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Evaluation of Heavy Metals Pollution in the Sediments of Diyala River Lower Reaches, Eastern Iraq
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Investigating the heavy metals in soil is important to the life of humans and living organisms. Diyala River Lower Reaches was chosen due to the changes in environmental characteristics that took place in recent years. Twelve sediment samples were collected from four different sites. The physical, and chemical properties and the concentrations of nine heavy metals were indicated. The results showed that the average concentrations of arsenic, copper, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, and zinc are 8.5, 45.7, 538.5, 12.2, 5.07, 991.7, 183.5, 16.07, 136.5 ppm, respectively. They reflect contamination with arsenic, chromium, and nickel, while they are free of lead, and zinc contamination, according to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) sediment quality guidelines. The measured contamination indices (the enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (CF), degree of pollution (Cdeg), geographical accumulation index (Igeo), and pollution load index (PLI)), reflected high contamination factor for arsenic and chromium, and medium for manganese, nickel, lead, and zinc, while low for copper and cobalt. Based on all the results in all sampling sites indicate the presence of heavy element contamination in the sediments of the Diyala River Lower Reaches.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2000
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The present work initiated to eaIuate the efficiency of Al-Rustamivah sewage treatment plant
as reflected by the quality of final effluent that is thrown to Di ala river. Weekly samples of
wastewater and final effluent were collected between November 1994 and end of January
1995 and analyzed for different chemical and biological features. Results ha e inidicated that
Al-Rustamiyah sewage treatment plant could not be able efficiently to purify the raw sewage.
The mean values of suspended solids. BOD. COD Dichromate and Oil & grease effluents
were felt to pass standard limits (98.4. 92.8. 125.2 and 39.1 ppm. respectiel). The atherse
possible effects of pollution on Diuala equatic life hae been also discussed in res

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Measurement and Characterization of Natural Radioactive Contaminants and Industrial for the Sediments Diyala River Basin with Using Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
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    In this research, we have achieved the description of radionuclides that exist in the samples of Diyala river sediments as well as to measure the specific activities using gamma-ray spectroscopy. The eleven samples were collected among the length of Diyala River starting from Al- Rustumiya and finishing at the point where Diyala River meets Tigris which is in Baghdad.      Gamma-ray spectrometry system consists of high-purity germanium detector (HpGe) with 50% efficiency and resolution (2.2 keV) for the energy (1332 keV) was used for standard source 60Co.     Card spectrum analyzer connected to the PC type Pentium 4 was used to view the spectrum. And  rates of the speci

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the level of Some Heavy Metals in Tobacco of Domestic and Imported Cigarette Brands Used in Iraq
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Smoking-related diseases can be attributed to the inhalation of many different toxins, including heavy metals, which have a host of harmful health effects. The primary objective of this study was to determine whether local and imported cigarette brands used in Iraq , have they elevated levels of metals or not .Three metals Lead (Pb) , Cadmium (Cd) and Chromium(Cr) were determined in tobacco of seventeen brands of imported cigarettes commonly available in Iraq and three Iraqi domestic cigarettes , which were randomly taken from retail market in Baghdad by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The produced data of imported and local cigarette brands were discussed and compared together and with studies from elsewhere .The result

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The First Record of Two Species of Dactylogyrus (Monogenetic Trematodes) in Iraq From Diyala River Fishes, Diyala Province
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  Two species of monogenetic trematodes of the genus Dactylogyrus were recorded in the present paper for the first time in Iraq from two freshwater fishes from Diyala river, Diyala province. The first species,  D. bocageii Alvarez Pellitero, Vicente et Gonzalez Lanza, 1981 was recorded from gills of Aspius vorax, the second species, D. lenkorani Mikailov, 1967 was recorded from gills of Barbus sharpeyi. The descriptions and measurements of these parasites as well as their illustrations were given.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of Heavy Metals Concentration in Street, Storm and Suspended Dust in Al-Zafaraniya Area, Baghdad- Iraq
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The current study was applied in Al-Zafaraniya area southeast of the capital Baghdad from October 2021 to April 2022. This is to evaluate some heavy elements (Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Mn) in the street, storm, and suspended dust. Four sampling sites were selected, and codes A, B, C, and D were given to represent the industrial activity sites, service workshops, business activity, and residential areas.

        The results showed that the concentration rates of elements (Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn) in street dust samples were (1.15, 6.6, 60.15, 26770, 44.4, 6, 489.8). In storm dust (2, 10, 49.3, 54760, 24.3, 827.2) ppm, respectively, the results of suspended dust revealed that the general rates of element concentrations were (0.7

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Distribution Of Some Heavy Metals In Water,Sediment & Fish Cyprinus carpio in Euphrates River Near Al- Nassiriya City Center South Iraq .
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The heavy metals Cd, Cu, Fe, pb, and Zn were determined in dissolved and particulate phases of the water,in addition to exchangeable and residual phases of the sediment and in the selected organs of the fish Cyprinus carpio collected from the Euphrates River near Al-Nassiriya city center south of Iraq during the summer period / 2009 .Also sediment texture and total organic carbon(TOC) were measured. Analysis emploing a flam Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers . The mean regional concentrations of the heavy metals in dissolved (µg/l) and particulate phases (µg/gm) dry weight were Cd (0.15,16.13) ,Cu (0.59,24.48) ,Fe (726,909.4) ,Pb (0.20, 49.95) and Zn (2.5,35.62) respectively,and those for exchangeable and residual phases of the

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Heavy Metals Content in Simulated Solid Waste Food Compost
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Composting is one of the solid waste management (SWM) methods where the organic component decomposed biologically under controlled conditions. In this study, a 0.166 m3 bioreactor tank was designed to compose 59.2Kg of simulated common municipal solid food waste having a bulk density, organic matter, organic carbon, pH, nitrogen content, C/N and nitrification index (NH4-N/ NO3-N) of 536.62 kg/m3, 62.34%, 34.76%, 6.53, 1.86%, 23 and 0.34 respectively. The bioreactor operated aerobically for 30 days, and anaerobically for 70 days, until the end of the composting process. Results proved that the composting process could reduce the mass of the waste by 69%.  Nitrogen content,

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study for evidence of bacteria contamination in the southern part of the Diyala River / Iraq
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Were studied some bacteria evidence of pollution as well as the total number of live bacteria in the waters of the Diyala river and selected five stations within the 17 km final Diyala River before its mouth in the Tigris River was the first before the new bridge of the Diyala River about 4 km and the second after the mouth of the water purification plant Rustumiya suit inverselywith temperatures

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flood Management of Diyala River
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Diyala Governorate was recently exposed to high flood waves discharged from Hemrin Dam. Since the dam was at its full capacity during the flood period, these waves were discharged to the Diyala River. Because of the reduction in Diyala River capacity to 750m3/s, the cities and villages on both sides of the river banks were inundated. Thus, the study's objective is to design a flood escape out of the Diyala River, to discharge the flood wave through it. The flood escape simulation was done by using HEC- RAS software. Two hundred twenty-three cross sections for the escape and 30 cross-sections of the Diyala River were used as geometric data. Depending on the geological formation that the escape passed t

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University
Toxic Heavy Metals in Soil and Some Plants in Baghdad, Iraq
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