary school chemistry teachers
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 06 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Applied Research
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Original Research Paper Mathematics 1-Introduction : In the light of the progress and rapid development of the applications of research in applications fields, the need to rely on scientific tools and cleaner for data processing has become a prominent role in the resolution of decisions in industrial and service institutions according to the real need of these methods to make them scientific methods to solve the problem Making decisions for the purpose of making the departments succeed in performing their planning and executive tasks. Therefore, we found it necessary to know the transport model in general and to use statistical methods to reach the optimal solution with the lowest possible costs in particular. And you know The Transportatio

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Varied Teaching Strategies on Learning Backstroke Swimming for Students
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